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HR Consulting Services

HR Consulting Services Address: #660, KHB Main Road, 5 th Main, New KBSandra Extn, R T Nagar, Bangalore – 560 032. 080 – 23654001 | info@abner.in | www.abner.in. Vision. To be the most trusted HR Services Brand in INDIA. Motto “Making the Impossible, Possible.”.

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HR Consulting Services

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HR Consulting Services Address: #660, KHB Main Road, 5th Main, New KBSandra Extn, R T Nagar, Bangalore – 560 032. 080 – 23654001 | info@abner.in | www.abner.in

  2. Vision To be the most trusted HR Services Brand in INDIA. Motto “Making the Impossible, Possible.”

  3. Our Formula of Success (FoS) V P P Q F = P P P • V stands for Vision, which is the most important thing for any organization. If there is a Vision worth dying for, then, • P the Passion is born. Passion is wild and hence it is disciplined by, • P the Process. Process does to Passion what the potter does to the clay. This delivers the results with very high, • Q - Quality standards. And finally, • F stands for Focus and Focus brings in consistency into the whole thing. All these ingredients when blended in the right proportions, it delivers: • P – high Performance, • P – consistent Progress and • P – decent Profitability. VISION, PASSION, PROCESS, QUALITY & FOCUS = PERFORMANCE, PROGRESS & PROFITABILITY

  4. Our Service Nomenclature

  5. An Outline of our Process

  6. Facts

  7. Domain/Skill expertise (IT)(Data: FY 2010-11)

  8. Why Us ?

  9. Thank you.

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