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S21204 S21221 S21286 S9315 S8384 S27248 S26283 S24894

CTS11768 CTS10936 S23503 S24427 S19848 S26486. S22651 S22288 S8201. S9952 S20602 S23241 S19015 S17790 S17076 S15817 S12235 PF1242 CTS5966 CTS12563 CTS10228. S392= L621 S26147 S25867 S163= L69 S13737 S12569 S10980 S10659 S10302 S17872S23857 S3314 S22686 S20938

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S21204 S21221 S21286 S9315 S8384 S27248 S26283 S24894

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  1. CTS11768 CTS10936 S23503 S24427 S19848 S26486 S22651 S22288 S8201 S9952 S20602 S23241 S19015 S17790 S17076 S15817 S12235 PF1242 CTS5966 CTS12563 CTS10228 S392=L621 S26147 S25867 S163=L69 S13737 S12569 S10980 S10659 S10302 S17872S23857 S3314 S22686 S20938 S20646 S20061 S19789 CTS9349 CTS7213 CTS7175 CTS590 CTS4154 CTS4012 CTS2429 CTS1846 CTS10494 CTS10300 CTS1027 CTS2515nc S16428 S17076 L178-S328 M423 S9236 S9008 S7711 S7701 S2770 S2768 S2750 S2749 S2748 S2722 S2715 S2702 S2691 S2688 S2687 S2679 S2666 S2663 S2659 S2654 S2646 S2638 S2633 S2632 S2622 S2625 S2621 S2620 S2619 S22471 S12378 S11840 S11650 S11619 S10435 PF7359nc CTS2753 CTS7510 283 S17250 1924 S12547 1979 284 S7714 S7708 S2757 S2727 S2704 S185=L161 S2645 S2662 S2660 S2661 S2675 S2680 S2684 S2701 S2639 S2673 S2634 233 2351833 1858 Woods S7725 S7703 1808 230-232 234 237 241 S2703 S2640 S2643 S4557 S2742 S2627 240=Blake 236 238 239=Collier S21204 S21221 S21286 S9315 S8384 S27248 S26283 S24894 S24016 S8266 S389=L624 S23022 S21622 S12441 S12649 S15985 S16672 S17684 S183=L233 S21813 S21059 S20624 S20506 S20483 S18964 S11985 S11716 S11351 S10681 L1286 L1287 S16649 S470=Z251 1908 228 229 1763 1993 L1295 L1294L1298 PF2736 S21825 157 CTS10032 CTS9771 CTS8069nc CTS8968 CTS7373 Z2053 CTS2055 CTS1834 CTS1272 CTS2515nc CTS10546 PF3965 CTS6027 CTS5932 CTS5872 CTS413 CTS2925 CTS1448 PF3969 S6233 S6075 S5431 S5336 S5310 S433=L158 S169=L159 Z2053 PF4075 PF4061 PF 4001nc PF3984 PF 3976 PF3975 PF3875 S2699 S21185 289 1747 CTS595 PF3983 285-287 L917 288 S184=L160 S2699Z105 CTS11034 CTS11229 CTS11338 CTS2111 CTS8038 CTS814 1958 P37 CTS5044 PF4052 PF3966 PF3945 PF3893nc PF3638 S5130 S5140 S2686 S26725 S2669 S2648 S2637 S2626 Chromo2 P37 K Nordtvedt 14 March 2014

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