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Backup Slides. David Doll. Beyond SM theories. Mark Wise paper. BBU starting point and expansion. Look at 2.24 and 2.26 to see difference between kinetic and pole scheme in hep -ph/0607316. Former Analysis extended. Novosibirsk function: Argus function:. Source Babar doc. where:.
Backup Slides David Doll
BBU starting point and expansion • Look at 2.24 and 2.26 to see difference between kinetic and pole scheme in hep-ph/0607316
Former Analysis extended • Novosibirsk function: • Argus function: Source Babar doc where: m0 is peak position, σ is width, τ is tail parameter Source Phys. Lett. B 241, 278 (1990) where a and b are parameters to be fit
Y(3S) and Such Properties • Width = 20.5 +/- 2.5 MeV (hbar = 6.58 x 10^-16 eVs) • Liftime = 3.2 x 10 ^-23 s • BBbar decay > 96% of the time (PDG)
SVT Extended • Best angular information comes from inner points, not subject to multiple scattering. • Particles with p_t less than 100MeV/c don’t make the drift chamber, and only with p_t > 120 MeV/c is the drift chamber reliable. • Goal of 70% eff. In tracking information for 50-120 MeV/c particles • Coverage is between 20.1 and 150.2 degrees. • 5 Layers, double sided, inside (junction side) measures z, outside measures phi for first 3 layers, opposite for last 2. • ~150,000 channels • Inner 3 layers for measuring impact parameters, outer two for pattern recognition and low p_t tracking.
SVT Extended • dE/dx formula for charged particles (from infn): Bethe-Bloch formula MC simulation of SVT (source Babar doc).
DCH Extended • AUVAUVAUVA arrangement of the superlayers (10), each consisting of 4 layers. • Axial (A) and stereo (U,V) • 1.08%X0 at normal incidence • dE/dx from ionization loss
DIRC extended • Cherenkov Angle relation: • Forward end has a mirror to reflect forward propagating photons • Index of refraction for fused silica = 1.473
EMC extended • 15.8 to 141.8o polar angle coverage (90% CM coverage) • Energy resolution described empirically by: • where a represents fluctuations in photon statistics and electronic noise, and b, constant term, comes from non-uniformity in light collection, influence of material in front, and calibration uncertainty • Ultimately, a = 2.32% and b = 1.85% Radiation length, corresponding to the length for an electron to drop to 1/e it’s energy, or 7/9 the mean free path for pair production of a photon.
EMC Extended • Source photon for low energy calibration from the process: 19F + n →16N + α, 16N →16O* + β, 16O*→ 16O + γ
IFR Extended • 21 active detector layers in the barrel, 18 in the endcaps • Bakelite sheet bulk resistivity is 10^11 – 10^12 ohm cm • Gas: 56.7% Argon, 38.8% Freon 134a, and 4.5% isobutane • Graphite surfaces connected to ~8kV and ground.
IFR Extended • LST