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Steammax Cleaning with Dry Vapor Steam Power Washer

. The Steam MAX is equipped with an intelligent boiler system that signals when it is time to descale the system. During your professional cleaning tasks you can choose up to three different steam levels, evaluating when and how to use them according to applications and use.

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Steammax Cleaning with Dry Vapor Steam Power Washer

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Steammax : Cleaning with Dry Vapor Steam Power Washer

  2. If conservation, productivity, SteamMAX excels over all other traditional power or pressure cleaning system NEVER looses pressure or temperature – built for all day use and high efficiency cleaning of mass transit systems, seafood and food plants, breweries, and so much more. Dry vapor steam is the only eco-friendly way to clean parts and equipment without chemicals, 93% less water, and won’t create a hugewet mess. we talk about efficiency water and washers. This processing https://ussteamvac.com/product/steammax-dry-vapor- steam-power-washer/

  3. Unlike SteamMAX’s work area is clean, dry, and chemical-free, employees health risks and reduces slip hazards. SteamMAX uses dry vapor steam, not water, which is very important in areas conversation initiatives. SteamMAX is also environmentally because it does not generate greasy waste water that systems and pollutes drains that flow into our rivers and streams. Start using SteamMAX and stop flooding equipment yard with hundreds of gallonsof dirty, greasy wasted water. standard power washers, which lowers with water superior clogs disposal the storm your shop or https://ussteamvac.com/product/steammax-dry-vapor- steam-power-washer/

  4. FOR MORE DETAILS VISIT OUR WEBSITE THROUGH GIVEN LINK https://ussteamvac.com/product/steammax-dry- vapor-steam-power-washer/

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