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Together We Can. Kari Brooks, Alexander James, Tony King, Amanda Kuster University of Central Arkansas Team Leader A. Kuster Studentaffairs.com 2013 Virtual Case Study Competition. Overview and Agenda. Overview
Together We Can Kari Brooks, Alexander James, Tony King, Amanda KusterUniversity of Central Arkansas Team Leader A. Kuster Studentaffairs.com 2013 Virtual Case Study Competition
Overview and Agenda • Overview • Convene to address the growing disconnect between Sunnyvale University and surrounding Community • Create and implement an action plan to bridge the disconnect • Agenda • Reasons for meeting • Plan of Action • Concerns • Research • Questions
Problem (Why) • Problem Statement • The relationship between Sunnyvale University and the community is beginning to rapidly deteriorate • Why is this a problem • Community and student relationship is vital because they live in the close vicinity and must have a symbiotic relationship in order to have a positive reputation of the institution and the community. • Why is this a problem • More effective and visible advocacy for community driven efforts to improve outcomes (such as educational attainment, economic development, violence prevention, and others) (Leiderman, Furco, Zapf, & Goss, 2003) • A benefit in a partnership with the community would be “growth in college student understanding and potential for informed citizenship” (Leiderman, Furco, Zapf, & Goss, 2003) i.e. taking pride in the community they live in and not vandalising it • Access to people (administrators, staff, faculty) who can serve on boards of community organizations or participate meaningfully on community planning (Leiderman, Furco, Zapf, & Goss, 2003) i.e. us the Community Action Committee and partnered faculty and staff • Access to programs that bring community members and youth on campus for residential or nonresidential skill building or leadership training (Leiderman, Furco, Zapf, & Goss, 2003) i.eSunnyvalle “Make a Difference Day”
Action Plan • Community Partnership • Create a tradition • Build networking opportunities • Alternative University and Community Activities
Implementation of Plan • Bring the community to the campus and the campus to the community in a positive manner. • Annual Traditional Event • Alternative Route • Community Building/Networking
Creating a Tradition • Consist of One Day with two events • Make a Difference Day during the day • A Celebration of neighbors helping neighbors. A chance for the community and members of Sunnyvalle University to come together to make a difference and take pride in their community. • Sunnyvalle Daze in the late afternoon/evening. • Hosted by Sunnyvalle University. A chance for area businesses to advertise what is in the community. Offering discounts, samples, and information to attendees who are from the university and community.
Building a Network • Internship Service • Creation of online server • Businesses from the community will invite students for internship opportunities • Contact information can be exchanged between parties • Students will be encouraged to talk to future employers at SunnyDaze
Alternative Activities • Goal of these events • To provide alternative and frequent events for students to remove them from disrupting the community. • I.e. Walking through private property. • On-campus activities that will provide a different venue for social events; • I.e. Alternative to bars downtown • Implement a Student Safe Walk Program • Program in which students accompany fellow peers along a designated route from the bars to avoid disturbing the community
Social Media • Use of Hashtags • Twitter, Instragramand Facebook • Use of social media • Not only to relate to and connect our current college students as well as alumni to the surrounding community • Opportunity to informally assess events such: • Make a Difference Day and Sunnyvale Days • Students and community members have the opportunity to post/tweet/snapshot their favorite events/activities/services • Service they may have been a part of • Favorite vendor they met
Concerns • Lack of funding and support • With all of the events that we have planned, money will be needed to advertise, promote, and produce events like Sunnyvale Daze • Time • Making sure to implement these events within reasonable time line that can fit within the academic year • Tension • Community and Students having different ways of implementing programs that we are suggesting • Participation • Lack of interest by community and students in the initial start of these programs.
Relevant Theories • Kohlberg’s theory of moral development states that there are “two factors that contribute to moral stage: exposure to higher-stage thinking and equilibrium” (Evans, 2010, p. 102). • Rest’s shema: “personal interest schema puts focus on the self and recognizes some awareness of the others in making moral decisions” (Evens, 2010, p. 106)
Theory Application • Kohlberg’s theory-the community service learning project will help expose students to community issues, and to learn how valuable efforts towards their community, outside of the university, can make difference to those community members. • Rest’s Shema-Recognizing others will be from the exposure to Make a Difference Day, and other on campus events. Students will learn about themselves in the process of helping rebuild parts of the community.
Video links • http://youtu.be/SAOcvwHzIUU
Reference • Evans, N. J., Forney, D. S., & Guido-DiBrito, F. (2010). Student development in college: Theory, research, and practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. • Leiderman, S., Furco, A., Zapf, J., & Goss, M. (2003). Building partnerships with college campuses: Community perspectives. A Publication of the Consortium for the Advancement of Private Higher Education’s Engaging Communities and Campuses Grant Program. Washington, DC: The Council of Independent Colleges