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Winston, Mike Ku, and Gopal Sistla NYSEC-DAR and Da-Lin Zhang University of Maryland

Analysis of the MM5-Simulated Surface Fields with Three PBL schemes over the Eastern U.S. during 6-16 August 2002. Winston, Mike Ku, and Gopal Sistla NYSEC-DAR and Da-Lin Zhang University of Maryland. 1. Background.

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Winston, Mike Ku, and Gopal Sistla NYSEC-DAR and Da-Lin Zhang University of Maryland

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  1. Analysis of the MM5-Simulated Surface Fields with Three PBL schemes over the Eastern U.S. during 6-16 August 2002 Winston, Mike Ku, and Gopal Sistla NYSEC-DAR and Da-Lin Zhang University of Maryland

  2. 1. Background • Zhang, D.-L. and W.-Z. Zheng, 2004: Diurnal Cycles of Surface Winds and Temperatures as Simulated by Five Boundary-Layer Parameterizations. Journal of Applied Meteorology,43, 157-169.

  3. Observed diurnal cycles of Tsfc and Vsfc over 105 surface stations taken over an area of 800 km x 800 km during 12 – 15 July 1997

  4. Model description – MM5 • Two-way nested, x = 36/12 km; • Kain-Fritsch cumulus parameterization • Simple cloud/ice parameterization • PBL schemes being tested: a) Blackadar; b) Gayno-Seaman; c) MRF; d) Miller-Yamada-Jajic; e) Burke-Thompson. • Surface layer (half-) at 10 m • Integration: 1200 UTC 12 - 15 June 1997

  5. Comparison of diurnal cycles of Tsfc between the observed and the simulated with the Blackadar, Gayno-Seaman, MRF, Miller-Yamada-Jajic and Burke-Thompson schemes

  6. Comparison of diurnal cycles of Vsfc between the observed and the simulated with the (new) Blackadar, Gayno-Seaman, MRF, Miller-Yamada-Jajic and Burke-Thompson schemes

  7. Diurnal cycle of the low-level winds generated by the Gayno-Seaman and (b) Blackadar schemes

  8. 2. Summer Season of 2002 - MANE-VU • A two-way nested (36/12 km) grid. • Three PBL schemes: 1) the Plen-Xiu scheme including the land- surface processes; 2) the Blackadar scheme; 3) the Blackadar plus a land-surface scheme. • Dynamic nudging: upper-air plus surface winds observations • Integration time: 1200 UTC 5 - 1200 UTC 16 August 2002

  9. Nested Domains

  10. Vsfc from the Plen-Xiu scheme

  11. Vsfc from the Blackadar scheme

  12. Vsfc from the Blackadar + a land-surface scheme

  13. Tsfc from the Plen-Xiu scheme

  14. Tsfc from the Blackadar scheme

  15. Tsfc from the Blackadar+ a land-surface scheme

  16. Qsfc from the Plen-Xiu scheme

  17. Qsfc from the Blackada scheme

  18. Qsfc from the Blackadar + a land-surface scheme

  19. 3. Summary and Conclusions: • It appears that the Blackadar scheme exhibits a better correspondence to the observed than the other two schemes, but does not capture well the observed diurnal pattern of humidity. • While the Plen-Xiu scheme shows a better correspondence to the observed humidity, it fails to perform well for wind speed and temperature.

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