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Expert Advice:How to Plant and Grow Aloe Vera at Home

When growing aloe vera plants, plant them in a cactus potting soil mix or a regular potting soil that has been amended with additional perlite or building sand. Also, make sure that the pot has plenty of drainage holes.

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Expert Advice:How to Plant and Grow Aloe Vera at Home

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  1. Sources:​https://newaloeverablog.blogspot.com/2019/09/expert-advicehow-to-plant-anSources:​https://newaloeverablog.blogspot.com/2019/09/expert-advicehow-to-plant-an d-grow-aloe.html Aloe Vera Plant is a wonderful plant. Nowadays people are more caring of their body.People have been growing ​Aloe Vera Plant​ at home or garden or backyard wherever they get a place at their home they plant Aloe Vera.You know people are growing Aloe Vera from thousands of years. Aloe Vera gives us a​ health benefit​ and it is widely used in medicinal , face,burning, to remove dark circles ,​delicious juice​, lowering blood sugars, improve digestive health and many more uses . And it is the best plant for keeping our body ​healthy or fit​ and it will feel great to grow Aloe Vera Plant at home. If you are interested to grow Aloe Vera Plant at home and You don't Know How to Grow? don't worry.I am here to tell you How to Grow and How to Plant Aloe Vera at home easily. How to Plant Aloe Vera at Home Before Planting remember: ● The first step is to choose the right types of Planter.Like cacti, succulents do best in dry conditions. Plant Aloe Vera in a terra cotta pot with well-drained dirt. it will allow the soil to dry thoroughly between watering and will also be good enough to keep the plant from tipping over When choosing a container, remember to pick that container has at least one drainage hole in the bottom. This is important, as the hole will allow excess water to drain out. Aloe Vera Plants are Succulents, so use a proper well draining potting mix.A well or proper mix contain perlite, lava rock, coarse sand, or all three.Do not use soil. lack of proper drainage can cause rot and wilting, which is easily the most common cause of death for this plant. ● ● ● ●

  2. Place Aloe Vera Plant in a bright or sunny Places otherwise it will not make any sense and it will not grow. Planting Aloe Vera: Here how you can plant Aloe Vera in points: 1.Ready your Pot: After giving a new Pot, place a small piece of screen over the drainage hole,this will keep the soil from falling out the bottom and will allow water to drain properly. 2. Require sunlight and warmth: To keep growing Aloe Vera,place your Aloe Vera Plant at sunlight or bright place.This Plant prefer 8 to 10 hours of sunlight everyday.Aloe Vera Plant best grow in summer or hot areas. 3.Ready Your Plant:

  3. Remove the Aloe Vera plant from its usable pot and clean the excess dirt from the roots, being careful not to damage the roots. 4.Plant it in a well draining soil: Aloe Vera Plant are surviving in hot temperature or dry conditions ,Cut off part of the stem, leaving as much as possible on the plant. Next, take the bare plant and place it in a warm area that gets indirect light.Create your own mix using equal parts soil, sand, and gravel. 5.Plant your plant: Fill the pot about a well draining potting mix,then place your plant in the soil.Keep in mind that you should leave at least ¾ of an inch of space between the top of the soil and the rim of the pot. 6.Do Not Water after Planting: Before Watering, give aloe plant some days to open or repair the root that may be damaged during planting.Don't worry Aloe Vera stores plenty of water in their leaf so it will not harm or damages if you are not watering in their leaves. Caring of Aloe Vera Plant 1. During Summer, Keep Watering:

  4. During summer,the weather is warm and sunny.Aloe Vera Plant will grow faster in summer rather than winter or any season.Keep regular watering for better growth. 2.Place in bright or indirect sunlight: Place Aloe Vera Plant in indirect sunlight or in artificial light.Aloe Plant that are kept in low light often grow leggy. 3.During Cold Season, Water infrequently: Aloe Plants can manage themselves in the temperature between 13 degrees to 27 degrees. But if we talk about winter Aloe Plant can't survive a long time, Don't worry there is one solution if the weather is cold, keep them in a heated room year round. Water Aloe Vera Plants deeply, but infrequently .To discourage rot, allow the soil to dry at least 1 to 2 inches deep between watering. Don’t let your plant sit in water for a long time. 4.Do Not Fertilize: Aloe Vera Plant not required any kind of fertilizer , if you wish than don't overuse the fertilizer because by overusing the fertilizer can harm the Aloe Plants and it grows in unnatural or improper manner.

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