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Rani Vanouska Modely campaign to make Football a part of UNESCO’s World.

Princess Rani Vanouska T. Modelyu2019s campaign to make Football a part of UNESCOu2019s World Intangible Heritage list is creating ripples all around the world. From garnering interest from the world of sport, politics, entertainment, and more, Football World Heritage has also reached the world of art now.

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Rani Vanouska Modely campaign to make Football a part of UNESCO’s World.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Footbal WorldHeritage Organization Alookbackontheevolution oftoday'smostpopulargames

  2. ArtcollectorArthurdeVillepinteamsupwithRaniVanouska T.ModelyandjoinstheboardofFootballWorldHeritage Princess Rani Vanouska T. Modely’s campaign to make FootballapartofUNESCO’sWorldIntangibleHeritagelistis creating ripples all around the world. From garnering interestfromtheworldofsport,politic,entertainment,and more,FootballWorldHeritagehasalsoreachedtheworldof artnow.

  3. Princess Rani Vanouska T. Modely and Arthur de Villepin arejoininghandstogetthebest artistsintheworldtorecreate masterpieces to be auctionned byprestigious auctions houses, likeChritie’s. Princess Rani Vanouska T. Modely

  4. Althebénefitswilgotothe action #OnechildOneBa l in support of the Footba l World Heritage UNESCO candidacy. FOOTBALL WORLD HERITAGEUNESCO CANDIDACY

  5. Speakingabouthisdecisionto support the Football World Heritagecampaign,Arthurde Villepinsaid,“Footballisinno doubtaworld heritage sport becauseitisuniversal. FOOTBALL WORLD HERITAGE CAMPAIGN

  6. fun andgames. Itwasal

  7. ArthurdeVillepinandRani VanouskaT.Modelycome from the same universe with the same idea of breakingdownbordersfor abetterworld.

  8. ArthurdeVillepinfurtherillustratedhisnotionaboutthe commonthemeinthedomainsofartandfootballandstated, “Thecommonvaluesthatbothartandfootballsharearetheir spontaneity and universality. Even though sketches or strategiesareusuallyrequiredbeforeexecutingartworkora game,itisallaboutadaptabilitytotheever-changingsituation duringtheprocess.


  10. FOOTBALL WORLD HERITAGECOMMITTEE ArthurdeVillepinisnowamemberoftheFootballWorld HeritageCommittee,andwillbringanewartisticedgeto thisglobalvision. Visit:https://www.instagram.com/vanouskamodely


  12. Football legends like Pele, Beckham, or Mbappe have proven that they can have a strong impact on adults and children worldwide. It’s a fact that more than half the world either plays or watches footballgames. Formoreinformation, please visit: www.footballworldheritage.org

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