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The Grapes of Wrath. Ondřej Škarka II.A. http://www. book - review - circle.com / images / the - grapes - of - wrath.jpg. The author – John Steinbeck. Steinbeck was born on 27 th Ferbuary 1902 in Salinas , California
TheGrapesofWrath Ondřej Škarka II.A http://www.book-review-circle.com/images/the-grapes-of-wrath.jpg
Theauthor – John Steinbeck • Steinbeckwasborn on 27th Ferbuary 1902 in Salinas, California • He wasfrommiddle-classfamilyand he wanted to be a journalist • He had many jobs: afruitpicker, a builderanda ranchworker –he tookinspirationfrom these jobs • His novel wasn´t takenpositively – therewere many uglythuthsaboutbadsituationsandkindsoflivingthat a lot ofpeoplewanted to keepsecret • He won many prizes includingThe Nobel priceforLiterature (1962) • He died in New York on 20thDecember 1968 • His otherfamousworks are:Tortilla Flat(1935), Of Miceand Men (1937), TheRedPony (1948), ThePearl(1949), Eastof Eden (1952)
Plot summary • TheJoadfamily (Mother, Father, son Tom, NoahandAl, daughterRosasharnwith her husbandConnie, childernRuthieandWinfield, Grandma, GrandpaandUncle John) was in Great Depression. Tom Joadcamefromtheprison to his family. Theywanted to go to Californiaforjobandfood. • Theytookveryanddifficultjourneywherethere were many troublesandstarvations. They met many familieswiththe same idea to go to Californiaandotherpeoplewhowerecomingback. • TheJoadfamilycameintothecamps, wherethere were many workingpeoplebutwithlowpayout, sotheymoved on. • In theend, theysettled in thecottonranch, butitstartedto rainanditbegan to flood. Itmeant, thateverycottonwaswetandrotted– no chance to earnmoney…
Likes/Dislikes • I verylikedtheatmospherewherethe story wastaken, becauseitadded more sence in understanding. • Details, whichmadetheenviromentbetter. • Thefact, thatitwas in realsituationandtime. • I disliked many personswhomadethesituationscomplicated.