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Best Criminal Lawyer in Virginia Beach

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Best Criminal Lawyer in Virginia Beach

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  1. About Us: At 757 Defense, we are committed to providing exceptional legal representation for clients who are facing criminal charges in Virginia Beach and its surrounding areas. Our team of highly experienced and knowledgeable Criminal Lawyers has been recognized as the Best Criminal Lawyer in Virginia Beach. We have a deep understanding of the intricacies of the legal system and are dedicated to safeguarding the rights and interests of our clients. Regardless of whether you are facing a misdemeanor or felony charge, we possess the necessary skills and expertise to help you achieve the best possible outcome for your case. We take pride in offering customized attention and vigorous advocacy to every client,

  2. ensuring that you receive the best possible legal assistance. You can trust us to be your reliable partner in the pursuit of justice. Virginia criminal laws Virginia criminal law encompasses a wide range of offenses, from minor misdemeanors to serious felonies. The criminal justice system in Virginia is designed to punish offenders while also protecting the rights of the accused. Here is an overview of some key aspects of Virginia criminal law. Types of Crimes: There are several types of crimes under Virginia law, including misdemeanors and felonies. Misdemeanors are less serious crimes, punishable by up to 12 months in jail and/or a fine of up to $2,500. Examples of misdemeanors include petty larceny

  3. (theft of property worth less than $500), assault and battery, and disorderly conduct. Felonies, on the other hand, are more serious crimes and carry harsher penalties. These crimes are punishable by a minimum of one year in prison and can result in life imprisonment or even the death penalty. Examples of felonies in Virginia include murder, robbery, and grand larceny (theft of property worth more than $500). Criminal Process: The criminal process in Virginia typically begins with an arrest. Once a person is arrested, they are taken into custody and brought before a magistrate or judge for an initial hearing. At this hearing, the judge will determine whether there is probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed and whether the accused should be released on bail. If the case proceeds, the next step is the arraignment, where the accused is formally charged and enters a plea of guilty or not guilty. If the accused pleads guilty, the case proceeds directly to sentencing. If the accused pleads not guilty, the case will go to trial. In Virginia, most criminal cases are tried in the General District Court, which is the lower court in the state's two-tiered trial court system. If the accused is found guilty in the General District Court, they may appeal to the Circuit Court for a new trial. Defenses:

  4. Defendants in Virginia criminal cases have several defenses available to them. One of the most common defenses is self-defense, which applies when a person reasonably believes that they are in imminent danger of bodily harm and use force to defend themselves. Other defenses include duress, where a person commits a crime because they were forced to do so, and insanity, where a person is not criminally responsible for their actions due to a mental illness. Sentencing: If a defendant is found guilty of a crime in Virginia, the judge will impose a sentence based on the severity of the offense and other factors, such as the defendant's criminal history. In Virginia, judges have a wide range of sentencing options, including fines, probation, community service, and imprisonment. For some offenses, such as drug possession, Virginia law requires judges to impose mandatory minimum sentences. For example, possession of a certain amount of cocaine carries a mandatory minimum sentence of five years in prison. Appeals: Defendants who are found guilty of a crime in Virginia have the right to appeal their conviction to a higher court. The first level of appeal is to the Circuit Court, where the case will be retried. If the defendant is still not satisfied with the result, they can appeal to the Virginia Court of Appeals or the Virginia Supreme Court. Conclusion:

  5. In conclusion, Virginia criminal law is complex and involves a wide range of offenses, procedures, and penalties. If you have been accused of a crime in Virginia, it's important to consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney who can guide you through the criminal justice system and help you achieve the best possible outcome. An attorney can advise you on your legal rights and defenses, negotiate with prosecutors, and represent you in court if necessary. By working with a skilled lawyer, you can ensure that your rights are protected and your interests are represented throughout the criminal process. Contact Us: Website: www.757defense.com Phone No.: (757) 907-9075 Email: 757defense@Gmail.Com

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