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Year 9 Assessment 2 Barriers to Lifelong Physical Activity

Year 9 Assessment 2 Barriers to Lifelong Physical Activity. By Briony Jenkins & Mary Ardren. Question 1 - Create a group scenario by selecting one physical activity, one personal barrier and one additional barrier from the following table. YOGA – AGE – LACK OF TRASPORT.

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Year 9 Assessment 2 Barriers to Lifelong Physical Activity

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  1. Year 9 Assessment 2Barriers to Lifelong Physical Activity By Briony Jenkins & Mary Ardren

  2. Question 1 - Create a group scenario by selecting one physical activity, one personal barrier and one additional barrier from the following table. • YOGA – AGE – LACK OF TRASPORT. • A sixty-seven year old woman who lives out of town and does not have the transport facilities to get to town, therefore cannot participate in her favorite activity, Yoga

  3. Question 2 - Research the implications for participation in physical activity that each barrier presents Barrier - Age (elderly) Age implicates participation in such waysas: • Might be developing diseases e.g. Arthritis, Rheumatism, Memory Loss etc. • Losing strength in bones and muscles. • Loss of fitness and stamina

  4. Question 3 - Finalize rules and equipment modifications needed for your selected physical activity. • Not to overstretch. • Know your physical limit. • Always use a mat. • Use a head-rest or pillow. • Warm up and warm down. • Always have someone there to watch them and make sure that they don't hurt themselves.

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