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Community-Based Forestry in the United States

Community-Based Forestry in the United States. a report from the U.S. Endowment for Forestry & Communities. Community-Based Forestry in the United States. What is Community-Based Forestry?. What is CBF?. The management of forested landscapes for community benefit. What is CBF?.

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Community-Based Forestry in the United States

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Community-Based Forestryin theUnited States a report from the U.S. Endowment for Forestry & Communities

  2. Community-Based Forestryin theUnited States What is Community-Based Forestry?

  3. What is CBF? • The management of forested landscapes for community benefit.

  4. What is CBF? • "village-level forestry”Martel & Whyte, 1992

  5. What is CBF? • "Community forestry…reflect[s] Abraham Lincoln's view of democracy: government of the people, by the people, for the people." J. Burley, Oxford Forestry Institute

  6. What Does CBF Look Like? • Community organizing • Forest stewardship • Forest-related businesses • Community-owned forests: 4.5 million acres in 43 states

  7. CBF Around the World • Nearly ¼ of all people depend directly on forests for their livelihood • 25% of forests in the developing world are owned or managed by communities & indigenous peoples. • Communities invest more than $2.5 billion of their own money + labor in forests—more than twice the amount invested by international organizations.

  8. Core Values • Retention, restoration & management of forested ecosystems • Tenure rights & access to the benefits of forests

  9. Core Values • Equity in distribution of benefits & value streams from forests • Inclusive & participatory decision-making in management of forests

  10. Collaboration: The Foundation of CBF • Inspires creativity • Improves project design +outcomes • Helps leverage diverse financial and technical resources • Improves local governance • Lays foundation for more complex and larger-scale projects

  11. CBF Initiatives… • Integrate local livelihoods & sustainable forest management • Acknowledge that social & ecological goals are interconnected • Build on bonds to place

  12. CBF Initiatives… • Engage diverse groups • Enhance local capacity • Promote social and environmental health

  13. Reemergence in 1990s • Globalization • Changing forest policies & forest industry • Shifting land ownership patterns & demographics • Impacts of past forest management practices

  14. Results • Restoration & conservation of forest ecosystems • Access to benefits from public lands by forested communities • Acquisition of forestland by communities

  15. Results • Creation of value streams from forests • Strong infrastructure for forest-based economic activity • Common ground, civic capacity & policy frameworks

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