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Bamboo Flooring Cost

If you purchase bamboo flooring from an online retailer such as Trinitybamboo.com, your Bamboo Flooring Cost can be very low because online retailers cut out the “middle-man” and sell-direct to consumers.

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Bamboo Flooring Cost

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bamboo Flooring ChooseBamboo Flooringfor a sustainable, durable, and cost-effective alternative to other flooring materials.

  2. Solid Bamboo Flooring Solid Bamboo Flooring is perfect for high-end nail-down or glue-down installations on or above grade (ground level).

  3. Engineered Bamboo Flooring Engineered Bamboo Flooringis an ideal option if you are installing below grade (below ground level) or installing a floor over concrete or radiant heating systems.

  4. Contact Us Address:- Trinity Bamboo, LLC1030 Cherry Ave NE | Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 USA Web:-www.trinitybamboo.com


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