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Teaching Enhancement Scheme - Pilot in Mathematics. School TSEC agree on a list of TES themes. Teaching staff asked to identify their top three choices.
Teaching Enhancement Scheme - Pilot in Mathematics • School TSEC agree on a list of TES themes. • Teaching staff asked to identify their top three choices. • Participants organised into groups, some members of staff directed to a particular group based on need or expertise. One member of each group named as (initial) convener. • Lecturers receiving poor feedback directed into the Teaching Observation Group; other lecturers encouraged to join this group. • The discussions of all groups confidential to the group. • All groups fill out the TES form at the beginning and produce report on their activities at end to feedback outcomes including any recommendations to School TSEC. • At the end of the year, if the work of the group is not completed, normally that group will be able to continue for a second year.
Themes for 2012/13 • Alternative Methods of Examining. Consider methods of examination other than written exams, e.g. oral. • Providing effective feedback. Consider finer marking schemes, feedback cover sheets, summary feedback to class, less coursework with more detailed feedback, e-assessment feedback on exams. • Improving hand-in rates of coursework at level 3 and 5M. Is the low hand-in rate correlated to poor exam performance? Assess some coursework or at least give credit for handing in? • Improving student confidence and communication skills. Identify gaps in our current programmes, and make suggestions. • Revision to Final Year Projects. Identify how final year projects with increased credits could be delivered. • Project marking and feedback. Assessment criteria, consistency of project marking, providing feedback. • e-Learning tools for Maths. Explore e-learning technologies inside and outside the classroom.
Themes for 2012/13, continued • Academic integrity of students in assessed coursework. Discuss methods of encouraging students to work on coursework on their own rather than plagiarising from the internet or elsewhere. • Teaching Observation. This group will focus on lecturing techniques through mutual observations and group discussion. Outcomes so far. • Three groups have reported to the School TSEC. Some ideas they have presented are: • Providing effective feedback. Present an incorrect solution in workshops/tutorials for discussion. • Improving student confidence and communication skills. Give written work marks for presentation. • e-Learning tools for Maths. E-assessment trial mostly successful; consider e-discussion boards, podcasts of lectures. See http://www1.maths.leeds.ac.uk/school/staff/teaching/Teaching Enhancement Scheme.html