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Austria – Romania Bilateral Economic Relations Arnulf Gressel, Commercial Attaché May 9, 2014, Brasov. Austrian exports to / imports from Romania Exports 1,8 bn. € (-8.3 %), Imports 1,1 bn. € (-0.6 %) in 2013. Source: Statistik Austria. 2. Austria is top investor in CEE.
Austria – Romania Bilateral Economic Relations Arnulf Gressel, Commercial Attaché May 9, 2014, Brasov
Austrian exports to / imports from RomaniaExports 1,8 bn. € (-8.3 %), Imports 1,1 bn. € (-0.6 %) in 2013 Source: Statistik Austria 2
Austria is top investor in CEE. Source: Austrian National Bank as per 31.12. 2011 3
Also in Romania - Austria is top! Austrian investmentamountsto 10.9 bln Euro – 18.5 % of total FDI. Source: National Bank of Romania as per Dec 31, 2012 4
Austrian companies contribute to the development of the economy in Romania and the creation of valuable jobs. • modern technology - job creation – social valuesenvironmentally friendly – sustainable business concepts • over1,000active Austrian investors • 6,687companies with Austrian equity • around100,000direct employees 5
Important sectors Resources Agriculture Industry Services 6
What makes Romania so attractive • Largest market in Eastern Europe, a region where Austrian companies are particularly active • Very favourable prerequisites in a variety of sectors • Cultural likeness to Austria • Very good foreign language capacities • Ambitious modernization plans, abundance of projects and opportunities • Financing through EU-structural funds • Cheap labour costs and low tax regime • Large Romanian community in Austria, consistent economic and historic ties
Despite difficult economic conditions 2009-12 Austrian companies continued investing. Apart fromthebiggestwellknown Austrian investments - OMV/Petrom und Erste Bank/BCR – manyother Austrian companieswithremarkablesuccess in Romania, also SMEs. 8
Austrian investments in romania OMV-Petrom In 2011 Romania‘sbiggest gas power station was built. OMV-Petromhasinvested 500 mil. Euro in the 860 KW power station. This power stationalonecovers 8% ofaverageenergyconsumptionof Romania.
Austrian investments in romania STRABAG STRABAG in a consortiumwith Vinci (France) andAktor (Greece) haswon end of 2013 thetenderfor 58 km ofhighway incl. tunnelsandbridgesforthefirst time crossingtheCarpatianmountains on a highwayfromComarnictoBrasov. This project will bethefirstmayor PPP project in trafficinfrastructure in Romania.
Austrian investments in romania Schweighofer In 2013/14 Schweighofer invests 150 mil. Euro in a woodprocessing plant in Covasna. In additiontothisproject Schweighofer alreadyoperatesplants in Sebes, Radauti, SiretandComanestiasthelargestinvestor in thissector.
Austrian investments in romania Raiffeisen Evolution Floreasca Sky Tower – thehighestbuilding in Bucharestwith 137 m. Promenada Mallwith a grossfloorareaof 55.000 sqm on 6 levelswith 1.300 undergroundparking lots. buildby STRABAG in 2013
Austrian investments in romania BILLA Romania Billahasincreasedit‘snetworkofshops in Romania to 80 outletsandbelongstothelargestsupermarketchains in Romnia.
Austrian investments in romania Kronospan Largest Austrian investment in Brasovcounty, producingchipboardsand OSB boards. Twofactories in Romania (BrasovandSebes), overallinvestmentof EUR 500 Mio.
Austrian investments in romania Österreichische Post AG – Post Master Romania After entering the market in 2011 with an acqusition of a 26% share, Austrian Post Group has acquired the remaining 74% of Post Master at the end of 2012 and has become the largest private alternative postal service company in Romania.
Austrian investments in romania Verbund In 2012 Verbund has finalized the first phase of 99 MW in a wind park in Casmicea in Dogrugea region. The second phase has been finalized in 2013 reaching 226 MW in total. In 2012 Verbund has also built a 400-kV / 750 MVA transfomer station.
Issues for Austrian Investors in Romania • Political stability – predictability of policies • Better quality and more transparency for public tenders • Large prevalence of black labour – efficient tax administration • EU structural funds – better absorption • Skilled labor force – dual education • Research and development – results in higher value added for the local economy
Thankyouverymuchforyourinterest! Va mulțumesc pentru interesuldvs.! Rudolf Lukavsky Commercial Counsellor Austrian Embassy – Commercial SectionT +40 372 068 900bucharest@advantageaustria.orgwww.advantageaustria.org/ro 19