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What’s it like to work for a world class SEO? What secrets could you glean on website promotion? The SEO business is sexy, exciting and challenging. While most people want to improve and promote their site, web promo companies often deal with such diverse clients, it sharpens their instincts for what works and what don’t work in the SEO game. This article presents a few tricks, tips and myths about how to SEO your website into GOOGLE heaven. Content SEO = Top GOOGLE Positions If you have great content and decent SEO techniques, you’re webs site should do pretty well in the search engines. If you have SEO stuffed pages full of garbage keyword phrases, sooner or later, you’re gonna pay the price. There are too many billions of dollars at stake for cheap tricks to raise search engine rankings for long. Combine great content with great SEO instincts and bang… you’re website traffic will skyrocket. Here are some common tips, you may have heard, but are worth repeating. Website Design – SEO Strategy If you can’t highlight and grab the text off of your website – look out! If you can’t grab it and paste it into a document, how do you think a search engine is gonna read it put it in their search engine. Sure, people will tell you, don’t worry, the search engines index it not problem. Maybe they are right, my gut say Watch Out! Keep it simple! Keyword Selection – SEO Strategy You can spend hours researching your keywords, try lots of combo’s and still get zero results in the search engines. What the problem? CONTENT! The key words and the content have to flow together. For 노노노노노 example, if you write about dog grooming and switch to a few cat grooming examples, you may defeat your SEO efforts. If you write for the search engine like you were talking to a ten year old, you’ll probably get much higher SEO results. Meta Tag Mania – SEO Strategy There are tons of meta tag how to’s to read and confuse you. Here’s a tip for writing better meta tags – pretend you’re asking them out on a date and just say what you have to say without all the bull corn. For example, “I’m ah, going to be in the area this evening, and wonder if you would ahh. oh yeah and I just rebreed something… ah, what was I trying to say is ahh, there’s a nice film tonight if you would like to ah… Now compare that speech that never got to the point with, “Look girl, I think youre beautiful, would you like to see a movie with me?” And shut up!!! Copy Writing – SEO Strategy
Ditto for the copy writing – less is more. Pretend you’re writing for NPR. What do they do? They tell you what they are going to tell you, tell you what the have to say and then tell you what the told you. NPR are no dummies, if that’s what they do, it must be good so jump on the band wagon and blow your trumpet. Image Tags Copy – SEO Strategy By the time you’re concerned with adding image tags to SEO your website, you either have a great site way, way up their in the search engines or you’re a SEO junky that needs help. No body can assure you #1 rankings on Google so don’t set your sails for impossible goals. Someday, we’ll all wake up in the 1980’s again and discover the sense of freedom people back in pre-internet era.