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FITT (Fostering Interregional Exchange in ICT Technology Transfer). The concept. In a research organisation → identify and train a contact person in each lab, aware of technology transfer (“correspondants valo”)
FITT (Fostering Interregional Exchange in ICT Technology Transfer)
The concept • In a research organisation → identify and train a contact person in each lab, aware of technology transfer (“correspondants valo”) • Promote the transfer of technologies from the labs, through internal organisation & communication • Initiative of the technology transfer office of Paris-Sud 11 university Credit: Microsoft Office
Objective • set up a network of transfer contacts in the labs to support the action of the technology transfer office on a daily basis. Technology transfer office (SAIC) Technology transfer manager, Business developper, Technology transfer assistant, IP lawyer Laboratory Laboratory Research teams, 1 technology transfer contact Research teams, 1 technology transfer contact
Who? The Technology Transfer contact persons: • Researchers or engineers, interested and/or experienced in technology transfer. • In addition of regular research activities, the TT contact person will improve technology transfer by facilitating the communication flow between researchers and TT officersand by their willingness to answer questions about technology transfer. • Best situation: internal person, hired to be a TT contact at the end of a fixed-term contract (knowledge of the teams and recognition of technology transfer as part of his activity)
Who? Other stakeholders are also involved : • The technology transfer officers of the university Paris Sud XI: • Train the TT contacts via the internal training sessions on intellectual property (4 days, internal & external speakers) or other specific trainings offered to the university staff • Introduce the Technology Transfer contacts to the activity of the technology transfer office (informal) • Coordination with each technology transfer contact (monthly meeting) • The management of the laboratories • support necessary for a real success • Promotion/ communication of this new position internally (newsletter, lab days, website…) • And the researchers !
Why? • Rationale for the Technology Transfer contact network? • The goal is to help laboratories to improve the transfer of their technologies by: • Finding faster the most relevant researchers to answer a external private company demand • Enhanced identification of the needs for specific training for researchers • Being closer to the labs in order to define the most appropriate actions • Initiating a reflex • What was the context? • TTO of the university : central unit, far from the labs!
When? • 2 technology transfer contacts (2 laboratories) since 2005. • Since May 2009, TTO and TT contacts meet during monthly meetings.
Pros & Cons PROs CONs • Helps build a network of TT specialists • Continuous awareness-raising on TT • Organisation of meetings between lab and companies is smoother, with a collaborator within the lab • Filling up of the gap between the lab and the TT office • TT contact persons must be already well integrated in the lab and know the projects of all the different teams • Advice to others trying a similar approach : TT contact persons need to be trained to have a real impact • In order to have applicants to the job, the evaluation of the research staff should fully recognise technology transfer performance, which is not currently the case.
Outcome • Lack of indicators: difficult to measure the impact. • Some concrete achievements : • lab/company meetings, • communication documents & information database about technology transfer, • training session about intellectual property • Will to extend the network with other contact persons. Real impact to be measured in a few years, since organisational changes require time to sink in.
Lessons Learned • Looking back now, what would you … • do different? • Hire somebody internal and well integrated to the lab to be a TT contact person, instead of a researcher from the outside. • … improve? • Recommendation to train the lab contact person from the beginning.
Suggested Readings • Links to code book • Technology transfer office • Link to related websites • Technology Transfer Office of Paris-Sud 11 University : http://www.u-psud.fr/fr/l_universite/organisation_generale/services_communs/saic.html