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Key Stage 4 Geography Revision / Extension Spring 1.
Key Stage 4 Geography Revision / Extension Spring 1 Each half term, a series of activities will be made available in the Geography section of the Key Stage 4 revision/extension website. These are designed to extend and deepen students’ understanding of the material studied in class and to help with their revision of each unit. During this half term, students in Key Stage 4 are studying A Wasteful World and can supplement their studies by completing the following activities (using the linked documents included): Activity 1: A world of waste / HICs vs. LICs Activity 2: Recycling waste locally Activity 3: Waste disposal in HICs All work submitted for feedback will be marked and returned to students within two weeks of the hand-in date. In preparation for a Unit 2 Tier of Entry exam, which all students are completing on Monday 3rd March 2014, students should also make use of the one-page revision summaries for each of the four units they will be examined on. - Unit 2 - One Page Summaries.