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First Ion Running Conditions Observations in ALICE Vacuum Layout

Initial insights of running conditions with ions in ALICE, highlighting vacuum sector analysis and timing observations, including beam background and detector performance. Preliminary results and ongoing offline analysis discussed.

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First Ion Running Conditions Observations in ALICE Vacuum Layout

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A. Alici (INFN, Bologna), A. Di Mauro (CERN) LBS, 21/11/11 First observations of running conditions with ions in ALICE

  2. ALICE Vacuum Layout A1R2.X B1L2.X A1L2.X IP2.X VGI.220.1L2.X VGI.220.1R2.X 22m 22m Vacuum Sector A4L2.X TDI ITL2 D2 VGPB.231.4L2 VGPB.123.4L2 VGI.514.4L2 VGPB.120.4L2 80m 109m 70m Vacuum Sector A4R2.X ITR2 D2 VGPB.123.4R2 VGI.514.4R2 VGPB.120.4R2 109m 70m

  3. Vacuum overview (15/11 -21/11) • Generally, good vacuum • Some spikes at injection in TDI gauge FILL 2297 FILL 2302 FILL 2308 FILL 2309 FILL 2305 FILL 2304 FILL 2300 FILL 2301

  4. FILL 2297

  5. FILL 2301

  6. FILL 2309

  7. V0 timing V0A V0C IP beam2 beam1 340cm ~11.3ns 90cm ~3ns V0A+V0C ≈ 14.3ns V0A-V0C ≈ 8.3ns collisions IP beam1 ~-11.3ns ~3ns V0A+V0C ≈ -8.3ns V0A-V0C ≈ -14.3ns Bkgd1 (BGA) IP beam2 ~11.3ns ~-3ns V0A+V0C ≈ 8.3ns V0A-V0C ≈ 14.3ns Bkgd2 (BGC)

  8. V0 timing in FILL 2297 Centrality triggers: CPBI2-B, CVHN-B, CVLN-B collisions ~ 0.27% BG-A

  9. V0 timing in FILL 2297 Muon triggers: CPB1MSL-B, CPB1MSH-B, CPB1MUL-B, CPB1MLL-B collisions ~ 15% BG-A

  10. FILL 2297: fluctuations of m-TRIG and ZDC rates CTP m-TRIG input (screen shots from ALICE logbook)

  11. FILL 2297: T0 timing T0 vertex > all events with T0C &T0A T0 pile-up flag -> more then one interactions were in interval -70ns +1130ns from triggering event ( ~2.3 %) ) T0 satellite flag-> if any of T0-Ci or T0-Ai time signals are out of software selection time windows for good event (<0,06 %) T0 backgroud flag-> if we have both signal from T0-A and T0_C, but with bad vertex (OTVX signaal -off) ~3.5%

  12. Conclusions • Vacuum conditions quite good so far • Online monitoring (BKGD2) under calibration (new source implemented) • Very preliminary results, some issues observed with various detectors • Offline analysis in progress

  13. Backup slides

  14. ALICE layout Beam 1 BCM-A 8 sensors z = + 6 m, r = 10 cm Beam 2 BCM C 7 sensors z = -18.5 m, r=10 cm 14

  15. The V0 detector ITS V0A rin=8 cm rout=100 cm V0C rin=8 cm rout= 76 cm SPD V0C V0A 340 cm 90 cm Two arrays of scintillator counters (V0A and V0C). Time spectra allow beam-gas events rejection 15

  16. V0 timing features (example) CINT1-B V0A V0C IP beam2 beam1 340cm ~11.3ns 90cm ~3ns V0A+V0C ≈ 14.3ns V0A-V0C ≈ 8.3ns collisions IP beam1 Beam background from beam2 ~-11.3ns ~3ns V0A+V0C ≈ -8.3ns V0A-V0C ≈ -14.3ns Bkgd1 (BGA) Beam background from beam1 IP satellites beam2 ~11.3ns ~-3ns V0A+V0C ≈ 8.3ns V0A-V0C ≈ 14.3ns Bkgd2 (BGC)

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