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Interstitial Lung disease ppt pdf

"Understand what is interstitial lung disease, its symptoms, causes and what is the best treatment for ILD. Read more on https://respirehab.com/interstitial-lung-disease-ild/<br>#interstitiallungdisease #interstitial #pulmonary #respiratorycare #lunghealth #respiratorytherapy #ReLiva #Physiotherapy #Healthcare #RespiRehab

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Presentation Transcript

  1. INTERSTITIAL LUNG DISEASE (ILD) This presentation is meant for educating people about ILD, its Symptoms and Treatment www.respirehab.com

  2. What is ILD? Interstitial Lung Disease 2

  3. » ILD occurs when an injury to the lungs triggers an abnormal healing response, resulting in scarring of the lung tissue » The inflammation, scarring or build up of fluid in the tissues surrounding the alveoli (interstitium), stiffens the lungs making it difficultto breathe 3

  4. Inflammation + Scarring + Fluid build-up = Difficulty Breathing 4

  5. Interstitial Lung Disease Symptoms 5

  6. Common symptoms of ILD » Fatigue » Weight loss » Shortness of breath » Dry, pestering cough » Acute pneumonia Note: ILD symptoms are progressive in nature. See your doctor immediately. 6

  7. Interstitial Lung Disease Treatment 7

  8. » ILD is a progressive condition, meaning it will worsen over time if left intreated » It’s important to receive a diagnosis and start your treatment plan as soon as possible » Interstitial lung disease treatments are aimed at improving symptoms and slowing interstitial lung disease progression » How to treat interstitial lung disease will depend upon the cause of the interstitial disease and the health status of the patient 8

  9. ILD treatment options » Medication: Drugs to reduce inflammation in the lungs and/or to suppress the immune system thus slowing the disease progression. Some medications are only appropriate for certain forms of ILD and not others » Oxygen Therapy can make breathing easier and protect the body from the damages of low blood oxygen levels 9

  10. ILD treatment options (contd.) » Pulmonary Rehabilitation is recommended for techniques to improve lung efficiency making it easier to manage routine activities, work, and outings or social activities that you enjoy. Early initiation of therapy helps gain more control over the disease progression » Lung Transplant: In severe cases a lung transplant may be suggested for those who haven’t benefitted from conservative management 10

  11. What is the best treatment for Interstitial Lung Disease? 11

  12. Pulmonary Rehabilitation and ILDs ✓ Research study shows, Pulmonary Rehabilitation can have a beneficial impact on their quality of life and symptom palliation ✓ A pulmonary rehabilitation program is recommended for all patients with ILD. Medical research says that pulmonary rehabilitation has shown beneficial effects on dyspnoea, functional exercise capacity and quality of life in IPF 12

  13. Goal of pulmonary rehabilitation is to improve quality of life by: ✓ decreasing complications ✓ encouraging self-management and control over daily functioning ✓ improving physical conditioning and exercise performance ✓ improving emotional well-being and reducing hospitalization respiratory symptoms and 13

  14. Pulmonary Rehabilitation for ILD: What to expect? 14

  15. RespiRehab Offering: » Uniquely tailored to each patient, pulmonary rehabilitation offers an evidence-based approach for improving the psychological and physical condition of the patient » 6-12 weeks of therapy is generally recommended to improve symptoms of shortness of breath, muscle fatigue and increase exercise abilities 15

  16. RespiRehab Offering: » Pulmonary rehabilitation program includes • education • exercise conditioning • breathing techniques • energy saving techniques • respiratory therapy evaluation and counselling • dietary advice, if required » An exercise program is designed after a thorough initial assessment of the patient’s current condition and goals. Sessions are held thrice a week or bi-weekly and new goals are set for every session based on the patient’s progress 16

  17. Breathe Better with RespiRehab Pulmonary Rehabilitation www.respirehab.com 17

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