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What is JF-TekNat?

What is JF-TekNat?. An organisation that aims to... Support and promote the career development of junior researchers at the Faculty of Science and Technology Interact positively with other members of the TekNat faculty Stimulate new, creative and highly competitive research at the faculty.

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What is JF-TekNat?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What is JF-TekNat? • An organisation that aims to... • Support and promote the career development of junior researchers at the Faculty of Science and Technology • Interact positively with other members of the TekNat faculty • Stimulate new, creative and highly competitive research at the faculty

  2. Who are Junior Faculty? • Anyone with a PhD but with no permanent position (i.e. postdocs, researchers, assistant professors (foass)) • JFs are common at other Universities worldwide (e.g. Junior Faculty Development Program, USA) • Several Swedish universities and ’högskolor’ have some kind of JF in at least one of their faculties

  3. National Network ofJunior Scientists (NOJS) Junior Faculty in Sweden FF – Umeå (Medicine) JF-MedFarm & JF-TekNat – Uppsala JF – Karolinska InstitutStockholm JF Sahlgrenska Academy – Göteborg JF – Hälsouniversitet Linköping Future Faculty – Lund (Medicien)

  4. Typical situation for a young researcher today? • Insufficient finances makes it difficult to establish a new research program • Career structure: few positions are available at the intermediate career stages • Conditions for a successful career are unclear • The above points often coincide with the formation of families…

  5. JF-TekNat’s ’curriculum vitae’ • Founded in Spring 2006 • Formation of a steering committee • Representatives from Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Earth Science & Physics (so far noone from Mathematics & Computer Sciences) • Meet ~ once a month • 56 active members (~ 220 potential members) • Seminars 2006 • ”Role of JF” Jonas Björck (VR) & Hans Ellegren (EBC) • ”How to become a Docent” Gunnar Ingelman (IKP) • ”How to find funding” Boel Åström (TekNat faculty)

  6. JF-TekNat’s CV (continued…) • Seminars co-organised with JF-MedFarm • ”What SSF does for young researchers” Lars Rask (SSF) • Debate on career structure at Swedish universities (co-organised with SULF) • Frequent contact with the dean of facultyJan-Otto Carlsson • Activity report 2006 presented to dean of faculty

  7. Activities of JF-TekNat for 2007 • Science fair (TekNat-MedFarm) January 30 at BMC • Establish contact with the section deans within TekNat • Organising a seminar series on topics relevant to young researchers • Extend membership of JF-TekNat

  8. Future activities • Steering committee elections • Survey of conditions for young researchers at TekNat • Establish a Foass Mentor program (MedFarm-TekNat exchange?) • Assist HumSam in establishing a JF-HumSam • Develop connection with NOJS

  9. “Wish list” for the future • A webpage • Create a 25% position for someone to deal with JF-TekNat administration • Obtain an annual budget for JF-TekNat activities (see activity report 2006) • Faculty/institutions to give support in the form of start-up grants and/or Ph.D. positions equally to both internally and externally financed ’foass’ (conditions for externally financed positions vary widely)

  10. Thank you

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