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People who want to invest in homes look for sophisticated living spaces in Kolkata. Ambuja Utalika Mukundapur is one of the best townships which have been developed by Ambuja Neotia. The township has been developed with beautiful features and they promise quality living facilities to all the residents.<br><br>Get More Info: <br>Visit: https://www.utalikakolkata.in<br>Call: 91 8448367360
HHERPE PERE FEC PAB Wh PETE FPE SS TET TTEFIEEEEE zl \ WALT Bit Miia hare re ee Pa Ma Na ac, Ns TM i HAL ' ree Vag Els oatnleabeal REE i ) SEERERERER EEE hie = EIULETE tip Cone TAN VeeeeEGEEEREEEE i i i bi eee ede i aoe i al ale UT OPP RPT IT I it a. Ce Re Peel Heel el ee ee = Ws ata To Pr a lie = : a 2 cy a a = : “ ris ae ie Ld ne ie . if Ambuja Utalika Mukundapur, Kolkata
Ambuja Utalika Overview HA A \AATN 4 AFA Kolkata’s magnificent surroundings make everyone's crazy. The lifestyle of this special city is completely amazing and is full of excitement, ad EY os, Gee oe venture and fun. The real estate market is progressing quite comprehe \ nsively here and therefore, several attractive options are available for ‘ et aa. GE, Nay Ph AUT a Poel ae premium and potential buyers here. In Mukundpur, the impressive archi tecture of Ambuja Utalika Kolkata is been in the centre of attraction th = © ese days. The project comes with an eternal bliss of premium luxuries and outsta nding natural elements and resources. The greenish surroundings here are very attractive and provide a healthy and nourishing life to the resi dents. The complex is presenting beautiful designed and sophisticated ly cratted 2, 5, 3.5 and 4 BHK luxury apartments which are well- furnished with top- quality interiors, luxurious fittings and fixtures. Their unit areas varying f rom 2166 sq. ft. to 4012 sq. ft. and the lovely homes provide all- day fresh air and natural daylight to the users.
Ambuja Utalika - Key Features e Natural Water Body e Indoor Games Room e Sculpture Garden e Walkway Under Pargolla e Bamboo Garden e Hibiscus Garden e 5A Side Football Court e Theme Garden e Rock Climbing e Cricket Pitch e Party Terrace
© Garia © BN Tagore Institute of Condiac Sctence é Kabi Subhash Metra Station fhaby General PA CONNECTOR XING Hospital () Shankar Netralaya Proposed metro station @ Peerhess, Hospital | Mitymegar King ie re ae Acropavis mall Ruby Park i ) Baghajatin Station
LAWN AE ita r AWW akon a 3 ba > e oO MULLET os ae, SLT TL OT ed VE RES LULL Ambu Muku 0 2 ~ 5 © A at bt eee ndapur, Kolkata Call +91 8448367360 https: //www.utalikakolkata.in a re eS * . ee ia a “at, ; os j= - aa i = a ‘ ae ea nl ry . ee a dik ; ee m ia 5 AR : AG a *4 Ty : a 4 e a 5 eat a ec ee Ly acid oN GENT | AGB