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How to enhance learning at home. Reading. Sharing a book should be FUN! Reading is more than words. Try to make reading time QUALITY TIME. The very Hungry C aterpillar. Phonics. Phoneme is the smallest sound in a word. Children need to learn the sounds to make and break up words. .
Reading • Sharing a book should be FUN! • Reading is more than words. • Try to make reading time QUALITY TIME.
Phonics • Phoneme is the smallest sound in a word. • Children need to learn the sounds to make and break up words.
Blending and Segmenting • Blending – Making words from sounds • Segmenting – Breaking words into their sounds
Cursive Writing Cursive Writing Demo
Numeracy • All children are natural mathematicians. • Use the world around us!
What can I teach my child? • To count forwards and backwards up to 3o. • Number bonds to 10 on their fingers. • One more one less. • To look for patterns and shapes. • To play board games with your child. • To use positional and directional language.
What can I teach my child? • The name and sound of every letter in the alphabet. • To sing songs and know nursery rhymes. • Enjoy reading everything and anything!
What should be in my child’s book bag? • A book of their choice (Changed Mon, Wed &Fri) • A book that the teacher has chosen (Changed once a week) • Reading Record. • Sound Book. • High Frequency Words. • HOMEWORK?