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雙語詩 ☆ 朗誦 ☆ 繪畫 ☆ 雕塑 Bilingual poems / Reading Paintings ☆ Sculptures

THE ART WORLD of WILLIAM MARR. 雙語詩 ☆ 朗誦 ☆ 繪畫 ☆ 雕塑 Bilingual poems / Reading Paintings ☆ Sculptures. 非馬 藝術世界. (11). BITTER LOVE how many bitter dry days have chapped your face like that a bitter smile burst forth from your mouth this is my land and I am a birch

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雙語詩 ☆ 朗誦 ☆ 繪畫 ☆ 雕塑 Bilingual poems / Reading Paintings ☆ Sculptures

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  1. THE ART WORLD of WILLIAM MARR 雙語詩 ☆ 朗誦 ☆ 繪畫 ☆ 雕塑 Bilingual poems / Reading Paintings ☆ Sculptures 非馬 藝術世界 (11)

  2. BITTER LOVE how many bitter dry days have chapped your face like that a bitter smile burst forth from your mouth this is my land and I am a birch that can't live without 苦戀 多少個苦旱的日子 使你的臉龜裂如斯 你咧嘴苦澀地笑了 這是我的土地 而我是一株 離不開土地的白樺

  3. 再久遠的春天 一反芻 便綠 牛的嘴 經常 泛著白沫 COW chewing the cud can turn a long-lost spring green the older a cow gets the more frequently it foams at its mouth

  4. 鳥籠 打開 鳥籠的 門 讓鳥飛 走 把自由 還給 鳥 籠 BIRD CAGE open the cage let the bird fly away give the freedom back to the bird cage

  5. AT THE WATERFALL Deep in the mountain there are plenty of caves where one can sit in solitude and meditate Yet I stand here full of joy looking up at the waterfall as enlightened thoughts dart through the air like thousands of silvery horses 觀瀑 深山中 多的是幽洞玄天 可以獨坐 可以冥想 我卻仰頭站在這裡 滿懷喜悅 看萬馬奔騰的水壁 滔滔湧現 禪機

  6. 三月作品 往外看 往外看 往外看 金魚缸的凸眼 寂寞公寓的窗 MARCH POEM looking out looking out looking out the bulging eyes of fish bowls windows of lonely apartments

  7. AN EASTER SURPRISE lying magnificently in the nest the two blue eggs, still radiant with the mother's warmth must have been hidden by God to give children an Easter surprise yet I, no longer a child happen to find them the mother bird startled away by my intrusion is now standing on the grass watching my every move though knowing well the briefer a beauty is the more lasting it can become I still want another look but promise to let the mother get back to her nest before the warmth on the eggs dissipates completely 復活節的驚喜 靜靜躺在舒適的窩內 因母体的溫暖而更顯得 晶瑩奪目的 這兩顆鳥蛋 一定是上帝藏在那裡 給孩子們復活節的驚喜 卻讓既非信徒更非小孩的我 無意中發現 被我粗手粗腳嚇飛了的 母鳥 此刻正在不遠處的草地上 目不轉睛地監視著 我 明知越短暫的美 越可能永恒 我還是忍不住要多看它們幾眼 但我保證會讓母鳥 在卵面餘溫散盡之前 回到它的窩

  8. 有時他們不得不 狠下心來 把跛了腳的 心愛的馬 射殺 挺直腰幹 英姿勃勃的 騎士形象 不容破壞 HORSE they shoot a limping horse just to keep the cavalier’s image proud and erect

  9. 百花齊放 百家爭鳴 以為會聞到 春之氣息 興奮的狗 聞來聞去 卻只聞到 一股 歷史的 尿騷味 SPRING Let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend Hoping to smell the breath of spring excited hounds sniff here and there but smell only a light historic trail of stinking piss

  10. 遊芝加哥美術館 請勿觸摸 這冷冷的銅膚下 燃著 最原始的 太陽 AT CHICAGO ART INSTITUTE Please do not touch Underneath this cool-looking brassy skin a sun from the Big Bang still burns fiercely

  11. 黃山看日出 撲突一聲 一顆熟透了的 青春痘 從天空睡眼矇矓的臉上 迸了出來 我們齊聲歡呼 當我們在彼此燦亮的眼睛裡 看到面紅耳赤的宇宙少年 手足無措的 好笑模樣 WATCHING SUNRISE ON MOUNT HUANGSHAN we hear a pop and a mature pimple pops right out of the sleepy face of the sky we all cry out with joy when we see in each other's eyes the laughable youth of the universe face flushed at a loss what to do

  12. MENARCHE -- for a girl in a Chicago ghetto stumbling on a bumpy sidewalk a little girl was hit by a stray bullet blood gushed from her immature body her stiffening mouth had yet to ask questions of her wailing mother 初潮 ——給芝加哥黑人區的一個女孩 小女孩在路上被崎嶇絆了一跤 正巧碰上一顆呼嘯而過的流彈 紅色的血潮汩汩自她尚未成熟的身體湧出 漸僵的嘴還有話要問呼天搶地而來的母親

  13. 功夫茶 一仰而盡 三十多年的苦澀 不堪細啜 您卻笑著說 好茶 該慢慢品嘗 DRINKING TEA AT A FAMILY REUNION AFTER THIRTY LONG YEARS OF SEPARATION Down at one gulp how unbearable it would have been to taste drop by drop the cup of thirty bitter years You smile and say to me good tea should be sipped and savored

  14. 卡翠娜 有這樣美麗名字的女人 必然潑辣善舞 雙臂一舉 長裙輕輕一掀 便讓所有的人 如受催眠不知走避 無法辨別 是決堤的海水 或涌出我們眼睛的淚 洶洶滾滾 頃刻間淹沒了 一整座城 臭烘烘的水面上 有浮屍 或俯或仰 攤開雙手 問天 KATRINA with such a name of course she had to be a wild dancer a slight swing of her wide skirt instantly sent all watchers into a drunken stupor not able to escape nor to tell if what engulfed the city was water from the ruptured levees or tears from their eyes on the turbid water 's surface here and there were bloated bodies querying the sky with outstretched arms

  15. PHOTOGRAPH They kept enlarging his image until its every pore became a great hollow But before it could be put into the big frame of history Time, the critical old man already started the work of reduction step by step as he walked backward squinting at it from a distance 相片 他們把他的影像 放大了又放大 直到每一個毛孔 都成了 偉大的 空洞 還沒來得及裝入 歷史的巨框 嚴峻的時間老人 已在那裡歪頭覷眼 倒退著端詳 一步一步 將它 縮小 還 原

  16. JET-LAG Lying on my back I patiently wait for a pair of pondering eyes to rise before a window of sunset on the other side of the earth and to repel the wide-awake darkness that occupies the room 時差 躺在床上 耐心地 等 等地球那一頭 落日的窗口 一雙沉思的眼睛 幽幽抬起 頓時驅散了 我一房間 清醒的黑暗

  17. YOU AND ME I snatch the sweet dream from a smiling corner of your mouth you turn over murmuring something strange yet familiar it turns out to be my long lost childhood name 你我之歌 我從你漾著微笑的嘴邊 把甜夢攫走 你翻了個身 嘴里喃喃著 一個陌生又熟悉的 名字 竟是我那失散多年的 乳名

  18. FOOT AND SHOE A blistered foot squirms seeking compromise from the shoe 腳與鞋 起泡的 腳 扭曲著 向鞋子 覓求 妥協

  19. 詩集 我把你攤開的詩集 合攏了來 那首你用書簽標識的情詩 是詩人寫給 天下所有情人看的 我正醞釀一首 只給你 一個人 POETRY BOOK I closed the poetry book on the table the page you bookmarked was a love poem written for all lovers of the world the poem I am writing is just for you alone

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