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CPW. Learning Intentions - Today, I am going to address these College Readiness Standards in Reading: Meaning of Words 20-23. Meaning of Words 16-19. Sequential, Comparative, and Cause-Effect Relationships 20-23. Supporting Details 16-19. Main Ideas and Author's Approach 20-23.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CPW • Learning Intentions - Today, I am going to address these College Readiness Standards in Reading: • Meaning of Words 20-23. • Meaning of Words 16-19. • Sequential, Comparative, and Cause-Effect Relationships 20-23. • Supporting Details 16-19. • Main Ideas and Author's Approach 20-23. SQUADS #4 “9th Grade Reading” Success Criteria –Underlining the topic sentence of each paragraph (it’s not always the first sentence) will help you keep on top of the argument’s direction. These underlines will serve as handy reference tools when you need to refer back to the passage.

  2. Quick Note! • Today’s questions are based on the printed passage you will receive shortly. After reading your passage individually or as a group, choose the best answer to each question. You may refer to the passages as often as necessary. • You have 4 Minutes to read your passage!

  3. 9th Grade Reading #1. According to Dr. Yager, what is one of the five key business skills that can make or break your company? A. being confident B. being able to speak in public C. being able to talk to people in small groups D. being able to share ideas

  4. 9th Grade Reading #2. Based on this article, how would its author define “entrepreneur”? A. one who wants to start a company B. one who has a desire to create new ideas C. one who needs to master the art of pubic speaking D. one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a new business or enterprise

  5. 9th Grade Reading #3. As it is used in line 37, the word implicitly most nearly means: A. somewhat B. unconsciously C. immediately understood D. when ready

  6. 9th Grade Reading #4. Of the following reasons for why an entrepreneur must overcome the fears of public speaking, within the article, which does not come before “customer seminars”? A. addressing a group of investors B. representing your company at an event C. conducting a television interview D. appearing before a panel of experts

  7. 9th Grade Reading #5. According to Zwilling... A. He is a mentor for aspiring and early-stage entrepreneurs. B. The ability to be an effective speaker is based on communication skills that can be taught. C. You can’t win as an entrepreneur working alone. D. All of the above

  8. CPW 9th Grade Reading • Exchange your answer sheet with that of another squad… • Launch the PDF.

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