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Understanding Religion: Beliefs, Influence, and Comparison of Major Religions

Explore the concept of religion, its purpose, types, and influence on culture. Learn about major monotheistic religions and understand their differences. Discuss the perception of Islam and the impact of religion on global events.

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Understanding Religion: Beliefs, Influence, and Comparison of Major Religions

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  1. Religion What is it?

  2. Religion – is simply defined as a system of beliefs *God or gods, supernatural forces, divine energy, or philosophies

  3. Why is there a need for religion? • It can try to explain the unknown • what happens after death? • It can give meaning and purpose to life • why are we here? • It can provide a guide for proper behavior • 10 Commandments • ** religion is probably the greatest influence over individuals in a particular society / culture

  4. Types of religion • Monotheism is the belief in one god • Polytheism is the belief in many gods • Animism is the belief in divine forces in nature (aka paganism) • Other • Atheism – belief in no gods • Agnostic – don’t know…its possible – need conclusive evidence

  5. Structure of religions • History / beliefs / laws – usually written down in a holy book (text) • Rituals (practices) – services, ceremonies, holy days , rights of passage • Clergy – religious leaders (priests, rabbis, ministers, imams, the Pope)

  6. Major Religions • Have a large population of followers • Examples – Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism • Sects – are divisions of a religion (Christianity – Roman Catholic, Protestant, Eastern Orthodox)

  7. Cults • Cults – are religions that have a very small number of followers • Considered outside the norm of accepted religions of the time • All major religions started out as cults

  8. DQ- how does religion fit into Maslow’s Hierarchy???

  9. DQ – How important / influential is religion in your life? Rank your answer on a scale of 1(hardly)-10 (extremely) and justify your answer

  10. LT – How does religion influence (impact) culture? How influential is religion on culture? • Partner activity • Lets look at some current events • Using the chrome booksgo to my web page & go to the Yahoo link • Discuss • Look at a variety of current events / articles and see how religion might connect to these and influence culture • Evaluate how influential religion is on culture(scale of 1-10) • Support your ranking with specific ideas(relating to culture)

  11. Let’s compare the major monotheistic religions in the world today…shall we • LT – I can identify, compare, and contrast the major characteristics that define the major monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. • LT – I can analyze and evaluate why these 3 religions don’t really don’t get along. • Group activity (3 per group) • Venh diagram (Judaism / Christianity / Islam) • Complete the diagram and answer the question on back

  12. Religion Middle East is the birthplace – of 3 major world religions (monotheism – the belief in one god)

  13. Judaism and Christianity - developed along the eastern coast of the Mediterranean * both – use the Bible (Old Testament) Jews use the Torah * Jews – do not believe in the New Testament (Life of Jesus as the Messiah) * Christianity –spread and took root in Europe and their colonies

  14. Religion Islam – means “submission” to the will of God (Allah – same god as the Jews and Christians) * Muslims – followers of Islam * developed – in the Arabian Peninsula (Mecca – 600’s A.D.) * Founder – Muhammad (final prophet – messenger of God) * Holy Book – Koran (contains the 5 pillars of Islam – duties) * 2 main divisions – or sects (Sunnis / majority & Shiites or Shia’s which are the minority) * being hurt – by religious extremists (Osama bin Laden)

  15. Group questions • How similar are these 3 religions? • Why do you think that these 3 religions tend to be in conflict with each other?

  16. DQ -What is your reaction to these photos? What words come to mind? • Muslim • Arab • Islam • Terrorist • Suicide bomber • Iraq • Afghanistan

  17. DQ – How would you feel if this were you?

  18. Is Islam a violent religion? Gay persecution by ISIS Sept. 11, 2001 Oregon Shooting Charlie Hebdo

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