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THE BENEFITS OF CYCLING. Important CWEST issues. THE BENEFITS OF CYCLING. In Bedford, there are more than 35,000 people who ride a bike on a weekly basis. THE BENEFITS OF CYCLING. THE BENEFITS OF CYCLING.

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  1. THE BENEFITS OF CYCLING Important CWEST issues.

  2. THE BENEFITS OF CYCLING • In Bedford, there are more than 35,000 people who ride a bike on a weekly basis.


  4. THE BENEFITS OF CYCLING • As you can see from the previous slide, in Bedford town centre alone, there are loads of cycle paths/lanes. Paths/lanes also elsewhere.

  5. THE BENEFITS OF CYCLING Bedford Town Centre In and around the town centre area Bedford has 373 cycle parking stands of the 'Sheffield' type with most overlooked by the town's CCTV coverage.

  6. THE BENEFITS OF CYCLING Bedford Midland Railway Station Bedford Midland Railway Station has 410 cycle parking stands again of the 'Sheffield' type around 70% of which are under cover and most of them overlooked by the station's CCTV system.

  7. THE BENEFITS OF CYCLING Nearly all of the local shopping parades in both Bedford and Kempston also have stands as do libraries, community and leisure centres and many doctors and dental surgeries and churches.

  8. THE BENEFITS OF CYCLING • You can purchase this map from bike shops, tourist information and the town hall.

  9. THE BENEFITS OF CYCLING Health Regular cycling is a valuable, healthy form of exercise under a person’s control which strengthens heart and lungs, and puts no strain on the body. It makes you have a better mental well-being by reducing stress and making you look better as well as helping you to live longer.

  10. THE BENEFITS OF CYCLING • No carbon footprint? That’s ‘wheeley’ good news!! Environment Cycling produces no harmful pollutants and virtually no noise and is the cleanest form of transport. It can make for more pleasant communities with better air quality, lower carbon emissions and reduced congestion as well as promoting social interaction.

  11. THE BENEFITS OF CYCLING Economic Cycling is the most inexpensive form of independent door to door transport, apart from walking, with no fuel or parking costs and low cost maintenance. A good bicycle will last for years, if not decades.

  12. THE BENEFITS OF CYCLING Convenient Cycling is a quicker alternative to the car or public transport for many short trips, particularly for travel in peak traffic conditions. It is possible to time a journey to the minute and rely on it. Traffic congestion can be ignored. Cyclists can dismount and walk the ‘wrong’ way up one-way streets or along pedestrian only alleyways, giving easy access to the town centre and other destinations. A bicycle can be easily parked outside the building you are visiting. Twelve bicycles can be parked in the space of one car.

  13. THE BENEFITS OF CYCLING • Bike safety issues • Always use a padlock when ‘parking’ your bike. 1000s of bikes get stolen in Britain each year through people decided not lock them up.

  14. THE BENEFITS OF CYCLING • Bike safety issues • Park your bike in well-lit areas when it’s dark. This will deter thieves.

  15. THE BENEFITS OF CYCLING • Remove quick release valuables from the bike like the lights.

  16. THE BENEFITS OF CYCLING • Personal safety • Always wear a helmet when riding a bike.

  17. THE BENEFITS OF CYCLING • If your helmet becomes damaged/cracked, you must replace it. Damaged helmets are as useful as an inflatable dartboard.

  18. THE BENEFITS OF CYCLING • Always cycle on the road or cycle paths. It is illegal to cycle on pavements. This man hasn’t even got a helmet on!! Crazy!

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