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Data Management. Provide quality data and data products to our users as quickly as possible. Becky Olson Database Administrator Web programmer. Web Presentation. How to give our users access to all our data? Correction files Data products Quality control codes. New design.
Data Management Provide quality data and data products to our users as quickly as possible Becky Olson Database Administrator Web programmer Becky Olson/UVB Radiation Project
Web Presentation • How to give our • users access to • all our data? • Correction files • Data products • Quality control codes Becky Olson/UVB Radiation Project
New design Changing only Climatalogical Network
New categories * *
Choose data type first, then location
All data will be viewed as a plot with option to download plot or actual data
Database Design Have a 3 minute raw voltage come in for every site for every hour of every day. Currently operating 30 sites, 90 instruments. How to manage that volume of data and provide quick access to our users through our web page and by data requests. Using the Oracle database. Becky Olson/UVB Radiation Project
Database Design- Channel Data Oracle database Key access fields: site_code,date, or serial number Store the channel data in temporary tables until the quality Control process has completed. Then once a month, move previous month into our production database. Also store all calibration files as well as a history of heads at the sites, and geographic information about a site.
Database Design- Documentation data quality_control_codes- list of our current quality control code, with rules and description *people_info- current contacts for our UVB program *requestlog_info- history of people, and the data they have requested service_tracking- historical record of our sites
Data Capture and Quality Have a 3 minute raw voltage come in for every site for every hour of every day. Currently operating 30 sites, 90 instruments. How to get the data from the instruments at the sites and verify its quality and put it in our database tables? Becky Olson/UVB Radiation Project
Data capture and qualityQuality Control flags: Channel/Gap Records Quality Control flags: Descriptive
In conclusion: Recognize the dynamic nature of our project and be adaptable to the constant changes that will occur in our software and database design. We will try to predict what our users want and what the technology will be, but allow the capability for change. Becky Olson/UVB Radiation Project