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EASEE-gas Peter Taff (centrica)

EASEE-gas Peter Taff (centrica). GTE Conference 22/23 October 2003. EASEE-gas. 1. Current status of the organisation 2. Action plan progress 3. Next challenges. Current status of the EASEE-gas organisation. Executive Committee elected March 2003 61 full members: 13 associate members.

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EASEE-gas Peter Taff (centrica)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EASEE-gasPeter Taff (centrica) GTE Conference 22/23 October 2003

  2. EASEE-gas 1. Current status of the organisation 2. Action plan progress 3. Next challenges

  3. Current status of the EASEE-gas organisation • Executive Committee elected March 2003 • 61 full members: • 13 associate members Producers (6) Traders & Shippers (16) Transporters (19) Suppliers (5) Service Providers (9) Distribution Network Operators (5) Retail Suppliers (0) End Users (1)

  4. Action Plan Progress • General Comments • CBP: Unit Harmonisation • Working Groups • - Business Rules • - Gas Quality

  5. General Comments • Executive Committee takes responsibility for Action Plan • First Common Business Practice (CBP) on Harmonisation of Units approved • Business Rules - increased focus on deliverables (CBPs) • Good progress on Gas Qualities Harmonisation

  6. Current Working Groups • Harmonisation of Units * • Business Rules * • Gas Quality Harmonisation * • Message Specification • Edig@s Message Codification and Maintenance • Real-time Data Exchange • IT Communication Network • eb XML

  7. CBP : Unit Harmonisation • Approved by ExCom 27th August 2003 • Publication on web site, press release • CBP to be implemented on or before 1/10/2005

  8. CBP : Unit Harmonisation Pressure bar Energy kWh, with a combustion reference temperature of 25°C Volume m³(n), at 0°C and 1.01325 bar (normal m³) Gross Calorific ValuekWh/m³(n), with a combustion reference temperature of 25°C

  9. Working Groups Business Rules • Broad participation & large interest in this Working Group • No participation of end users or public distribution • Smaller Task Force to develop detailed proposals with ambitious, but realistic, time schedule • Proposals being developed for a series of CBPs to address the progressive (and continuous) nature of the work in this area • Draft CBP on nomination cycle developed

  10. Working GroupsGas Quality Harmonisation • Well attended, good spirit • Again little or no participation of end users or public distribution • Preliminary status report available to Madrid Forum • Requires further work to develop draft CBP • Final recommendation will require approval by Members and by Executive Committee

  11. GQHWG: Scope of Work • Define parameters relevant for harmonisation • Agree on common values and/or ranges for gas specification parameters • Develop consistent approach on combustion properties • Propose billing arrangements that accommodate the agreed gas specifications • Taking into account safety, costs, benefits and the image of natural gas

  12. GQHWG: Areas of Application • Limited to cross border and EU entry points for high calorific gas, including LNG-terminals • Excluding areas of production and isolated systems where production, transportation and utilisation are combined

  13. Gas quality parameters/values Parameter Values Status (in GQHWG) GCV Under discussion WI Under discussion Relative density Under discussion H2S+COS (as S) < 5 mg/m³ (n) Agreed Total Sulphur < 30 mg/m³ (n) Agreed Mercaptans (as S) < 6 mg/m³ (n) Agreed O2 Under discussion CO2 < 2.5 mol % Agreed Water dew point < - 8 °C @ 70 bar(a) Agreed Hydrocarbon dew point < - 2 °C @ 1-70 bar(a) Agreed Impurity Clause Under discussion

  14. GQHWG: Further Work • Conclude discussions on the set of parameters and corresponding values • Review the billing arrangements that lead to restriction in the GCV range • Outline possible implications • Prepare a recommendation for a Common Business Practice (CBP)

  15. Next challenges • Madrid Forum (and EASEE-gas Board) to encourage participation from End Users and Public Distribution to improve industry representation • Complete initial Business Rules CBP (nominations & matching) • Complete initial CBP on Gas Quality Harmonisation • Monitor implementation of Units CBP • Exec Committee (and Working Groups) to agree future CBPs/work programme • Report on Action Plan progress to next Madrid Forum

  16. EASEE-gas[www.easee-gas.org]Peter Taff (centrica) GTE Conference 22/23 October 2003

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