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The Virginia Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church

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The Virginia Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church

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  1. Welcome to the self-guided overview ofthe Virginia Annual Conference’s initiative,All Things New – Equipping Vital Congregations.To view this overview and get more detail about the initiative, simply advance through this PowerPoint presentation at your own pace.Each green slide is a narration for the slide that follows.

  2. The Virginia Annual Conferenceof The United Methodist Church All Things New – EQUIPPING Vital Congregations Helping congregations faithfully respond to Jesus’ call to make disciples by connecting and equipping church leaders.

  3. The United Methodist Church’s Council of Bishops has made a commitment to refocus United Methodists on the mission of the Church.

  4. The United Methodist Church The mission of the Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world ¶120, Book of Discipline

  5. The Council of Bishops has affirmed that when local congregations are vital, they fulfill the Great Commission.“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” - Matthew 28:19-20a

  6. The United Methodist Church The mission of the Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world Local churches provide the most significant arena through which disciple-making occurs. ¶120, Book of Discipline

  7. The Council of Bishops issued a Call to Action in 2011 in response to research that indicated a lack of measures and accountability withinThe United Methodist Church.The ultimate goal of the Call to Action is to help congregations faithfully respond to Jesus’ call to make disciples.

  8. The United Methodist Church From The Council of Bishops “The Call to Action report said that The United Methodist Church is adverse to metrics. We do not like to set goals and account for our progress toward the goals. The bishops and other church leaders recognize that our primary concern is souls not numbers. Metrics and numbers do not tell the whole story, but numbers do represent souls. When our numbers are declining, we are reaching fewer souls, and we are reducing our capacity to reach new souls for Jesus Christ and transform the world. When we do not set goals, we are susceptible to continuing to do the same things that are not working. Goals help us not only to measure outcomes but also to evaluate the effectiveness of ministries and strategies.”

  9. Following are the goals that are being prayerfully implemented throughout The United Methodist Church to hold us accountable for putting action plans into place to meet those goals.These goals collectively are considered to be the hallmarks of “Vital Congregations” that equip and empower people to be disciples of Jesus Christ.They are appropriately called “Vital Signs.”

  10. Discipline of Discipleship Measurement Disciples worship Worship attendance Disciples engage in growing their faith Number of small groups Disciples make new Disciples Number of professions of faith Disciples engage in mission Number participating in outreach Disciples give to mission Amount of money given to mission Set Goals and Measure Progress

  11. Each Annual Conference is free to determinethe best approach for implementing Vital Congregations in that specific conference.

  12. The Virginia Annual Conference began discerning best approach in 2011

  13. Conference leadership had a choice- implement ‘yet another program’or find a new path that would lead to transformational change and create a culture of trust and collaboration.

  14. Incremental change Transformational change Implement Vital Congregations as “one more program” Churches independently report Vital Signs data Data becomes public All else remains the same Strategically create a systemic approach for spirituality, collaboration and data Spirituality is core focus Culture of collaboration is enabled and expected Data is automated and becomes information can create a culture of JUDGMENT can create a culture of IMPROVEMENT

  15. In order to lead this movement,Bishop Kammerer formed a steering team with representation from Cabinet, Common Table and Conference Staff.This team was named The Bishop’s Steering Team and a clear objective was assigned.

  16. Bishop’s Steering Team Members Bishop Cho Brenda Biler Marc Brown Shirley Cauffman Larry Davies, Chair Warren Harper Tom Joyce Mark Ogren Brandon Robbins Lydia Rodriguez Colon Martha Stokes Bishop’s Steering Team Bishop and Cabinet Common Table Objective Discern, organize, design and resource the implementation of a systemic response to the Vital Congregations initiative resulting in a teaching and learning environment which renews and dramatically increases the fruitfulness of the churches in the Virginia Annual Conference.

  17. The Bishop’s Steering Team first prayerfully discerned the characteristics of a culture of improvement.In other words, if our clergy and lay leaders across the conference worked together in these ways, we would be even more effective at our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ of the transformation of the world.

  18. Characteristics of Culture of Improvement • Ever increasing spiritual vitality • High trust levels • Connected lines of communication • Vast clergy-lay collaboration • Constant church to church collaboration • Free flow of data • Maximum accountability for results • Sense of accomplishment

  19. An initial response for implementing Vital Congregations was already underway.This phase focused on educating churches on how to participate in goal-setting and data reporting.

  20. Initial Response INITIAL Response for Vital Congregations Information Sessions and Work Groups Goal Setting Training Events Congregational Goals Developed and Entered Began Entering Congregational Data

  21. While churches were seeing the initial response, the Bishop’s Steering Team was engaged in discerning prayer and conversation.Their purpose was to create a systemic response to guide our conference toward a more biblicaland spiritual approach for equipping vital congregations.

  22. Initial Response Systemic Response INITIAL Response for Vital Congregations Information Sessions and Work Groups Bishop’s Steering Team established Goal Setting Training Events Plan developed for systemic response Congregational Goals Developed and Entered SYSTEMIC Response For Vital Congregations Leadership Summit Formed 7 work teams with objectives for each Began Entering Congregational Data Recruited work team members and meetings began

  23. For strategic guidance, the Bishop’s Steering Team looked to All Things New.As you may recall, there are several components to All Things New. “Invitation to Plant” – begin new faith communities“Invitation to Harvest” – renew existing congregations through leadership development

  24. Changing the culture of the Virginia Conference Invitation to Plant Invitation to Harvest Leadership Development

  25. The movement to implement Vital Congregations in a transformational way was named . . .

  26. Changing the culture of the Virginia Conference Invitation to Plant Invitation to Harvest Leadership Development All Things New – EQUIPPING Vital Congregations

  27. The Bishop’s Steering Team discerned that a broad base of participation would be the best way to design a truly transformational approach.Seven work teams were formed to study and formulate a transformational, systemic response.

  28. All Things New – Equipping Vital Congregations Initiative Organization Work Team Prayer Work Team Discipleship Circle Design Work Team Communications Bishop and Cabinet Bishop’s Steering Team Common Table Work Team Date Re-ordering and Automation Work Team District Processes Work Team Discipleship Circle Implementation and Resourcing Work Team Boards and Agencies Heads

  29. Work team members were prayerfully discerned and recruited.They are both clergy and lay, from all size churches and from across the conference.

  30. All Things New – Equipping Vital Congregations Initiative Organization More than 75 people involved . . . . . . from across the Conference.

  31. The Bishop’s Steering Team believes that in order to equip our churches to more effectively make disciples, we need something in place that helps leaders (clergy and lay together) be more effective leaders of their own churches and an organized way for our churches to work more effectively together.

  32. Here is a ‘picture’ of this new approach.The focus is on CONNECTION; Connecting clergy and lay. Connecting church to church. Connecting ideas and data.This is what the work teams have been asked to design and implement.

  33. Building and Leading a Culture of Improvement 1 Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world Design, Organize and Implement Discipleship Circles Establish Ongoing Process Leadership Determine Discipleship Circle participation and disciplines Establish class meeting-like approach Focus on spiritual vitality, relationship, collaboration and accountability Strengthens leadership skills. Fosters environment of trust. Gets clergy and lay leaders working together. Spiritual Vitality-Relationship-Collaboration-Accountability Inventory, Re-Order and House Data 2 Develop database to house data which is entered in real time Eliminate unnecessary reporting Establish automatic reporting from database Discipleship Circles have fact-based discussions based on data Members take learnings back to churches for continuous improvement No more paper reports. No more unnecessary reports. More accurate and relevant data. Discipleship Circles Database 3 VITAL CONGREGATIONS District Superintendents own and lead processes Conference staff facilitates processes Boards and Agencies support and equip clergy and lay leadership Roles of various entities are clear. All can participate fully toward overall success. Churches become more fruitful.

  34. Each work team was given specific objectives to get this approach designed and implemented.The Prayer Team was first to be established. They have continuously covered the entire process in prayer.

  35. Work Team Prayer Objective Cover the All Things New – Equipping Vital Congregations initiative with prayer. Establish a conference-wide intercession for God’s guidance, blessing and will to be done. Pray for the work teams. Pray for the resources to make it happen. Pray for an outcome aligned with God’s will. Pray for our increased effectiveness at making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Team Members Kim Barker-Brugman Dan Dietze Paul Greer Johnnie Morris Bob Parks, Chair Mary Jane Rawley Larry Tubbs

  36. The Prayer Team meets monthly to pray for all of the work teams. In addition, whenever the other work teams meet, the Prayer Team offers prayer for those meetings.Prayer partners have been established between the members of the Prayer Team and the chairs of other work teams.Two important guides were created by the Prayer Team.

  37. 1 Guide for 30 minutes of devotion and prayer to start every team meeting Each team uses this as a guide at every meeting. Click on this link to access the guide*. http://www.vaumc.org/ncfilerepository/ATN/ATN-EVCWorkTeamPrayerGuide.pdf Feel free to use this guide at your church meetings! *Please note that you must be in ‘presentation mode’ for the links to be active

  38. 1 Guide for 30 minutes of devotion and prayer to start every team meeting Each team uses this as a guide at every meeting. Click on this link to access the guide*. http://www.vaumc.org/ncfilerepository/ATN/ATN-EVCWorkTeamPrayerGuide.pdf Feel free to use this guide at your church meetings! 2 31-Day Devotional Recruited devotion writers from across the conference. Includes prayers for the All Things New - Equipping Vital Congregations movement Click on this link to access the Devotional*. http://www.vaumc.org/ncfilerepository/ATN/EVCDevotional.pdf Feel free to engage the Devotional on a personal basis and/or at your church! *Please note that you must be in ‘presentation mode’ for the links to be active

  39. The Prayer Team invites you and all interested persons to join them in these monthly prayer opportunities.Join them in person or join them in spirit.

  40. All Things New – Equipping Vital Congregations Time of Devotion, Prayer and Communion Once each month (see dates below) From 10:00 am until 11:30 am At the Virginia Conference Center 10330 Staples Mill Road, Richmond Dates Tuesday, July 9 Tuesday, August 13 Tuesday, September 3 Tuesday, October 8 Tuesday, November 5 Tuesday, December 3

  41. The Discipleship Circle Design Team

  42. Work Team Discipleship Circle Design Objective Develop a comprehensive, systemic approach for church-to-church collaboration. The planning will encompass overall design, participant grouping, group covenants, group disciplines and the usage of data. Culture of collaboration, trust and continuous improvement will be developed. Churches in the conference will consistently become more effective at making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Team Members David Canada Beth Christian Alan Combs Tammy Estep Pat Inge Ron Litten Rachel May, Chair Tom Nealley Martha Reynolds Martha Stokes Larry Thompson Ed Walker Harold White Clark Williams

  43. The Discipleship Circle Design Team has developed an approach for Discipleship Circles that will make them a place where . . .

  44. Discipleship Circles a place where . . . Each participant is first attentive to his/her relationship with God. Discipleship Circle disciplines focus on personal spiritual development and vitality Participants are committed to developing relationship with each other - resulting in shared trust. Discipleship Circle disciplines facilitate relationship development True Collaboration and Mutual Learning Effectiveness (Fruitfulness) Participants utilize data to inform reality. They work together and openly share experiences to help each other become more effective leaders in the church. Discipleship Circle disciplines create mandate for true collaboration. Personal Spiritual Vitality Relationship and Trust The outcome of spiritual vitality, relationship formation and collaboration is increased fruitfulness of the WHOLE.

  45. As with every team effort, Discipleship Circles will focus first onrelationship – relationship with God andrelationship with each other. Once trust begins to develop, the members can then focus on tasks – effectively collaborating and sharing ideas.

  46. Discipleship Circles a place where . . . Each participant is first attentive to his/her relationship with God. Discipleship Circle disciplines focus on personal spiritual development and vitality RELATIONSHIP Participants are committed to developing relationship with each other - resulting in shared trust. Discipleship Circle disciplines facilitate relationship development True Collaboration and Mutual Learning Effectiveness (Fruitfulness) Participants utilize data to inform reality. They work together and openly share experiences to help each other become more effective leaders in the church. Discipleship Circle disciplines create mandate for true collaboration. Personal Spiritual Vitality Relationship and Trust TASK The outcome of spiritual vitality, relationship formation and collaboration is increased fruitfulness of the WHOLE. OUTCOME

  47. What are Discipleship Circles?

  48. Discipleship Circles For church leaders (clergy and lay) who want to collaborate with peers for spiritual growth relationship and learning so they can grow as disciples and become better equipped to lead the church in making disciples.

  49. The purpose of Discipleship Circles is toconnect and equip the leaders of ourconference (clergy and lay) so that they areenergized and empowered to lead our churches into a new future of effective disciple-making.The focus is on the strategic imperative advanced by All Things New –LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT.The following graphic illustrates this concept.

  50. Discipleship Circles Individual Spiritual Vitality Trust and Collaboration Data and Information Equipped and Interdependent Clergy and Lay Leadership • Vital • Congregations • Vital • CHRISTIANS Commitment to personal spiritual development Spiritual support Mutual Accountability Supportive Relationships Earnest Prayer Spiritual Renewal Trust and True Collaboration Easy access to accurate data Fact-Based Discussions Accountability for Effectiveness Disciples worship Making Disciples for the Transformation of the World Disciples engage in growing their faith Disciples make new Disciples Disciples engage in mission Disciples give to mission (Vital Signs)

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