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Cultivate Quality and Character to Attain Target with Happiness (intended for Inspiring Teachers)

Cultivate Quality and Character to Attain Target with Happiness (intended for Inspiring Teachers). SCAD Engineering College. “We are not the institutions that once we were And We are not yet the institutions that we want to be”. The institutional Processes include:

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Cultivate Quality and Character to Attain Target with Happiness (intended for Inspiring Teachers)

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  1. Cultivate Quality and Character to Attain Target with Happiness (intended for Inspiring Teachers) SCAD Engineering College

  2. “We are not the institutions that once we were And We are not yet the institutions that we want to be”

  3. The institutional Processes include: - The Teaching-Learning - Training (lab/workshop) - Extra and Co- curricular Programmes - Value Education The success or failure of an institution is seen not by its buildings or roads but by its products and processes. The Products include: - Its Passed Out Graduates - On campus placements - Books and Publications - Research and Patents - Services to the Community The quality of products depends on the Quality of processes And The quality of processes depends upon the people in the Institutions. i.e WE, the people

  4. Target 2014-15 Academic • Institution Performance – within 50th Rank • Overall College Result – more than 70 % • Individual Faculty result – more than 80% • Proceeding as per Academic Plan without any divergence • Pre-work for NBA • Brand Building • Student Friendly Campus

  5. Administration • Five admission target • No seats should be vacant • Procurement of equipments/items • Neat work area (Class room, Labs etc.,) • CCC and DCC duties • Code of conduct

  6. To do this we need to know what we are and become what we are capable of fully. • To achieve this we need some skills and qualities

  7. Positive thinking “you are what you think you are” – Norman Vincent Peale. The foundation of success is attitude Positive attitude increases productivity, fosters teamwork, solves problems, improves quality, creates congenial atmosphere, breeds loyalty, increases benefits, fosters good relationships, reduces stress, encourages others and makes us pleasing persons. Positive thinkers are winners who recognize their limitations but focus on their strengths.

  8. Positive attitude always says, ‘I will’, ‘I am’, ‘I shall try’, etc. • Say to yourself, ‘today is going to be a great day’, ‘It will be a happy day’, let me make the most of life’, etc. • ‘This is the day the Lord has made; ‘let us rejoice and be glad’ (Ps 118: 24; Bible). • Look for positive aspects in every person and every situation. • Everything in life comes with a struggle • Story of butterfly • Kentucky Fried Chicken – Colonel Sanders’ recipe – 1009 denials.

  9. Self-confidence • Having firm belief in oneself, abilities and power • It helps to turn negatives into positives • Self-confidence leads to good self-image and self-esteem • It leads to happy and fulfilling life • Helps to be open to opportunities and challenges • It increases our productivity • Examples • Beethoven – deaf – but best musician • D. Roosevelt – paralytic – best president of USA • Wilma Rudolph – Polio – Olympic Gold Medal. -

  10. Cont… • Auto-suggestion will boost our self-confidence • ‘I am capable’, ‘I am fortunate’, ‘I am confident’, ‘I am intelligent’, etc. • “If God be for us, who can be against us” (Rom 8:31, Bible) • Feelings of confidence depend upon the type of thoughts that habitually occupy our mind

  11. Self-Motivation • Motivation refers to a desired behaviour to achieve something. • It is the key to happiness and success • Deciding where we want to go and what we want to do – goal-setting and actions • It helps us to make the most of various opportunities. • Self-motivation begins with self-belief.

  12. Cont… • Identify your work and activities • Put that down in writing • Prepare the practical steps to achieve the goal or goals • Identify the qualities and behaviour required to reach the goal • Identify the obstacles • Visualize the success in your mind • Implement the plan of action; review; proceed.

  13. Additional Tips • Aim high; be creative and innovative; be inquisitive and curious; be proactive; communicate effectively and clearly; be consistent; cope with failure • be determined; work hard; be enthusiastic; review constantly; have a dream to follow; live the present; live with values and principles’.

  14. Cont… • Albert Einstein’s Ph.D. thesis was rejected • Henry Ford had two bankruptcies • Abraham Lincoln lost all elections before becoming President of USA • Thomas Alva Edison failed 10000 times before he discovered the bulb. • Walt Disney was turned down 302 times before he got one bank to finance his ’Disney World’ project.

  15. Rings of Character Personal Responsibility Interpersonal Respect Loyalty Courage Humility Kindness Thankfulness Integrity Conviction Self-Discipline Diligence Wisdom

  16. The Ripple Effect Teachers  Students  Parents  Neighbors  Communities

  17. “Character building begins in our infancy and continues to death”– Eleanor Roosevelt

  18. “A good character is the best tombstone. Those who loved you, and were helped by you, will remember you. So carve your name on hearts, and not on marble.” – C.H. Spurgeon (1834-92)

  19. Redwood Tree

  20. Our Character - Defines • The values we choose guide the behavior we use. • Our character shows in what we do when no one is watching.

  21. Our Character • Our character is not an unchangeable set of attributes, like fingerprints and the color of our eyes. • Character is an array of dynamic qualities that we are responsible to develop.

  22. How does good character help ourself and our students? More…. Integrity Respect for Authority Diligence Kindness Personal Responsibility Less…….. Lying Disobedience Laziness Anger Blaming others

  23. Personal Responsibility Being accountable for our activity, attitudes, and actions. Integrity Conviction Self – Discipline Diligence Wisdom

  24. INTEGRITY Demonstrating trustworthiness by doing what is right and saying what is true German Shepherd

  25. INTEGRITY Demonstrating trustworthiness by doing what is right and saying what is true • This special dog is… • Intelligent • Quick • Protective of the sheep • Dedicated to its master • Very trustworthy • Transparent • Do not try to mislead others

  26. INTEGRITY Demonstrating trustworthiness by doing what is right and saying what is true “Character is like a tree, and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it, the tree is the real thing.” - Lincoln

  27. INTEGRITY “You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time.” - Lincoln

  28. INTEGRITY Integrity inspires… • Honesty – Being truthful • Sincerity - Being genuine • transparency - Uncompromised by moral defilement • Virtue - Distinguish between right and wrong behavior • Fairness - Being impartial

  29. CONVICTION Holding a value or belief so firmly that it influences my attitudes or actions Eagle

  30. CONVICTION Holding a value or belief so firmly that it influences my attitudes or actions Conviction inspires… • Faith – Trust in God • Confidence – Believe in their ability to finish the task • Optimism – Hopeful view of circumstances • Enthusiasm – Inspiration to accomplish something • Persuasiveness - Convince others, through careful reasoning or inspirational influence

  31. SELF-DISCIPLINE Focusing on worthy goals instead of distractions Emperor Penguin

  32. SELF-DISCIPLINE Focusing on worthy goals instead of distractions Wilma Rudolph “I ran and ran every day and I acquired this sense of determination, this sense of spirit that I would never give up, no matter what else happened.” Wilma Rudolph

  33. SELF-DISCIPLINE Focusing on worthy goals instead of distractions “Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.” – Thomas a Kempis SCAD Engineering College

  34. SELF-DISCIPLINE Focusing on worthy goals instead of distractions Self-Discipline inspires… • Orderliness – Maintain an orderly work, thoughtful organizing, well-behaved • Punctuality – Being on time • Thriftiness – Handle students and other possessions wisely & carefully • Resourcefulness – Develop creative solutions for the challenge that tackle them

  35. DILIGENCE Willingly completing the tasks I have accepted Honey Bee SCAD Engineering College

  36. DILIGENCE Willingly completing the tasks I have accepted “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” – Thomas Edison

  37. DILIGENCE Willingly completing the tasks I have accepted “The difference between the ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra effort called perseverance.” – Chinese proverb

  38. DILIGENCE Willingly completing the tasks I have accepted Diligence inspires… • Alertness– To pay close attention to what you do • Cautiousness– Make certain that you understand a project, situation etc.. before starting it • Creativity– Seek a creative solution to complete a task • Persistence– Continue steadfastly when a challenge becomes difficult • Thoroughness– Acting or done with great care and completeness

  39. WISDOM Ant Behaving in ways that show I understand the consequences of my decisions

  40. WISDOM Behaving in ways that show I understand the consequences of my decisions King Solomon “All receive advice. Only the wise profit from it.” – Publilius Syrus

  41. WISDOM Behaving in ways that show I understand the consequences of my decisions Wisdom inspires… • Perspective – It uses knowledge, experience and common sense to assess a situation that requires a decision • Discernment – A good judgement or insight • Discretion – Being tactful and considerate of others or trustworthy

  42. Interpersonal Respect Treating others as I want to be treated. Loyalty Courage Humility Kindness Thankfulness

  43. LOYALTY Faithfully obeying my authorities and committing to significant relationships Elephant “A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple braided cord is not easily broken.” – Ancient Proverb SCAD Engineering College

  44. LOYALTY Faithfully obeying my authorities and committing to significant relationships Loyalty inspires… • Obedience – Willingly and cheerfully obeying those, who have authority over us • Dependability – One whom others can depend on to do his or her duties • Supportiveness – Making ourselves available in times of need • Commitment – Committed to each other- faithful

  45. COURAGE Conquering fear in order to assist others Lion “No one reaches a high position without daring.” – PubliliusSyrus SCAD Engineering College

  46. COURAGE Conquering fear in order to assist others Courage inspires… • Decisiveness – Being very firm of one’s decisions • Initiative – Make a decision and then put that decision into action • Boldness – Aggressive pursuit of a goal or vigorous attack on a problem

  47. HUMILITY Zebra Honoring others by drawing attention to them instead of myself

  48. HUMILITY Honoring others by drawing attention to them instead of myself “Humble people don’t think less of themselves….. they just think about themselves less.” – Norman Vincent Peale

  49. HUMILITY Honoring others by drawing attention to them instead of myself Humility inspires… • Honor – Giving appropriate respect • Attentiveness – Observe the needs and wishes of others • Flexibility – Willingness to adapt to changes or other people’s preferences • Meekness – Being patient and gentle • Deference – Respect and heed the wisdom and preferences of others

  50. KINDNESS Selflessly caring about and helping others “Treat others the way you want them to treat you”

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