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The development of mobile applications and issues in developing mobile applications get increasing attention for business persons and students. Mobile application development is a quite innovative phenomenon that is growing due to the ubiquity and reputation of smart phones among users.<br>Mobile applications are emerging in both the private and the professional field, resulting in the growth of the development of mobile apps. Until 2018, the number of mobile applications that have been developed for customers in Google play store has significantly risen to nearly four million, and there are two million applications in Appleu2019s App Store.<br>Mobile applications are broadly classified into three groups: native app, a web-based app, and hybrid app. Native applications are designed to run on the operating system of the device. Web-based applications need a web browser on a mobile device. Hybrid applications are native-wrapped web applications. Native apps are preferred by developers as they use only the deviceu2019s native features like camera, sensors, location.<br><br>To get the latest updated click the link: https://bit.ly/3fuBcuV<br>Contact: <br>Website: www.tutorsindia.com<br>Email: info@tutorsindia.com<br>United Kingdom: 44-1143520021<br>India: 91-4448137070<br>Whatsapp Number: 91-8754446690<br>
DEVELOPMENT OF MOBILE APPLICATIONS An Academic presentationby Dr. Nancy Agens, Head, Technical Operations, Tutors India Group www.tutorsindia.com Email:info@tutorsindia.com
Today'sDiscussion Introduction Mobile ApplicationDevelopment Challenges in Mobile ApplicationDevelopment Characterizations of Mobile Applications and Application Development Issues Process of Mobile ApplicationDevelopment Mobile App Development to Increase Student Skills Evaluation of MobileApplication Mobile AppTesting Conclusion OUTLINE
The development of mobile applications and issuesin developing mobile applicationsget increasing attention for business persons andstudents. Mobile application development is a quite innovative phenomenon that is growing due to the ubiquity and reputation of smartphones amongusers. Mobile applications are emerging in both the private and the professional field, resulting in the growth of the development of mobile apps. Introduction
Software development processare iterative, parallel or sequential process models which can be used to some extent, but new methods are required because of the unique nature and the distinctiveness of mobile applications,e.g., Mobile Application Development Hardware characteristics like compatibility, limitations in performance, batterylife. Software characteristics like integration, communication, notifying errors,handiness. Communication characteristics like networkconnectivity. Contd..
Mobile applications are broadly classified into three groups: native app, a web- based app, and hybridapp. Native applications are designed to run on the operating system of the device. Web-based applicationsneed a web browser on a mobiledevice. Hybrid applications are native-wrapped webapplications.
Challenges in Mobile Application Development 1. Not all devices and operating systems have the sameabilities. 2. Time, effort, and funds used for developing applications are increasing. As there is a lack of support for automated migration across platforms, application developers are forced to redesign and re-implement most of theapplications.
Characterizations of Mobile Applications and Application Development Issues Mobile applicationdevelopers should be conscious about the interaction of the application with other applications because of the securityissues. Other problems are the insertion and utilization of sensors of mobiledevices. The complexity in testing the application and the power consumption of the application needs to beconsidered.
Theapplication development processescan be classified based on five mainactivities: Process of Mobile Application Development 1. Communication- involves discussion with the stakeholders about the constraints of thesoftware. Planning – It uses a set of executive and procedural methods to identify a structured plan to accomplish the software. Modeling - helps the developer to develop thesoftware to meet customer’sneeds. Contd..
Construction- includes all coding and testing methods to develop software which can be delivered to thestakeholder. Deployment- this involves the delivery of software to the user, offers support for the user, and contains feedback from the user for the development team for furtherenhancement. Mobile application development is connected with several tasks andmethods.
With the progress of technology, computer hardware and software have become indispensable tools for business purpose. Mobile App Development to Increase Student Skills For instance, GameSalad is a game development tool that is designed for everyone to develop games for various platforms. It does not require any skill in a specificprogramming languageto develop a game in thistool. This game development tool can make students improve their problem solving and logical thinking skills.
The first rule in evaluating the mobile applications system is ISO 9241 – 11 standards. Evaluationof Mobile Application Usability metrics is one of thetechniquesthat have been used to evaluate the quality of the software in many mobile apps. The evaluation method keeps on changing due to the innovation of mobile phones. It is essential to develop a dynamic model for evaluating the application that can grow together withinnovations and technology.
Software testing is an integral part of the mobile application development process as it helps in identifying errors in the application before it is delivered to theusers. MobileApp Testing There are different studies on how developerstest softwareapplications. F-droid, a catalogue that lists 2, 800 free and open- source Android apps, is used to get metadata, package name, and source code repository. GitHub is used to gather activity and popularity info about the development of the app. Test coverage details is gathered from cloudservices.
Conclusion Therefore, applications for mobile devicesare receiving greater attention from individual users and business enterprisesglobally. Along with the features provided by these mobile devices,mobile apps face the big challenge of performing satisfactorily in mixed and resource-limited settings that demands high availability, excellent performance and little response time while delivering value to theusers.
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