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What was it like in the past? UK factory conditions in the 19 th century.

What was it like in the past? UK factory conditions in the 19 th century. Is it ethical?. By the end of today’s lesson you will:

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What was it like in the past? UK factory conditions in the 19 th century.

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  1. What was it like in the past? UK factory conditions in the 19th century.

  2. Is it ethical? By the end of today’s lesson you will: have explored the moral and social consequences of globalisation with specific reference to the exploitation of workers and changes to the lives of rural to urban migrants. Text book reference: page 124; chapter 10; chapter 9

  3. Today I am looking for: • Well thought through arguments • Reference to places and examples

  4. Activities Each of you has a resource. Highlight the key points that link with today’s learning objective. Be ready to share the 2 most important points with the rest of the group. Remember – we are looking for reference to places and examples

  5. Activities Work in pairs Consider the four questions from page 124 What are your responses to these questions? Make notes with arguments to support your responses.

  6. Agree or disagree? • Consumer power is the most important factor in changing the way workers are treated. • TNCs are starting to treat workers better because they care about them. • All consumers should buy products according to the ethics of the company that produces them. • It is not the responsibility of the consumer to raise the working conditions of TNC factories. • Governments should bring in stricter rules about working conditions in TNC factories.

  7. Reflection: What is the most important point that you are going to take away from today’s lesson? Why is this an important point?

  8. Independent study Add to your notes by completing these tasks: • The growing demand for rainforest timber, the development of bio fuels and oil extraction have all led to conflicts because the homelands of indigenous people are being destroyed. Find out an example of a place where this has occurred and make notes to show what has happened and the social environmental and economic impacts. 2) Revisit chapter 9 and further research the idea of fair trade coffee through the Rainforest Alliance. Consider how governments can ensure that their workers on farms are paid a fair price for the food products that they produce.

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