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UFABET u0e40u0e27u0e47u0e1au0e40u0e25u0e48u0e19u0e1eu0e19u0e31u0e19u0e2du0e2du0e19u0e44u0e25u0e19u0e4cu0e04u0e23u0e1au0e27u0e07u0e08u0e23 u0e41u0e17u0e07u0e1au0e2du0e25UFA u0e40u0e27u0e47u0e1au0e15u0e23u0e07u0e44u0e21u0e48u0e1cu0e48u0e32u0e19u0e40u0e2du0e40u0e22u0e48u0e19u0e15u0e4c u0e25u0e34u0e49u0e07u0e04u0e4cu0e14u0e39u0e1au0e2du0e25u0e2au0e14 u0e14u0e39u0e1fu0e38u0e15u0e1au0e2du0e25u0e1fu0e23u0e35 u0e01u0e34u0e08u0e01u0e23u0e23u0e21u0e17u0e32u0e22u0e1cu0e25u0e1au0e2du0e25 u0e44u0e14u0e49u0e40u0e07u0e34u0e19u0e08u0e23u0e34u0e07 u0e25u0e38u0e49u0e19u0e17u0e2du0e07u0e04u0e33u0e41u0e25u0e30u0e40u0e04u0e23u0e14u0e34u0e15u0e1fu0e23u0e35
Almost everyone knows that the morning line is an estimate of what the odds will be at post time. The morning line is usually determined by a track handicapper who has some knowledge of the horses because most have been at the race track and trained by a local trainer. The handicapper is also experienced at picking winners and rating each horse's chance of winning. While the morning line is not infallible, it still does a pretty good job of finding the winner among the top 4 horses based on the assigned odds. Looking back over the results charts for your favorite track for the last month you'll find that if you'd just kept your bets on horses that were in the top four horses in the morning line or in the top three favorites at post time, you would have chosen many winners. Therefore, let's start the elimination process by crossing out any horses in our program that are not in the top four choices according to the morning line. The winner is usually in this select group about 70% of the time. All further consideration and handicapping will only be a matter of choosing among these four horses. The next step in the elimination process is to determine whether a horse is moving up in class, moving down, or staying at the same class level. It's hard for a horse to move up in class and win. It does happen. but if we want to use statistics to quickly find the main contenders in a race we can look over the four horses we are now handicapping and cross out any of them that is moving up in class since its last race. The only exception to this rule is a horse that won its last race by at least five lengths. You should have weeded a few horses out of our original four by now, but we're not done yet. What about the people who are involved with the horse? Their ability or lack of ability is indicated by their winning percentage. Would you want to be in partnership with a person who only won five times out of one hundred races? Eliminate any horse that has a trainer or jockey with a win percentage of 5% or less. The next step in this process is to watch the odds at post time and to find a horse among your contenders that is in the odds range from 5-1 to 9/5. The reason we use this range is that many winners are at less than 5-1 but betting on a horse at less than 9/5 usually doesn't pay enough to make it worthwhile. This system is meant for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered as an inducement to gamble. My Mathematical Formula is a horse racing system that actually has been around for a along time. It was released
as a book about 20 years ago, over 87 thousand copies have been bought. This has been a solid approach, used successfully by many for more than 35 years. Nothing has changed with gambling or horse racing, it uses the same methods but with new technology to get you incredible results again and again. It is now available on the internet trough Clickbank. This system does not use level stakes witch mean ufa that, with a very small stake you can make much more money. It will show you exactly how to place the right bets on the correct horses and you can win even if your horse comes in 2nd or 3rd place. No matter how involved with horse racing you are and no matter where in the world you are, you will have a consistent way of winning bets on horse racing. This is about the mathematics of horse racing and how to use it for your benefits. You do not have to sit and calculate anything. All you need to do is, have the data for the race that you are going to bet on. Everything else is automatic. My mathematic formula also works with Dutch bet that means you need to have three to win. The author of my mathematical formula says that level stakes make small profits and you will not really get rich from doing that. Level stakes are not for him, you will make money over time but this is not a get rich quick scheme. The bets that you will be making are for hectic odds so that you can only bet $1 per horse and win more than $650. A Diabolical staking plan is the trick to this system and that is what you use, witch takes your small stake on what is known as a safe bet and turns it into huge profits. It takes your small profit off the lower odds and use it over and over to make more money. It is designed so that it does not matter if your horse loses 50 races in a row you will make a profit anyway. Another great thing about this system is the 300 percent higher money for $1, claimed by the author. There are many benefits with this manual but you will have to have a little patience and begin to understand the concept before you start, but it is worth it.