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UNIT 3 : The clause complex as a combination of clauses and process configurations Prof. Cecilia Torres. hypotaxis. TAXIS. idea. parataxis. projection. LOGICO SEMANTIC TYPE. locution. CLAUSE. elaboration. expansion. extension.
UNIT 3:The clause complex as a combination of clauses and process configurations Prof. Cecilia Torres
hypotaxis TAXIS idea parataxis projection LOGICO SEMANTIC TYPE locution CLAUSE elaboration expansion extension enhancement
TWO WAYS OF EXPANDING THE MESSAGE PARATAXIS We refer to clauses as being initiating or continuing. HYPOTAXIS We refer to clauses as being ‘dominant’ or ‘dependent’ CLAUSE COMPLEX
PARATAXIS HYPOTAXIS Relation between clauses of unequal grammatical status Relation between clauses of equal grammatical status dominant Dependent/Hypotactic
It refers to the dependency status of clauses in a complex TAXIS system of interdependency
PARATAXIS • one clause follows on from another. 1. JUXTAPOSITION 2. COORDINATION 3. LINKING BY CONJUNCTIONS LIKE “SO” OR “YET” • Representedby cardinal numbers • 1,2,3…
The analysis 1 She is Lisa ; she is my best friend. 2 1 She is Lisa and she is my best friend. 2 1 She is my best friend so I consider her my ‘sister’. 2
HYPOTAXIS • one clause depends on another. • RepresentedbyGreekletters: • dominantclause • b d e... hypotacticclause
The analysis b Since she is my best friend, a I love spending time with her. a Lisa shows me her friendship b by always giving me he support. b Going home, a I met Lisa. a Lisa has to study hard b if she wants to pass the exam.
PARATAXIS Tom is an astrophysicist; he works at the CERN in Geneva. I have bought some beautiful tapestries and you’ll love them. There was no moon that night so, they took the wrong turning. HYPOTAXIS Since you have come after all, Why don’t you sit down? She stood there cooking meals from dawn to dusk. The Wilsons didn’t come to the party, which made John rather indignant EXAMPLES OF TAXIS
LOGICO-SEMANTIC RELATIONS They represent the way the speaker sees the connections to be made between one clause and another.
EXPANSION It links processes by providing additional information
ELABORATION In an elaborating complex an initial clause is restated, exemplified or further specified by another.
ELABORATION Four types of relationship are involved : • specifying in greater detail • restatement • exemplification • comment
ELABORATION The second clause is a sort of paraphrase or afterthought of the first. You can think of Elaboration as the “that is to say” relationship. This stew is awful, = it’s too salty She came to the meeting with her dog,=which surprised everybody
EXTENSION This extends the meaning of one clause by adding something new. The second clause adds a new, but related meaning to the first. It involves “and”, “but” and “or”.
EXTENSION Extension is less frequently realised in combination with hypotaxis. Typical hypotactic linkers are: while, whereas, without, instead of , rather than, except for, apart from, as well as, besides .
EXTENSION It is marked by a + sign I play a French horn+ and my sister plays oboe I could practise this evening+ or I could lazily watch TV
ENHANCEMENT The meanings included as enhancement are those of time, place, manner, cause, concession and condition. Enhancement is most frequently found in combination with hypotaxis, although paratactic links with ‘so’ and ‘and then’ are common.
ENHANCEMENT It is marked through an x sign I lectured all day,x then, I went to rehearsal We didn’t have rehearsal on Mondayxbecause it was a public holiday
parataxis 1 2 3… TAXIS hypotaxis a b d e… TO SUM UP elaboration = LOGICO Expansion extension + SEMANTIC enhancement x RELATIONS Projection
PRACTICE Apply the syntactic and L-S analysis to the following clause complexes. 1.If it’s in your family, you must consult a doctor or you will endanger future generations. A I x b If it’s in your family, II a 1 You must consult a doctor, III + 2 or you will endanger future generations.
1.- Subsequently released, he escaped to England. 2.- Secure the clamp plate to cylinder block and connect the LT and HT leads to coil and plugs. 3.- The high-tension (HT) cables should be kept clean by wiping them periodically with a petrol soaked cloth. 4.- Jogging is bad for you; it jars your spine and damages your feet when you run on a hard surface which can be a problem for life.
PROJECTION It links clauses by having one process projected through another either by quoting or reporting. It occurs through Mental and Verbal processes. LOCUTIONS occur after verbal processes. IDEAS occur after mental processes
A projected locution is marked with “ The conductor said: “ the next concert is in July A projected idea is marked with ‘ I thought‘ that the next concert was in July
The babysitter said “don’t make a noise when you come in tonight” A I II III 1 “2 a xb B I II “1 ” Toxic algae is poisoning our drinking water”, health experts warned yesterday. 2 C I II III a Water companies claim that there is no threat to public health once drinking supplies have been filtered. “b a xb
parataxis 1 2 3… TAXIS hypotaxis a b d e… elaboration = LOGICO Expansion extension + SEMANTIC enhancement x RELATIONS locutions “ Projection ideas ‘ TO SUM UP
PRACTICE • ‘I’m sorry to interrupt you in this vital discussion,’ said Annie. • They asked if they could state their case, which was quite a straightforward one but the director just said, “you’ll have to ask John; he’s the boss. • Notices, which warn water-sports enthusiasts of the danger, have been already posted at most of the reservoirs. They have also been posted at 78 other lakes and rivers. • 4. ‘Won’t you sit down for a minute?’ Annie said to the official. • 5. Fiona asked Geoffrey why he wasn’t wearing a sports jacket