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MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM General Directorate for European Te r ritorial Cooperation Directorate for International Ter r itorial Cooperation. ENPI CBC Programme Hungary-Slovakia - Romania-U k raine 2007 – 2013. ENPI CBC Programme Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine.
MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM General Directorate for European Territorial CooperationDirectorate for International Territorial Cooperation ENPI CBC Programme Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine 2007 – 2013
ENPI CBC Programme Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENPI CBC Programme Hungary- Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine2007 – 2013is financed through the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument , the budget for the UE Member States derived from the European Found for Regional Development and for Ukraine from “ External relation ” UE Budget
ENPI CBC Programme Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine Eligible area Hungary- regionSzabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Slovakia- regionsKošický, Prešovský Romania -counties Satu-Mare, Maramureş Ukraine- regions Zakarpatska, Ivano-Frankivska Adjoining regions: Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Suceava, Cernivetska
ENPI CBC Programme Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine Joint Structures • Joint Managing Authority National Development Agency, Hungary • National Authorities Ministry of Construction and Regional Development of Slovak Republic(Slovakia) Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism (Romania) Ministry of Economy (Ukraine)
ENPI CBC Programme Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine Budget of the programme Total budget of the programme 74, 815 Meuro, out of which 68, 638 Meuro ENPI contribution and 6,177 MEuro national co-financing (10%) Mandatory requirement for romanian projects: participation of an partner from Ukraine, from the eligible area.
ENPI CBC Programme Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine Nature of the projects • Integrated projects (with obvious cross-border effect), where partners carry out part of the actions of a joint project for their respective side of the border. • Simple projects taking place mostly or even exclusively on one side of the border but for the clear benefit of all partnersor some of the partners involved in the programme
ENPI CBC Programme Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine Priorities and measures of the programme Priority 1 Promote economic and social development 11,3 MEuro • Harmonised development of tourism • Create better conditions for SMEs and business development
ENPI CBC Programme Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine Priority 2 Enhance environmental quality 18,87 MEuro • Environmental protection, sustainable use and management of natural resources • Emergency preparedness
ENPI CBC Programme Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine Priority 3 Increase border efficiency22,65 MEuro • Improvement of border-crossing transport infrastructure and equipment at border controls
ENPI CBC ProgrammeHungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine Priority 4 Support people to people cooperation15,10MEuro • Institutional cooperation • Small scale “people to people” cooperation
ENPI CBC Programme Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine Technical Assistance - support for programme implementation6,8 MEuro
ENPI CBC Programme Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine Eligible applicants • national, regional and local organisations • regional development associations and promoters, innovation and development agencies, research institutes and universities • regional and local associations(chambers of commerce, unions), professional organisations • regional councils • economic and social associations, foundations, NGOs, international organizations (e.g. euroregions).
ENPI CBC ProgrammeHungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine • Usefull links: • www.mdrt.ro • www.infocooperare.ro • www.huskroua-cbc.net