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Welcome to the 40 th Anniversary celebration of the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission. The 1960’s. 1964 Demographics. Some more facts from1964. Lyndon B. Johnson was President The Capital Beltway was completed in August of 1964
Welcome to the 40th Anniversary celebration of theNorthern Virginia Transportation Commission
Some more facts from1964 • Lyndon B. Johnson was President • The Capital Beltway was completed in August of 1964 • President Lyndon Johnson signs the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964 that provides $375 million in transit capital assistance over three years.
NVTC in the 1960’s • Transportation District Act defines powers of NVTC • First Commission meeting held September 1, 1964 • Gordon Thompson becomes first Executive Secretary • WMATA compact goes into effect (1967) • Jason Edwards becomes next Executive Secretary (1968)
Fred Babson Lee Rhoads Chairmen in the 1960’s
The 1970’s • War in Vietnam raged on (early 1970’s) • 26th Amendment passed making the voting age 18 instead of 21 (1971) • Disney World opened (1971) • M*A*S*H TV series began (1972) • Federal Express was created (1972) • Oil embargo and first major U.S. Fuel crisis causes gas prices to soar (1973) • VCR’s are introduced to the home market (1974) • Congress passed the Metric Conversion Act, which called for the voluntary switch to the Metric System, but it had little effect. (1974)
The 1970’s • Military Academies admit their first female students (1976) • 200th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence is celebrated (1976) • Apple computer was started in a California garage by Steve Jobs with $1500. (1976) • Nuclear non-proliferation treaty signed by 15 countries including the US and USSR (1977) • Elvis Dies (1977) • Garfield cartoon makes debut (1978) • Camp David Peace Accords meetings begin between Israel and Egypt (1978) • Nuclear accident on Three Mile Island (1979) • “Post It” notes invented (1979)
NVTC in the 1970’s • Urban Mass Transit Administration awards NVTC a grant for the demonstration of an exclusive bus lane on Shirley Highway (I-395) • First Transportation Day held June 17, 1971 • NVTC awarded $35 million of state highway funds for Metrorail construction • Irvin McNayr becomes Executive Director (1974)
Joe Alexander Rufus Phillips Everard Munsey Alan Magazine John Purdy Beverly Beidler Marie Travesky Chairmen and Chairwomen in the 1970’s
The 1980’s • CNN is launched as the first all news network (1980) • The Columbia space shuttle – America’s first reusable spacecraft was launched (1981) • Sandra Day O’Connor appointed as the first female Supreme Court justice (1981) • Vietnam Veterans Memorial unveiled (1982) • Geraldine Ferraro was the first female presidential candidate; Jesse Jackson was the first African-American presidential candidate (1983) • The final episode of M*A*S*H airs, advertising cost more than during the Super Bowl that year, and surpassing the record Dallas set for most viewers.(1983) • Compact Discs are first released (1983)
The 1980’s • Leaded gas is officially banned in the US (1985) • Columbia space shuttle explodes (1986) • America celebrates national holiday Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. day for the first time. (1986) • Black Monday - Stock market drops 22% on October 19th. (1987) • World Population reaches 5 billion (1987) • Human Genome Project funded (1988) • CDs outsell vinyl for the first time ever (1988) • The Berlin Wall came tumbling down (1989)
NVTC in the 1980’s • Dave Erion becomes Executive Director (1980) • Developed marketing plan for Dulles Flyer • NVTC Handbook produced for first time in 1984 • VRE master agreement signed • Sponsored first Commuter Rail Conference of APTA. • Rick Taube becomes Executive Director (1984)
Robert Calhoun James Scott Carol DeLong Ellen Bozman Charles Beatley, Jr. Tom Davis John Milliken Jim Moran Lilla Richards Chairmen and Chairwomen in the 1980’s
The 1990’s • Smoking on domestic flights banned (1990) • Hubble space telescope is launched into orbit (1990) • Iraq invades Kuwait (1990) • Clean Air Act is passed (1990) • Iraq invaded by UN (1991) • Hurricane Andrew hits Florida (1992) • L.A. riots kicked off by acquittal of police officers for Rodney King beating (1992) • North American Free Trade Agreement ratified and eliminated trade tariffs between Mexico, the US, and Canada. • Women serve in combat roles for the first time (1993)
The 1990’s • Chunnel opens, bridging England and France. The tunnel now allows passengers to travel between the two countries in 35 minutes. (1994) • Oklahoma City bombing. (1995) • The Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski arrested in Montana. (1996) • Scientists cloned Dolly the sheep at the Roslin Institute in Scotland. (1997) • John Glenn returns to space --Senator John Glenn, 77, returned to space onboard the space shuttle Discovery. He became the oldest person to ever be in space. (1998) • Y2K Scare-- Y2K hype gets everyone paranoid that the end of the world is near. Billions of dollars are spent world-wide on Y2K upgrade on computer software. (1999)
NVTC in the 1990’s • Loudoun County joins commission. • VRE launches service. • Awarded APTA’s Outstanding Government Agency award. • Received $700,000 to initiate regional SmarTrip card fare integration. • Initiated management of Code Red Ozone Action Days and free bus fares for bus systems in NoVA on these days. • Established new NVTC website.
Chairmen and Chairwomen in the 1990’s • John Milliken • Kate Hanley • John Mason • Patsy Ticer • Mary Margaret Whipple • Sharon Bulova • Kerry Donley • Al Eisenberg • Dana Kauffman
2000 and beyond… • Cell phones are de rigueur • Handheld computers go mainstream • Tiger Woods wins all four major golf titles • Concorde crashes ultimately ending its presence in the airline industry. (2000) • September 11, 2001 -- Pentagon attacked by terrorists and World Trade Center in New York is destroyed… • US attacks Afghanistan and ultimately invades Iraq.
NVTC in 2000 and beyond… • Conducts Transit Education Days in Richmond • $5 million is given to NVTC to purchase and install SmarTrip fareboxes • Implements Falls Church Bus – GEORGE • VRE ridership surges to record levels and continues to grow to more than 15,000 riders daily…
NVTC 2000 and beyond… Marks the milestone of its 40th anniversary in 2004!
Chairmen and Chairwomen in the 2000’s • David F. Snyder • Chris Zimmerman • Elaine McConnell • William D. Euille
Thank you for your continued support and dedication to NVTC!