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WP 18 URD Synthesis Marine and Coastal Environment. URD Main Elements/Agenda. Introduction (Chapt.1) Area of Benefit (Capt. 3) Definition Users (Capt. 1,4,5) User description Missions and i mprovements of capabilities Policy driving needs Tasks description and users short term needs
URD Main Elements/Agenda Introduction (Chapt.1) Area of Benefit (Capt. 3) Definition Users (Capt. 1,4,5) User description Missions and improvements of capabilities Policy driving needs Tasks description and users short term needs Evolution and Future of User needs Products and Services (Capt. 6) Overview Product and Service Requirements Critical issues Comments/Conclusions
Introduction (Chapt. 1) Areas of benefit Marine and Coastal Environment (water quality, pollution, coastal activities) Marine Safety (oil spill combat, ship routing, weather forecast, defence, search& rescue) Marine Resources (fish stock management) Climate and WeatherForecasting (climate monitoring, ice, short-term and seasonal forecasting) User Categories European Agencies (EU), e.g. EEA Intergovernmental Bodies (IG),e.g. OSPAR, HELCOM Service Provider (SP), National Agencies, e.g. ISPRA, Centre of Marine Research in Lithiuania
Area of Benefit (Chapt.3) Marine and Coastal Environment Environmental Threats Water pollution and eutrophication (algae blooms) Loss of biological diversity Coast: Land use and landscape deterioration (ersosion), river impact Major fields: Marine environmental assessment: Water quality, biodiversity, ecosystem Coastal Zone Management Integrated River Basin Management
User Description (Chapt. 1, 4) Number of Users: 15 EU: 1 IG: 4 SP: 10
Users missions (Chapt. 4) General Environmental assessment, monitoring, forecast and impact assessment Economic and social driving forces Find solutions against environmental threats Sustainability Policy driving needs
Users missions (Chapt. 4.1) EEA Represent mostly public interests and serve legislative tasks Intergovernmental Bodies Intensify cooperation within regions of interest Increase collaboration with international organizations and strengthen the cooperation between EU and other IG’s in order to foster the representation of regional interests in international context. Service Providers Interests and responsibilities are mostly driven by interests (public or private) of their customers Universities and research institutes: education, scientific research in terms of marine and coastal environment
Users Improvement of capabilities (Chapt. 4.2) General Assessment and analysis of the state and trends in the marine and coastal environment Include validated data sets Prediction of ecosystems respond to climate change to evaluate their impacts on marine resources or marine biodiversity Tracking of pollution/eutrophication incidents in real time and discover source (surface currents, river runoff and nutrient load) Forecast of Water Quality Specification of ocean boundary conditions Include metadata in existing information systems
Users policy driving needs (Chapt.5.1) Global/EU Kyoto Protocol, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive Directives, like Water Framework Directive Regional Baltic: HELCOM Convention Atlantic/North Sea: OSPAR Convention, Joint Assessment and Monitoring Programme (JAMP) Mediterranean: Barcelona Convention Black Sea:Black Sea Environmental Programme (BSEP)
Users tasks description and users short term needs (Chapt.5.2) General Continuation of present requirements Development of downstream services and implementation of new services and products Evolution of modelling systems Development of new indicators, like transparency indicators and products Serve increasing needs for marine and coastal information Mitigation the effects of environmental hazards and pollution and decrease of impact and effects of climate change on coastal communities
Evolution and Future of User needs (Chapt.5.3) EEA Implementation of the Marine Strategy Availability of sea state information through the Water Information System for EUROPE) WISE for the Member states Intergovernmental Bodies Improvement of state-of-the-art techniques for operational service delivery, like web applications Service Provider Geographical expand of the MyOcean products, e.g south area of Morocco. Downscaling of the Ocean General Circulation Modell (OGCM) to local ocean coastal modelling using a regional modelling intermediate step.
Requirements overview (Chapt. 6.1) General Availability of MyOcean MCS products is expected to improve user products and operationality of services at all time scales Product assessment strongly required Apply a common practise for MyOcean Service Providers and Users Relevant documents: URD, Service Level Agreement (SLA) Contribution to the WISE viewer maps, production of GIS reference layers and creation of the CASE II coastal water indicator development and production Contribution to the Marine assessments on eutrophication through the development of ocean colour based indicators
Criticality of requirements and services (Chapt. 6.3) Data delivery Availability without gaps and delay Best available products is mandatory Until now poor coverage of some European Seas Service sustainability Long-term sustainability of provided services, web service in particular, is strongly required Data quality and validation Quality, analysis and validation of in-situ data from the Thematic Assembly Centres (TAC) is mandatory for users.