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Chem. 230 – 11/25 Lecture. Announcements I. Homework Set 4 Solutions Posted (short answer + long answer coming soon) Turn in Set 4 long problems (last graded set) Schedule for presentations on the internet Posted link to first presentation review article
Announcements I • Homework Set 4 Solutions Posted (short answer + long answer coming soon) • Turn in Set 4 long problems (last graded set) • Schedule for presentations on the internet • Posted link to first presentation review article • Will post homework and presentations as they become available • Exam 4 • Will cover HPLC detectors, Quantitation and MS • Capillary Electrophoresis will only be on Final
Announcements II • Today’s Lecture • Mass Spectrometry • Interpretation • Other Topics • Capillary Electrophoresis • Theory • Equipment • Summary of Main Methods • First Special Topics Presentations (Cheng and Clarke – MEKC)
Mass SpectrometeryInterpretation Fragmentation Analysis Covered (briefly except for questions) Isotopic Analysis Covered (one more question) Determination of Charge Important for interpreting MALDI and ESI peaks where multiple charges are possible
Mass SpectrometryOther Topics – Multiple Charges in ESI In ESI analysis of large molecules, multiple charges are common due to extra (+) or missing (-) Hs (or e.g. Na+) The number of charges can be determined by looking at distribution of big peaks For + ions m/z = (M+n)/n (most common) For – ions m/z = (M–n)/n (M+n)/n Dm/z Ion current m/z (M+n+1)/(n+1) Example: m/z peaks =711.2, 569.3, 474.8, 407.1 Dm/z = (M+n)/n – (M+n+1)/(n+1) = (M+n)(n+1)/[n(n+1)] – (Mn+n2+n)/[n(n+1)] = M/[n(n+1)] = 141.9, (94.5, 67.7) Do rest on board
Mass Spectrometry Other Topics – Multiple Charges in ESI Another way to find charge on ions is to examine the gap in m/z between isotope peaks (0 13C vs. 1 13C) The +1 mass difference will be ½ if charge is +2 or 1/3 if charge is +3 gap = 405.73 – 405.23 = 0.50 Glycodendrimer core Glycodendrimer core
Mass SpectrometryOther Topics - MS-MS In LC-ESI-MS, little fragmentation occurs making determination of unknowns difficult In LC-ESI-MS on complicated samples, peak overlap is common, with interferants with the same mass possible (e.g. PBDPs) In both of above samples, using MS-MS is useful This involves multiple passes through mass analyzers (either separate MSs or reinjection in ion-trap MS) and is termed MS-MS Between travels through MS, ions are collided with reagent gas to cause fragmentation
Mass SpectrometeryQuestions I Which ionization method can be achieved on solid samples (without changing phase) If one is using GC and concerned about detecting the “parent” ion of a compound that can fragment easily, which ionization method should be used? For a large, polar non-volatile molecule being separated by HPLC, which ionization method should be used?
Mass SpectrometeryInterpretation Questions • Determine the identity of the compound giving the following distribution:
Mass SpectrometeryInterpretation Questions 2. Determine the identity of the compound giving the following distribution:
Mass SpectrometeryInterpretation Questions 3. From the following M, M+n ions, determine the number of Cs, Brs and Cls:
Capillary ElectrophoresisOverview Basis of Electrophoresis Electroosmotic Flow in Capillaries Equipment Summary of Main Methods
Capillary ElectrophoresisBasis for Separation Transport in electrophoresis is based on electric forces on ions: The electrostatic force accelerates the ion toward the electrode of opposite charge But “drag” in the opposite direction soon becomes equal to the electrostatic force leading to constant velocity velocity = v = zE/(6phr) where z = charge, E = electric field, h = viscosity, and r = ion radius (missing in text 13.3) Note: for -1 anion, z = -1, so direction is opposite to electric field (as in example) - X - high voltage + electric force anode cathode drag Electric Field
Capillary ElectrophoresisBasis for Separation Ion velocity depends on: Electric field = V/L where V = voltage and L = capillary length Ion charge (z) Ion size (r) fastest migration for small, highly charged ions Complications in capillary electrophoresis Electroosmotic flow (EOF): bulk flow through the capillary EOF results from negatively charged capillary wall (for silica tubing at pH > 2) Positively charged counter ions are needed and migrate to cathode They also drag solvent toward cathode Because EOF originates from capillary wall, flow profile is nearly uniform Whereas pressure-driven flow is slow at walls This results in less band broadening than in chromatography O- O- O- O- O- O- O- O- to anode Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ to cathode
Capillary ElectrophoresisSeparation Efficiency Van Deemter Equation Unlike chromatography (for CZE), no stationary phase exists, so no mass transfer Wall driven flow means no multipath term This is somewhat “idealized” Optimal Separation Occurs at Highest Possible Flow Rates highest voltage provides fastest separation and least dispersion, but highest voltages result in heating capillary cores and dispersion due to differential viscosity H = A + B/u + Cu H = A + B/u H = B/u hotter
Capillary ElectrophoresisSeparation Efficiency – cont. Van Deemter Dispersion Only due to molecular dispersion Smallest for largest ions (they have smallest diffusion coefficients) Other Sources of Dispersion Differential heating core velocity is faster larger for larger voltages and larger diameters Injection plug widths (depends on method and volume injected) Detection
Capillary ElectrophoresisBasis for Separation Net velocities: vNet = vEOF + vion vion is negative for anions, positive for cations and 0 for neutral species No separation of neutral species in Capillary Zone Electrophoresis Analyte migration time time = l(L/V)vNet where l = length from anode to detector time depends on ion size, charge, pH (weak acids/bases), voltage, column lengths vEOF = vNet(neutrals) vNet vNet vCations vAnions Weak Acid Example vEOF vNet A- vNet HA at pH ~ pKa, vNet = (vNet HA + vNet A-)/2
Capillary ElectrophoresisEquipment Mobile phase (aqueous buffer) Power supply (~30kV) and electrodes Capillary (25 to 75 μm diameters) Some way to get sample into capillary Detector (through capillary most common) Safety Equipment – to turn off high voltage when accessing equipment detector high voltage +
Capillary ElectrophoresisEquipment (Cont.) • Mobile phase (aqueous buffer) • Ion Concentration from Buffer • needed to carry current • too high causes slow migration (more dispersion) • Modifiers • various types including organics and surfactants • Voltage – high value allows faster separations and minimizes dispersion • Capillary dimensions – need to be small to avoid excessive joule heating
Capillary ElectrophoresisEquipment (Cont.) + - • Sample injection • Electroosmotic injection (using applied voltage) (sometimes biases sample) • Hydrostatic injection (based on raising/lowering capillaries) • Hydrodynamic injection (using applied pressure) High V
Capillary ElectrophoresisEquipment (Cont.) • Detectors • Sensitivity issues (CE usually has poor conc. detection limits but excellent mass detection) • Through Capillary Types • advantage: single capillary can run from anode to cathode without a need for any connections or possible shorting of high voltage circuit • this is restricted to non-evasive (optical) detectors • UV absorption and fluorescence are most common • Others • These require an interface at or after cathode • Electrochemical and MS detection are most common
Capillary ElectrophoresisEquipment (Cont.) • Detectors • UV • simple beam through capillary is simplest • concentration sensitivity is poor due to short path length • “bubble” or “Z-cell” increases sensitivity modestly • Fluorescence • Favored due to greater sensitivity
Capillary ElectrophoresisEquipment (Cont.) • Detectors • Electrochemical Detection • Electrodes can be made small for connection to small flow cells in CE • Smaller size does not decrease sensitivity much with most electrochemical detection methods and CE already has needed buffer • This results in very low mass detection limits • MS • Ionization efficiency is good with the lower flow rates found in CE • Volatile buffers and additives must be chosen, which can limit choices
Capillary ElectrophoresisMain Methods Separation of Ions Capillary Zone Electrophoresis Capillary Gel Electrophoresis Separation of Neutral Compounds (may also be used for ions) Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography (MEKC) Capillary Electrochromatography (a hybrid of CE and HPLC)
Capillary ElectrophoresisMain Methods Capillary Zone Electrophoresis (CZE) Most common in silica capillaries in which case net EOF is from anode to cathode Fused silica operation at higher pH (>2) needed for negatively charged silanol groups Silica EOF can be reversed using a positive surface coating Capillary Gel Electrophoresis Separation based on molecular sieving (size of molecules) in gel (like standard gel electrophoresis) Has been used extensively for DNA fragment separations
Capillary ElectrophoresisMain Methods Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography (MEKC) Micelles added to buffer (from surfactants) Allows separation of neutrals based on partitioning of analytes between micelle interiors (hydrophobic environment) and bulk mobile phase Anionic micelles will travel slower than EOF and neutrals will elute between micelle flow and EOF flow Capillary Electrochromatography Uses packed capillary column Flow driven by electrophoresis Separation based on partitioning between phases surfactant micelle
Capillary ElectrophoresisSummary Capillary electrophoresis provides high separation efficiencies (N values) in much the same way capillary columns do for GC Capillary electrophoresis also is very poor for preparative separations Very small volumes are injected; concentration sensitivity is poor vs. HPLC but mass sensitivity is good Electropherograms show more variability in elution times than HPLC
Capillary ElectrophoresisQuestions If a polymer-based capillary has positive charges at the surface, toward which electrode will neutral molecules travel? What capillary electrophoresis methods could be used to separate phenol from methoxyphenol? Why are UV and Fluoresence detection especially usefulin CE? If the minimum detectable UV signal is A = 0.00010 AU, the capillary is 50 μm wide, and the compound of interest has an absorptivity coefficient of 87 M-1 cm-1, what is the minimum detectable concentration (at the electropherogram peak)? If the injection volume was 50 nL and the peak concentration was 1/5th the initial concentration, what is the minimum detectable quantity?