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2011-2012 Winter Algebra 1 End-of-Course TRAINING MATERIALS. Paper-Based Tests. The following slides relate to the administration of paper-based tests (regular print or braille), which are only offered as accommodations for the Algebra 1 EOC Assessment.
2011-2012 Winter Algebra 1 End-of-Course TRAINING MATERIALS
Paper-Based Tests The following slides relate to the administration of paper-based tests (regular print or braille), which are only offered as accommodations for the Algebra 1 EOC Assessment. Each slide contains an icon of a pencil and a test to indicate that the information pertains to paper-based tests only.
Reminders for Winter EOC • For paper-based testing only: • You will receive a PreID label for each paper-based test being administered. Affix the label to the correct test for that student. • If a label is affixed to the wrong book, it CANNOT be used by another student. Do not remove the label. Return it with other NOT TO BE SCORED materials and grid the PreID information on a replacement test and answer book. • The following categories must be correct on a label in order for it to be used: Student Name, Student ID Number, District Number, and School Number. • School assessment coordinators and test administrators must track security numbers of secure test documents. • Test administrators and school assessment coordinators must refer to the Special Documents section in Appendix A of the manual for braille responsibilities. • Pre-populated Administration Record/Security Checklists are provided in PearsonAccess.
Materials Needed for Testing • Test Documents • Winter Algebra 1 EOC Assessment Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Test and Answer Book • Reference Sheets – packaged in packs of ten and shipped with test materials • Calculators
Security Numbers • Used to account for each test and answer book • Consists of a nine-digit number followed by a check digit • Packing list will indicate the number ranges assigned to each school, and written documentation of the number ranges must be maintained at all times during distribution and return of books. • Pre-populated Administration Record/Security Checklists are provided in PearsonAccess. • Test administrator should maintain a list of all secure materials assigned to him or her, including any additional materials assigned throughout the administration. • See page 11 of the manual if a document becomes soiled.
DNS and UNDO Bubbles • Located in the SCHOOL USE ONLY box on the student grid sheet. • If a DNS bubble has been gridded by mistake, erase the DNS bubble and grid the UNDO bubble. Package the document with other TO BE SCORED materials.
DNS and UNDO Bubbles The DNS bubble MUST be gridded if any of the following circumstances occur: • The document is defective and USED. • A student name, student ID number, district number, OR school number is INCORRECT on a label affixed to a USED document. • A student label has been placed over another student label on a USED document. Under the following circumstances, it is NOT necessary to grid the DNS bubble if the document has been packaged properly for return with all other NOT TO BE SCORED materials: • The preidentified document belongs to a student who has withdrawn before testing begins. • The preidentified document belongs to a student who was absent during the entire testing window. • The document is defective and UNUSED. • The preidentified information is incorrect and the document is UNUSED.
Student Demographic Information • Student grid sheet captures student demographic information. • A document is preidentified if it has a student label affixed. • Blank student grid sheets (non-preidentified) must be gridded using a No. 2 pencil. • Only school personnel may grid the following: Primary Exceptionality, Section 504, ESE/504 Accommodation Types, ELL Accommodation Types, and ELL • School personnel or students may grid the following: Student Name, District/School Number, Social Security Number or Florida Student Number, Date of Birth, Student Grade Level, Gender, Ethnicity, and Race • Incomplete grid sheets will result in delayed score reporting for those students • For more information about specific demographic fields, see pages 66-68 of the 2011-2012 Winter EOC Manual.
Sample Preidentified (PreID) Student Label • Four elements must be correct on PreID labels: student name, student ID number, district number, and school number. • If the student name, ID number, district number, OR school number is INCORRECT on a label, a replacement non-preidentified test and answer book MUST be gridded.
Student Information Box On the back of the paper-based test and answer book, complete the Student information box to indicate whether the student is taking the Algebra 1 EOC Assessment for the first time and whether the student is currently enrolled in, was previously enrolled in, or has never been enrolled in one of the courses in the Course List box.
Test Administrator: After Testing Steps for Returning Paper Test Materials Organize your paper-based materials according to the list below: • TO BE SCORED – Cover sheet and documents • NOT TO BE SCORED – Cover sheet and documents (includes unused documents and documents with the DNS bubble gridded) • Test administration manuals, security log, required administration information, seating chart, used and unused work folders, and used and unused Reference Sheets
School Assessment Coordinator: After Testing Prepare Test Materials for Return Mispackaged materials will delay reporting of student results. • Verify that all distributed secure materials have been returned. Notify your district assessment coordinator immediately if any secure materials are missing. • Check for and remove any stray reference sheets from the test and answer books. • Make copies of the records of required administration information. • Make copies of all Security Logs and seating charts and file the copies. • If a test has been invalidated, verify that the DNS bubble has been gridded and that the document is placed with TO BE SCORED materials. Verify that the DNS bubble has been gridded on a defective document and that the document is placed with NOT TO BE SCORED materials. Verify that no DNS bubble has been gridded by mistake. If it has, verify that the DNS bubble has been erased and the UNDO bubble has been gridded and place the document with TO BE SCORED materials. • Use the cover sheets to separate test materials for return.
School Assessment Coordinator: After Testing Document Count Forms • Verify that all documents from make-up sessions are included. • Do not copy blank count forms; however, once the count forms are completed, you may copy them for your records. • Place each completed form on top of the first stack of corresponding TO BE SCORED test and answer books.
School Assessment Coordinator: After Testing Document Count Forms
School Assessment Coordinator: After Testing Paper Bands • Each document type must be banded separately. You may use more than one paper band per document type, if necessary. • Complete all fields on the paper band.
School Assessment Coordinator: After Testing Package Materials for Return • TO BE SCORED Test and Answer Books – Red-labeled boxes • NOT TO BE SCORED Materials – Yellow-labeled boxes • All Special Documents Materials (if applicable) – White-labeled boxes • District Assessment Coordinator ONLY box
Special Documents Packaging Diagram
QUESTIONS • If you have questions, call or email any of the following: • Angela Marino, Director – 407-870-4056 ext: 66150; marinoa@osceola.k12.fl.us • Nereida Gonzalez– 407-518-2902 ext: 66158 gonzalezn@osceola.k12.fl.us • VeronicaGonzalez– 407-870-4046 ext: 66153; gonzalv@osceola.k12.fl.us