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Choosing a Place to Live!!!

Choosing a Place to Live!!!. Depending on your housing needs, your income, and where you live, you may have many housing options…. Duplex Detached house Townhouse Condo Apartment Mobile home room. With a partner, complete the inquire on pg 477 – 478, with the following adjustments.

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Choosing a Place to Live!!!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Choosing a Place to Live!!!

  2. Depending on your housing needs, your income, and where you live, you may have many housing options…. • Duplex • Detached house • Townhouse • Condo • Apartment • Mobile home • room

  3. With a partner, complete the inquire on pg 477 – 478, with the following adjustments On 477, just consider the first example (single working adult), and the last example (a couple with 3 kids)

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