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Education as a supporting factor for economic growth in china. Jaquelina Nani Lemos 105030201121013 Zakky Zamrudi 105030201121014 Alindia Fitra Joeda 105030201121023 Nanik Sunarni 105030213111011. Education system in china to support economic growth. Rebuilding the education system.
Education as a supporting factor for economic growth in china JaquelinaNaniLemos 105030201121013 ZakkyZamrudi105030201121014 AlindiaFitraJoeda 105030201121023 NanikSunarni 105030213111011
Education system in china to support economic growth Rebuilding the education system • The investment in education: • Education reforms were undertaken in the 1980s to modernize agriculture, industrynational defense,and science & technology. Extending the coverage • China has made remarkable progress toward providing all school‐age youth withaccess to nine years • of schooling. Geographic areas with low access rates are oftenareas with low population densities, • so that nationally, enrolment figures are quite high. Promoting secondary education with vocational content • In the 1980s and early 1990s as enrolments in vocational and technical education expanded rapidly withmany former academic middle schools becoming vocational middle schools. Law on VocationalEducation was adopted in 1996. Expanding higher education • China announced plans in 1998 for building world class higher education institutions.The state’s roleshiftedtoward planning and away from micromanagement.The growth of higher educationaccelerat-ed after 2000. In 2002, there were nearly 200higher education institutionswith 11.2 millionenrolled. By 2007, enrollments had increased to 18.8 million. ZakkyZamrudi 105030201121014
Education system in china to support economic growth • INTERNATIONALIZATION OF EDUCATION • Increased cooperation in graduate teaching, research and services and new roles of cross-cultural learning. • The changing demands for new skills and competencies. • Increased China-Foreign joint programs • Continuing expansion of study-abroad programs and increasing the number of Chinese students abroad • Increased study-abroad Chinese students and scholars • Increased Government budgetary • allocation to study-abroad scholarships: ZakkyZamrudi 105030201121014
Education system in china to support economic growth ATTENTION TO ADULT EDUCATION & HRD • Continued expansion of adult training: over 67 million adults completing non-credential secondary education; 3.7 million completing non-redential higher education • Rural-urban migrant workforce training: out of the over 100 million rural-urban migrants, 50 million being trained annually through informal and formal education trained annually through informal and formal education • Building learning communities and harmonious learning Building learning communities and harmonious learning society: 20% of inhabitants in Shanghai taking part in life long education, with Shanghai TV University’s distance education covering all districts and rural distance education covering all districts and rural counties; variety of adult education institutions; over counties; variety of adult education institutions; over 3,300 training institutions, including China-foreign and other joint education ventures. There are only a few individual campuses undertaking this kind of education and training. There are mostly programmed in universities and professional secondary schools. It is good to share the facility and faculty resources with full time education. ZakkyZamrudi 105030201121014
Government Role to Support Education in China • China has set up an education system with government as the major investor and social partners as co-investors. In the current stage, local government is playing a key role in compulsory education, while central and provincial governments are dominant in higher education. The national Ministry of Education is the supreme education administrative body in China, and is responsible for carrying out the relevant laws, regulations, guidelines and policies, activating and guiding education reforms and integrating and coordinating educational initiatives and programs nationwide. • In addition, the Chinese government pays attention to guarantee citizens' rights to get education especially the right of the minorities, women and disabled people, by making appropriate laws. To assist needy students, the Chinese government adopted a series of measures to prevent them from dropping out from education, including scholarships, subsidies, student loans and tuition fee reduction. Nanik Sunarni 105030213111011
Government Program for China’s Education “National Outline for Medium and Long-term Education Reform and Development (2010-2020)” Guiding theme of China’s education reform 2010 to 2020 is to build the foundation for a learning society by modernizing the current educational system in its entirety. Main goal for a modernized Chinese education system is to be able to surrender globally competitive human resources to the working world. Education reform will be carried out on all levels of education, namely, pre-school, compulsory, high school, vocational, higher, continuing, minority, and special education. The education reform program will be thoroughly overhauling the way education is delivered, examined and administered in China – across all educational levels Nanik Sunarni 105030213111011
Overview the implementation of the National Outline for Medium and Long-term Education Reform and Development (2010-2020) Adherence to improving quality and promoting the internal development of education • policy orientation has been set the development of a modern framework for vocational education has been accelerated, and program “collaborative innovation” was launched. • the quality assurance framework has been improved a Leading Group and Expert Panel were set up on formulating professional teaching standards • teacher development has been strengthened Adherence to promoting equity and protecting effectively the people's right to education • the rural-urban was narrowed Project on Renovating disadvantaged compulsory Education Schools in Rural areas and renovating School Building of junior middle school in central and western regions • the level of financial aid has been raised Adherence to reform and innovation to the education development • the reform on talent training system has been deepened • reform was taken in the examination and admission system • reform on schooling system was deepened Nanik Sunarni 105030213111011
The Impact of Higher Education in China • Higher Education in China • The Chinese government in recent years has given high attention to the developement of higher education. • The government’s plan is for developing a highly skilled national work force within the next 10 years. • China has a goal to make transformation of China from a manufacturing hub to a world leader in innovation. • One step is to increase the pool of highly skilled workers from universities. • By developing a large scale of advanced talents and experts, higher education in China plays an important role in the economic construction. JAQUELINA NLS.105030201121013
The Impact of Higher Education in China • China’s Unemployment Rate • China’s educational system has helped unemployment rates in China fall. The higher education produce workforce with much more knowledge to enter the labor market. • Increasing of Middle Class • The investment in education will expand the middle class in China and will certainly increase the consumption of goods and services imported from all over the world. • China’s GDP Growth • The increasing in labor skills • Research & development in universities • These have been vital source of productivity. • R&D includes: • Scientific research • Product development • Innovations in production technique • Development of management improvements JAQUELINA NLS.105030201121013
The Impact of Higher Education in China • China for the past 30 years has sent 2.5 million students overseas mainly to developed countries. • Some of them become “seagulls”(flying back and forth) which promotes economic and social exchanges between China and the other countries. • But many Chinese scientists and academics graduated from abroad didn’t return back to China permanently, they become experts abroad, not in China. • China’s higher education expansion has not helped much in strengthening the country’s technical capacity. • Technical schools have always been ranked at the bottom in China’s higher education hierarchy. • Atechnical degree is often associated with low social esteem. • Although China’s good research universities tend to produce more engineers and scientists, they do not help to improve the weak technical base of the nation's overall labor force. JAQUELINA NLS.105030201121013
Education and Economic Growth In China • Education works as a driving force in the development process of a country and brings much-needed intellectual capital and technological changes, which make the economy more competitive and innovative by developing human capital with better skill and expertise. • The major developed economies of today, including China owe a great deal to the high levels of skills and education. • Compared with education at school level, higher education can play a more decisive role in the promotion of Economic Growth • Higher education tends to be more innovative and spontaneous and can therefore promote the emerging Economic Growth for Sustainable Development agenda most effectively • Higher education educates students in all professions, trains future government leaders and thus influences future policy development. Alindia Fitra Joeda 105030201121023
Highereducation will become links for specialist research, producing innovative scientific and technological developments to ensure long-term economic development and keep China at the forefront of international competitiveness. • With the establishment of new education systems with Chinese characteristics, the aim will be to continuously improve the quality of higher education so that Sustainable for Development will be merged with all research and educational work for the future. Alindia Fitra Joeda 105030201121023
Strategic goals Further Popularize education. The average number of years of education received by the working-age (20-59 years old)population shall extend from 9.5 to 11.2 years. Twenty percent of theworking-age population shall have finished higher education by 2020, doubling that of 2009. Delivering equal education to everyone. Education should remain public welfare-oriented in nature, and equal access to it shall be safeguarded. Allcitizens should have access to fine education according to the law. Offering quality education in various ways. Thecapabilities of professionals in all fields of endeavor to serve the nation andthepeople and to take part in global competition shall be increased vastly. Building a consummate framework for lifelong education. The modern national education system shall be perfected, and abasic framework for lifelong education shall be in place, so that everyone canbe taught what they want to learn, excel at what they learn, and put what they have learned into use. Alindia Fitra Joeda 105030201121023