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Article I. Legislative Branch. Section I. Legislative powers are placed in the Congress powers to make laws Have two houses Senate House of Representatives. Senate must be at least 30 yrs. old live in state rep. Citizen of U.S. 9 yrs. House of Representatives
Article I Legislative Branch
Section I • Legislative powers are placed in the Congress • powers to make laws • Have two houses • Senate • House of Representatives
Senate must be at least 30 yrs. old live in state rep. Citizen of U.S. 9 yrs House of Representatives must be at least 25 yrs. old live in state rep. Citizen of U.S. 7 years Qualifications
Senate 2 per state 6 year term-1/3rd elected every 2 yrs elected by direct vote- 17th amend. House of Representatives by population 2 year term elected by direct vote-districts Elections
Representation • Decided by population count that is done every 10 years - census • 3/5ths comp. - slaves would be counted by 3/5ths for representation & taxation- no longer in effect due to 15th amend • In 1929 Congress limited the number of Representatives to 435 - which are divided among the states
Who can vote for Congressmen? • Originally qualifications for voting were left to the individual states • Changes have been made by 4 amend. • 15th - race • 19th - sex • 24th- poll tax • 26th - age (18 yr. old vote)
Senate the state governor will appoint a temporary senator until an election can be held House of Representatives the state governor calls an election to fill the vacant seat Vacancies
Senate 100 Senators tries cases of impeachment Vice President is President - votes only if tie House of Representatives 435 Representatives impeaches-bring charges against House chooses a Speaker Other Facts
Impeachment • Impeach means to accuse a government official of wrongdoing • House has sole power to do this-Senate then holds the trial • President, Vice-President, other officers of gov’t - but not members of Congress • 2 presidents have been impeached = none convicted
Only two presidents have been impeached none convicted. Nixon resigned before charges could be brought. Andrew Johnson Richard Nixon Bill Clinton
Held by Senate Chief Justice of Supreme Court presides if the President is on trial Requires a 2/3rds vote of the senators present at the time of the voting to convict Impeachment Trials
Succession of Office of President • Vice-President • Speaker of the House • President pro tempore of Senate • Secretary of State • members of President’s cabinet in a specific order - 25th Amend.
Rules in Congress • Must meet at least once every year - Jan. 3 • Each house may refuse to seat a newly elected member if does not meet 3 req. • majority is used as the quorum • Senate 51 • House 218 • Congress can require members to be present to get a quorum
Rules (cont.) • Each house sets its own rules and procedures • House imposes a strict limit on time a member can speak, but the Senate allows its members to speak as long as they see fit - fillabuster • Members can be expelled by 2/3rds vote of the members
Rules (cont.) • Each house must keep a record of proceedings - Congressional Record • Neither house can adjourn for more than 3 days without the consent of the other house • Neither house can move its place of meeting without consent of the other house
Privileges and Restrictions • Members cannot be tried or sued for anything they say on the floor of Congress or in congressional committees • Have some immunity from criminal arrest • Cannot hold other federal jobs while in office
Paid out of the United States Treasury Salaries are set by law