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NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TIRUCHIRAPPALLI – 620 015. (STB99061) . 3-DAY TUTORIAL ON VERILOG HDL Organized by IEEE STUDENT BRANCH NIT TRICHY. Mr. Pradeep J M.Tech Scholar NIT-T. Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering. Today’s Topic. Module Instantiation FSM.
NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TIRUCHIRAPPALLI – 620 015 (STB99061) 3-DAY TUTORIAL ON VERILOG HDL Organized by IEEE STUDENT BRANCH NIT TRICHY Mr. Pradeep J M.Tech Scholar NIT-T Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Today’s Topic • Module Instantiation • FSM
MODULE INSTANTIATION • A module provides a template from which you can create actual objects. When a module is invoked, Verilog creates a unique object from the template. Each object has its own name, variables, parameters, and I/O interface. • The process of creating objects from a module template is called instantiation, and the objects are called instances
module half_adder(in_a,in_b,sum,carry); input in_a,in_b; output sum,carry; assign sum = in_a ^ in_b; assign carry = in_a & in_b; endmodule module full_adder (in_a,in_b,carryin,sum,carryout); input in_a,in_b,carryin; output sum,carryout; wire sum1,carry1,carry2; half_adder h1(in_a,in_b,sum1,carry1); half_adder h2(sum1,carryin,sum,carry2); assign carryout = carry1 | carry2; endmodule module half_adder(in_a,in_b,sum,carry); input in_a,in_b; output sum,carry; assign sum = in_a ^ in_b; assign carry = in_a & in_b; endmodule module full_adder (in_a,in_b,carryin,sum,carryout); input in_a,in_b,carryin; output sum,carryout; wire sum1,carry1,carry2; half_adder h1(in_a,in_b,sum1,carry1); half_adder h2(sum1,carryin,sum,carry2); assign carryout = carry1 | carry2; endmodule module adder4bit(a,b,sum,carryin,carryout); input [3:0]a,b; input carry; output [3:0]sum; output carryout; wire [2:0]carry; full_adder f1(a[0],b[0],carryin,sum[0],carry[0]); full_adder f2(a[1],b[1],carry[0],sum[1],carry[1]); full_adder f3(a[2],b[2],carry[1],sum[2],carry[2]); full_adder f4(a[3],b[3],carry[2],sum[3],carryout); Endmodule
module adder_test; wire [3:0]sum; wire carryout; reg [3:0]a,b; regcarryin; adder4bit a1(a,b,sum,carryin,carryout); initial begin #10 a=4'b1010;b=4'b1101;carryin=1'b1; #10 a=4'b1110;b=4'b1001;carryin=1'b0; end initial begin $monitor($time,"%b %b %b %b %b",a,b,carryin,sum,carryout); #100 $stop; end endmodule
INTRODUCTION TO FSM Combinational and Sequential Circuits • In a combinational circuit, the outputs depend only on the applied input values and not on the past history. • In a sequential circuit, the outputs depend not only on the applied input values but also on the internal state. • The internal states also change with time. • The number of states is finite, and hence a sequential circuit is also referred to as a Finite State Machine (FSM). • Most of the practical circuits are sequential in nature.
always@(state) begin case(state) s0: color = red; s1: color = green; s2: color = yellow; endcase end endmodule module light(clk,reset,color); input clk,reset; output reg [1:0]color; parameter s0=2'b00,s1=2'b01,s1=2'b10; parameter red = 2'b00, green =2'b01, yellow =2'b10; reg [1:0]state; always@(posedgeclk) begin if (reset == 1'b1) state <= s0; else begin case(state) s0: state <= s1; s1: state <= s2; s2: state <= s0; endcase end end
module light_test; wire color; regclk,reset; light l1(clk,reset,color); initial begin reset = 1'b0; clk = 1'b0; end always #5 clk = ~clk; initial begin #3 reset =1'b1; #10 reset = 1'b0; end endmodule
module parity_gen(x,clk,reset,z) input x,clk,reset; output reg z; parameter even =1'b0, odd = 1'b1; reg state; always@(posedgeclk) begin if (reset ==1'b1) state <= even; else begin case(state) even: begin if(x == 1'b1) state <= odd; else state <= even; end odd: begin if(x == 1'b1) state <= even; else state <= odd; end endcase end end always@(state) begin case(state) even: z=1; odd: z=0; endcase end endmodule
module paritygentest; wire z; regx,reset,clk; parity_gen p1(x,clk,reset,z); initial begin reset = 1'b0; clk = 1'b0; x=1'b0; end always #5 clk = ~clk; initial begin #3 reset =1'b1; #10 reset = 1'b0;x=1'b1; #10 x=1'b0; #10 x=1'b1; #10 x=1'b1; #10 x=1'b0; end endmodule
always@(present_state,x) begin case(present_state) s0: begin if(x==0) begin next_state = s1; z=0; end else begin next_state = s0; z=0; end end s1: begin if(x==1) begin next_state = s2;z=0; end else begin next_state = s1; z=0; end end s2: begin if(x==1) begin next_state = s3;z=0; end else begin next_state = s1;z=0; end end s3: begin if(x==1) begin next_state = s0; z=0; end else begin next_state = s1; z=1; end end endcase end endmodule module sequence_detect(x,clk,reset,z); input x,clk,reset; output reg z; parameter s0=2'b00,s1=2'b01,s2=2'b10,s3=2'b11; reg [1:0]present_state,next_state; always@(posedgeclk) begin if(reset ==1) preset_state <= s0; else present_state <= next_state; end
initial begin #3 reset = 1'b1; #10 reset = 1'b0; #10 x = 1'b0; #10 x = 1'b1; #10 x = 1'b1; #10 x = 1'b0; #10 x = 1'b1; #10 x = 1'b0; end initial begin $monitor($time,"%b%b%b%b",x,clk,reset,z); #100 $stop; end endmodule module seq_detect_test; wire z; regx,reset,clk; sequence_detect(x,clk,reset,z); initial begin clk=1'b0; reset=1'b0; x=1'b0; end always #5 clk=~clk;
A<=B B=1 A=0 • C<=A