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Why Environmental Management? Anna Graham Business Environmental Adviser The Business Environment Partnership. Overview. What is Resource Efficiency and Why Bother? Quick Hits Who to Turn to for Support? The BEP and Achievements in Fife Financial Support Events and Workshops.
Why Environmental Management? Anna Graham Business Environmental AdviserThe Business Environment Partnership
Overview • What is Resource Efficiency and Why Bother? • Quick Hits • Who to Turn to for Support? • The BEP and Achievements in Fife • Financial Support • Events and Workshops
What is Resource Efficiency? • Simply put, its about improving the management of your business with respect to the resources that you use But Why Bother? • Energy prices have increased significantly over the last year and are unlikely to return to original unit costs • CCL accounts for 5-10% of your electricity bill – therefore the less energy you use, the less tax you pay • Landfill tax has been rising by £3/tonne/year which will increase to £8/tonne/year from next year • Water and effluent charges likely to increase as standards become tighter • Increasing pressure from supply chain/legislation
Saves Moneythrough reduction in waste(e.g. raw materials, energy, water, product, disposal costs…..). Potential to achieve 1% of turnover in savings Reduces Environmental Impact and risk of fines from incidents Improves Reputation with Regulators, Consumers, Banks, Investors and Employees Increases Sales and New Market Potential So Why Bother?....
Water Fix leaking taps – potential £50/yr savings Fit sensors to reduce urinal flushing/hippo sacks to toilet cisterns Fit trigger sprays to hoses Use dry clean down methods to reduce water use Waste Reduce paper use – aim for 7 reams/person/year Reuse mugs/glasses rather than purchasing polystyrene cups Recycle – paper/cardboard/metal/wood…… Always shop around for the best prices for recycling Quick Hits There are numerous no-cost and low-cost options for businesses…. Energy Check all equipment and lighting switched off overnight Fix compressed air leaks – £300/yr + savings Fit vending machines with 7 day timers - £200/yr saving Turn heating down by 1oC saves 8% in costs Instant hot water vs. hot water tank - £260/yr saving
Who to Turn to? Support Agencies/Sources of Information • Energy Saving Trust • The Carbon Trust • Envirowise • Business Environment Partnership (BEP) • Abertay Centre for the Environment (ACE) • National Industrial Symbiosis Programme • WRAP • ReMade • Green Business Fife • Netregs
Overview of the BEP • Aim: To allow Scottish SMEs to realise the business benefits of improved environmental management, leading to potential cost savings, reduced risks and improved competitive advantage • Waste Minimisation Programme: • Energy Efficiency (which can incorporate Renewables), • Water Use, • Waste Management Practices, • Advice on Legislation, • Environmental Policy • Biodiversity Reviews • Environmental Placement Programme (May to September) • ISO14001 system development(private basis)
National Achievements • 1,592 projects undertaken for 1,383 companies. Over £15.4M cost savings realised • £47.5M new sales opportunities • 82 companies certified to ISO14001 to date • 461 students placed (helping identify £6.2M savings) • 79 ‘green’ jobs created / many more safeguarded
Fife Results • Since 2004, 95 projects undertaken with wide range of businesses, with ~£650k savings realised • £3.3M new sales opportunities realised • >1M kWh Energy/571 Tonnes of CO2 • 5,200m3 water use prevented/effluent production • 3000 tonnes of waste diverted from landfill • 15 new jobs created/19 jobs safeguarded
Case Study Itasco Precision • Precision Engineering company, based in Glenrothes employing around 20 people • Energy audit identified potential to save ~£3k by making small changes e.g. switching off equipment, turning down hot water boiler • Additional savings of >£20k were identified by installing better lighting, replacing the hot water boiler, fitting plastic strip curtain over main door, and painting roofs and walls to increase brightness. Capital investments covered by an interest free loan
Case Study Fairmont St Andrews • Luxury Hotel, Spa and Golf Course which opened in 2001 • During 2005 and 2006 they employed a student through the EPP programme • As a result of the work, the hotel has realised total cost savings of £220,000 through raw material consumption (energy and water) and reduction in waste disposal costs. They have also installed a CHP plant (saving £10k in summer/£15k in winter) • They have attained Gold GTBS award for the hotel, and Bronze GTBS for the Golf Course • Continue to seek ways to improve, inc. investment in a biodiesel plant to run the golf buggies
Financial Support • Loan Action Scotland/Carbon Trust (Energy Efficient Equipment) • ECA Scheme (www.eca.gov.uk) • Low Carbon Building Programme (Grant for Renewables), www.lowcarbonbuildings.org.uk
Events and Workshops • Envirowise Events • Measurement & Benchmarking(Waste) Workshop, Dunfermline Business Learning & Conference Centre, 4th May, 12-2pm (Free) www.envirowise.gov.uk/scotlandmeasurement • Green Business Fife Event • Business Breakfast with Energy Efficiency Theme, Dean Park Hotel, Kirkcaldy, 9th May, 8-9.30am (Free) • BEP Events • Renewables Event, SET, Dundee, 27th April, 9am-1pm (Free) • WEEE Event, Dunfermline Business Learning & Conference Centre, 7th June, 7-9am (Free to members/£25 to non-members), www.thebep.org.uk/events • VIBES Workshops • Workshop providing assistance with application, SET, Dundee 5th June, 10am-1pm, www.vibes.org.uk
Thank you for your attention!Any Questions??E: anna.graham@thebep.org.ukT: 0845 129 4834www.thebep.org.uk