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LCMS Hmong Ministry Conference August 10, 2014

LCMS Hmong Ministry Conference August 10, 2014. Step Up Isaiah 6:8. KEV HAWM VAJTSWV II Hu Nkauj Uantej Hawm Vaajtswv : (Pre Service Hymn) 177 Thov Caw Kwvtij Moob Suavdlawg. 1. Thov caw kwvtij Moob suavdlawg Ca le kawm Vaajtswv txujlug Tswv Yexus Nwg muaj lug hlub

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LCMS Hmong Ministry Conference August 10, 2014

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LCMS Hmong Ministry Conference August 10, 2014 Step Up Isaiah 6:8

  2. KEV HAWM VAJTSWV II Hu NkaujUantejHawmVaajtswv: (Pre Service Hymn) 177 Thov Caw KwvtijMoobSuavdlawg

  3. 1. Thov caw kwvtijMoobsuavdlawg Ca le kawmVaajtswvtxujlug TswvYexusNwgmuaj lug hlub Yuavpaabtxhua tug dlimplawgdlaabtxhaisteg Yogtasmej lug txaisyuavNwg Uamej tug Tswvmejyuav tau sab tshab Mejlub sab kwsnyamkevphem Caletsotseg lug uatuabneegtshab

  4. 2. Noobneejthoobplawglubnplajteb Tau uaphemVaajtswvtseemhlub Nwgtxhaqhathoobplawgqaabntuj Noobneejtxhua tug hloovdlualub sab tshab Mas thausntawdVaajtswvyuavpaab Habyuavzaam suavdlawgtejkevtxhum Leejtwgtighlorovqaab lug Vaajtswvyuav pub txujsantevibtxhis

  5. 3. Ntseeg mas covkwvtijntseeg mas Yaam zoo tag yogntujceebtsheej TswvYexusyog tug ncaajnceeg Mas Nwgyuav lug Txaisyuavmejtxhua tug Yuavtsum ca sab ruaYexus Nwgtxhayuav pub Kuasnyobkaaj sab lug Habyuavpaabnoobneejtxhua tug Dlimplawgkevtxhum Lug uaNwgmivnyuas

  6. 4. YogleejtwgtxaisyuavYexus Nwgyuav pub txujsantevdlhawv Yexus tub tau nqeg lug cawm Noobneejsuavdlawg Dlimplawgtxujkevtxhum YogleejtwgntseegTswvYexus VaajlugkubQub habVaajlugkubTshab Yuavqhanwgua tau lub sab Dlawbpaug ci tshaav le Vaajtswvtxujlug

  7. TOSTXAIS: (Welcome) Zoo sab togtxais txhuatug tuaj hawm Vaajtswv nubnuav rua ntawm Tswv Yexus Khetos lub npe. Thov Vaajtswv foom koobmoov rua mej txhuatug. In the name of Jesus Christ, we welcome everyone who comes to worship with us today. May God bless you all .

  8. 1. HU NKAUJ: 224 (Hymn)CovKwsNtseegTuYugLub Sab

  9. 1. Covkwsntseegtuyuglub sab Txhucaugkag ntawmVaajtswvlubxubndlag Tog noogNwgTxujlug saibNwgqha le caag Zaajntawmpuasraug sab kuasyugncudlheev Yugyeejyog tug pluag Ibqhov zoo los kuvtsimuaj KwsyuavmuabruaNwg

  10. 2. Covkwsntseegthovpeb lug saib Covtuabneegkws poobruaqhovtxomnyem Thovmej ca Vaajtswv khaivmej moog qhapuab Kuaspuabtxha tau nov TswvYexuszaaj Txujmoozoonrovnchaa Moog txugthoobplawghuvnplajteb Puabnrugpebuake

  11. 3. Cov kws ntseeg qhuas Tswv Yexus Txhu caug ua Nwg tsaug hab thov hastas Thov Koj khaiv Koj tug Ntsujplig lug rua peb Ib yaam le qhov dlej txhawv huv lub sab Peb txha noog lug qha Peb txujsa tawg paaj txi txiv Ntev dlhawv moog ib txhis

  12. Sawvntsug(Stand) HU VAJTSWV LUB NPE: (Invocation) 2. XF. PebpibhawmVaajtswvkwsyogVaajleejtxivhab + VaajleejtubhabVaajntsujpligDlawbhuvlubnpe. (Mathais 28:19-20) In the name of the father and + of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. CT. Asmees. Amen.

  13. XF. Yog peb hastas peb tsi muaj kev txhum, peb tau dlaag peb tug kheej, hab qhov tseeb yeej tsi nyob huv peb. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

  14. CT. Tabsis yog peb leeg peb tej kev txhum rua Vaajtswv, tug ua lawv le Nwg has hab ncaajnceeg, Nwg yuav zaam peb tej kev txhum hab ntxuav taagnrho peb tej kev tsi ncaajnceeg. (1 Yauhaas 1:8-9) But if we confess our sins, God who is faithful and just, will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

  15. Txhuscaug/Sawvntsug(Kneel/Stand) 3. NYOB NTSAGTU XAAV RUA VAAJTSWV TXUJLUG HAB RUA YUG TUG KHEEJ: (Reflection on God’s Word and self-examination) XF. Ca pebsuavdlawgleegpebtej kevtxhumruaVaajtswv, pebLeejtxiv. Let us then confess our sins to God our Father.

  16. Most merciful God, we confess that we are by nature sinful and unclean. We have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done and by what we have left undone. CT. Vaajtswv tug muajtxujkevtaabncuab, pebleeghastaspebyug lug yogtuabneegtxhumhabtsidlawbhuv. Peb tau uakevtxhumtawmtsaamKojntawmkevxaav, kevhaslughabkevuadlejnum, lug ntawmyaampeb tau uahabyaampebtsi tau ua.

  17. We have not loved You with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We justly deserve Your present and eternal punishment. Pebtsi tau hlubKojnrugtaagnhropeblub sab, pebtsi tau hlubpebcovkwvtijzejzog le peb tug kheej. Lawv le txujkevncaajnceeg, tsimnyogKojrautximruapebtaamsimnuavhab moog taagibtxhis.

  18. For the sake of Your Son, Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. Forgive us, renew us, and lead us so that we may delight in Your will and walk in Your ways to the glory of Your holy name. Amen. Lug ntawm Koj tug Tub, Yexus Khetos, thov Koj hlub peb, zaamtxim rua peb, muab sab tshab rua peb, hab coj peb kev, kuas peb txaus sab hlo ua Koj tegdlejnum hab taug Koj txujkev kuas Koj lub npe kws Dlawbhuv tau koobmeej. Asmees.

  19. 4. TUS XIBHWB SAWVNTSUG THIAB HAISTIAS: XF. Vaajtswv tug muaj fwjchim luj kawg nkaus lug ntawm Nwg txujkev taabncuab, tau muab Nwg tug Tub lug tuag rua koj hab tau zaam taagnhro koj tej kev txhum. Yog le ntawd, kuv, tug kws Vaajtswv tau hu hab xaivtsaa lug ua tubkhaiv rua Txujlug, zaam taagnrho koj tej kev txhum rua ntawm Vaajleejtxiv hab + Vaajleejtub hab Vaajntsujplig Dlawbhuv lub npe. (Yauhaas 20:19-23) CT. Asmees. Almighty God in His mercy has given His Son to die for you and forHis sake forgives you all your sins. As a called and ordained servant of Christ, and by His authority, I therefore forgive you all your sins in the name of the Father and of + the Son and of the Holy Spirit. CT. Amen

  20. 5. LUG QHUAS VAAJTSWV: (Introit - Psalm) NkaujQhuasVaajtswv16:8-11 Kuvyeejncuntsoovhastas tug Tswvnrugnraimkuvnyob, yeejtsimuajibyaamdlaabtsiuaruakuvntshai, ruaqhovnwgnyobzekuv. Yog le ntawd, kuvtxhaj zoo sab habuanwgtsaug, kuv tau nyobtso sab plhuav, ruaqhovkojtivthaivtsi pub kuv

  21. raugkevplujkevtuag, lossistsi ca tug kwsmuajlub sab npuabkoj moog ruahuvtubtuagteb. Kojyuavqhatxujkevkws moog tau txujsaruakuv, kojnrugnraimkuvuaruakuvtxaussabhab zoo sab moog ibtxhis.

  22. 6. TUG TSWV, HLUB PEB: (KYRIE) (Malakaus 10:47) XF. Nrugtxujkevhumxeeb, ca pebthov tug Tswv. In Peace Let us pray to the Lord. CT. Tug Tswv, thovhlubpeb. Lord, have mercy.

  23. XF. Rua txujkev humxeeb sau ntuj hab rua peb kev cawmdlim, ca peb thov tug Tswv. For the peace from above, and for our salvation, let us pray to the Lord. CT. Tug Tswv, thov hlub peb. Lord, have mercy.

  24. XF. Rua txujkev humxeeb huv nplajteb, kev nyob zoo ntawm Vaajtswv Pawgntseeg, hab rua txhuatug kev koomsab, ca peb thov tug Tswv. For the peace of the whole world, for the well-being of the Church of God, and for the unity of all, let us pray to the Lord. CT. Tug Tswv, thov hlub peb. Lord, have mercy.

  25. XF. Rua lub tsev dlawbhuv nuav, hab rua taagnhro cov tuaj hawm hab tuaj qhuas, ca peb thov tug Tswv. For this holy house, and for all who offer here their worship and praise, let us pray to the Lord. CT. Tus Tswv, thov hlub peb. Lord, have mercy.

  26. XF. Paab, cawm, txhawb, hab tivthaiv peb, tug Tswv kws muaj kev hlub. Help, save, comfort, and defend us, gracious Lord. CT. Asmees. Amen.

  27. 7. THOV VAJTSWV: (Prayer) XF.Thov tug Tswvnrugnraimmej. (2 Timautes 4:22) The Lord be with you. CT. Thov tug TswvnrugnraimKoj hab. And also with you. XF. Ca pebthovVajtswv ……. Let us pray……..

  28. Tug Tswv, thovKojmuabVaajntsujpligDlawbhuvkwsnajnubuayaam zoo lawv le Kojlub sab nyamruapebkuaspebyuavua tau lubneejlawv le Kojtegdlejnum, ruaqhovyogKojtsipaab, pebyeejtsimuajleejtwgua tau zoo; dlhau lug ntawmYexusKhetos, peb tug Tswv, tug muajtxujsanyobnrugKojhabVaajntsujpligDlawbhuv, tuabtugVaajtswv, kaavtaamsimnuavhab moog taagibtxhis. CT. Asmees. Amen.

  29. 8. NKAUJ TSHWJXEEB _____________________________ (Special Song)

  30. Nyobtsawg(Sit) 9. VAAJLUGKUB QUB: (Old Testament Lesson) VaajlugkubQubyogphoontawv YaxayasTshooj6nqai1-8 Isaiah 6:1-8 Tug Nyeem:Nuavyog tug TswvTxujlug. This is the Word of the Lord CT. UaVaajtswvtsaug Thanks be to God.

  31. 10. VAAJLUGKUB TSHAB: (Epistle Lesson - Tsabntawv) The Epistle Lesson is on Acts in chapter 2verses 14, 22-36 Tegnum 2:14, 22-36 Reader:This is the Word of the Lord Nuavyogtug TswvTxujlug Response: Thanks be to God. UaVaajtswvtsaug.

  32. Sawvntsug(Stand) 11. TXUJMOOZOO: (Gospel Lesson) Txujmoozooyogphoontawv YauhaasTshooj3Nqai1-17 CT. Tug Tswv, lubkoobmeejyogKoj tug. Glory to you O Christ. John 3:1-17 XF. Nuavyog tug TswvTxujmoozoo. This is the Gospel of the Lord. CT. TswvYexusKhetos, thovqhuasKoj. Praise to you O Christ.

  33. Nyobtsawg(Sit) 12. TSAA COV UA DLEJNUM TSHAB: (Installation of New Board and Officers) Kxf. Dr. NumlaajtshebYaaj Hmong Mission Society LCMS President

  34. Nyobtsawg(Sit) 13. HU NKAUJ: 160 (Hymn) Ca Le Moog TxhuaTxhuaQhov

  35. 1. Ca le moogtxhuatxhuaqhov qhacovkwsraugtxomnyem habsuavdlawgnyobthoobplawghuvnplajteb Ua le caagcovkwsntseeg tsi moog cojpuab lug noog YuavtsumqharuapuabpaubTxujmoozoo Thov moog cojpuab lug noog ca le qhaTxujmoozoo Vaajtswvkhaivmejcov moog qhakuaspuabntseegYexus

  36. 2.. Vaajtswvyeejqhahastas Muajcoobleejtsi tau nov puabtsipaubYexustuagtheejlubtxhoj puabtsitsotejkevtxhum Yogtsimuaj tug moog qha puabtsithovYexuscawmpuabtxujsa Thov moog cojpuab lug noog ca le qhaTxujmoozoo Vaajtswvkhaivmejcov moog qhakuaspuabntseegYexus

  37. 3. Vaajtswvhucovntseeg lug khaivcov tub habcovntxhais mejpuasyuavcaVaajtswvua tus xaiv YogVaajtswvkhaivmejmoog qhacovtubraugtxomnyem mejtsitxhobtsotxujdlejnumpovtseg Thov moog cojpuab lug noog ca le qhaTxujmoozoo Vaajtswvkhaivmejcov moog qhakuaspuabntseegYexus

  38. 4. Tus kwskhuvximtxujsa Yeejtsi tau txujkoobmoov NwgtsikheevqhaVaajtswvTxujmoozoo Covtsintseegtaabtomtaug Txujkevplujtxujkevtuag puabtsi nov puabtxhajpoobkevpuastsuaj Thov moog cojpuab lug noog ca le qhaTxujmoozoo Vaajtswvkhaivmejcov moog qhakuaspuabntseegYexus

  39. 14. LUG QHUABQHA: (Sermon) “Step Up – XaaKuv Moog Yaxayas 6:8 Kxf. Dr. NumlaajtshebYaaj

  40. You are driving a bus. You go east 12 miles, and turn south and go 2 miles and take on 9 passengers, and then you turn west and go 3 miles and let off 4 passengers. How old is the bus driver?

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