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Term Projet 1 Commercials / advertisements. Please watch and listen to the following TV commercial. Shamwow. Please comment on this TV commercial : When would this commercial air ? What time of day ? This TV commercial would most likely air during daytime television .
Term Projet 1Commercials / advertisements Pleasewatch and listen to the following TV commercial.
Shamwow Please comment on this TV commercial : Whenwouldthis commercial air ? What time of day ? This TV commercial wouldmostlikely air duringdaytimetelevision. Whois the target population ? The target population canbehomeowners, office workers, parents, collegestudents or anyonewhomightneed to clean a room. Whenwould the worst time to air this TV commercial ? I wouldsaythat a bad time wouldbeduring a televisedsportingevent, since the target population couldbeskewed. Whatis the product or service ? There trying to promote a cleaningtowel. Whatneed are theytargetting? There targettingourneed to have a clean house, a clean room or a clean office space. What style are theyusing to makeitinteresting ? (humour, fantasy, narrative, ) They are using a persuasive style of voice.
McDONALD’Sinc. • Please comment on this TV commercial : • Whenwouldthis commercial air ? What time of day ? • This TV commercial wouldmostlikely air duringlateafternoon and Saturday mornings. Also, itmight air duringchildren’s TV shows. • Whois the target population ? • The target population canbechildren of all agessincethey use manycolorfulcharacters and pleasantmusic. • Whenwould the worst time to air this TV commercial ? • I wouldsaythat a bad time wouldbeduring a nightly news or during a variousadultweekday night sit-comsbetween 8pm and 10pm. • Whatis the product or service ? • There trying to promoteall of Mc Donald’sfoodproducts. • Whatneed are theytargetting ? • There targettingourneedto eat. • What style are theyusing to makeitinteresting ? (humour, fantasy, narrative, ) • They are using a cheerfulcharacters to attract the younger audience.
Whistler (BC, Canada) • Please comment on thismagazine advertisement: • Wherewouldyouseethis ad? Whatkind of magazines ? • Whois the target population ? • Whatis the product or service ? • Whatneed are theytargetting ? • What style are theyusing to makeitinteresting ? (humour, fantasy, )
Guidelines • Due Date : Friday NOVEMBER 7th, 2009 • Part A : You must createyourownTV commercial on video and newspaper or magazine advertisementand show the class. • You must invent a product and presentit in 2 differentways. • (1) TV commercial : You must presentthiseither in person or by video. • (2) Newspaper or Magazine Ad. : You must create a logo and a slogan for yourproduct and make up an advertisement. • Part B : You must comment your commercial using the questions seenearlier as guide. (hand-out) • This is a group mark but everyone must contribute. If a memberchooses not to participate, thiswillbetakenintoaccount for his/herindividual mark. • Tuesday Nov. 3rd – English class in Comp. Lab. • Wednesday Nov. 4th – Takeyour kids to workday.