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Discipline Got You Down?: A Practical Approach to Preventing Misbehavior [based on CHAMPS approach]. Presented by: Kate Howell Summer Institute 2013. Do you TWEET?.
Discipline Got You Down?:A Practical Approach to Preventing Misbehavior[based on CHAMPS approach] Presented by: Kate Howell Summer Institute 2013
Do you TWEET? BISD has a new hashtag (#) that we will use anytime any one of us engages in professional learning or wants to connect with fellow BISD educators #educ8bisd
Don’t forget: You can copy-paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll.
I can use proactive strategies to prevent misbehavior • I can correct misbehavior using a positive approach NORMS
The CHAMPS Approach says… • The goal of classroom management is to develop students • who are: • Respectful • Responsible • Motivated • Highly engaged
What CHAMPS is… • A guide to the decisions teachers can make to build & implement a proactive & positive approach to classroom management • Continuous improvement process • Common language among staff • Acronym
What CHAMPS is NOT… • A canned program • A rigid set of procedures Make it work for you!
Today’s Topics • Teach Expectations • Interact Positively • Correct fluently
When expectations are clear, students never have to guess how you expect them to behave Teach expectations
What are the expectations for…? • Instructional activities • Transition times • Rotation classes • Special occasions
CHAMPS C- Conversation H- Help A- Activity M- Movement P- Participation S- SUCCESS! [or signal]
Conversation • Can students talk with each other? • If so, about what? • To whom? • How many can be involved? • How long should conversation last?
Help • How should students get questions answered during this activity? • How should students get the teacher’s attention? • If the students have to wait for help, what should they do while waiting?
Activity • What are the students expected to be doing? • What is the expected end product of the activity? • What should students do after finishing the activity?
Movement • Can students get out of their seats during this activity? • If yes, acceptable reasons include: • Pencil • Restroom • Drink • Hand in/pick up materials • Do they need permission from you?
Participation • What behaviors show that students are participating fully and responsibly? • What behaviors show that a student is not participating?
How will I know you are participating? Independently Working
Success! Clear and consistent expectations lead our students to success! Another option for “S” is… Signal Decide on a signal to use to get students’ attention & teach them to respond by focusing on you in silence
Possible signals • Raise your hand in a swooping, half-circle motion • Teacher says, “Class” Students say, “Yes.” (any type of chant/repeat) • Chimes or bell
What are some routines that would benefit from being “CHAMP”ed?
Let’s CHAMP! Choose a routine to CHAMP Work with a partner to complete the CHAMPS worksheet Use the guiding questions to help you Share out!
Provide frequent, non-contingent attention to build relationships AND positive feedback to acknowledge students’ efforts to be successful. interact Positively
“ Noncontigent attention involves giving students time and attention not because of anything they’ve done, but just because you notice and value them as people.” (Alberto & Troutman, 2006; Carr et. al., 2000)
Build positive relationships • Greet students at the door • Show an interest in students’ work • Invite students to ask for assistance • Have conversations with students • Make a special effort to greet or talk to any student you’ve recently interacted with regarding a misbehavior
The 3 “H” Rule Hand shake High five Hug
Provide feedback POSITIVE • Accurate • Specific & descriptive • Contingent upon the target behavior • Age-appropriate • Given immediately • Make it fit your style! Make it GENUINE!!
Acknowledge progress and success with Celebrations! • Make it more than verbal • Make it unpredictable
3:1 Ratio of Positive Interactions Plan to interact at least 3 times more often with each student when he is behaving appropriately than when he is misbehaving
3:1 Ratio of Positive Interactions Easy Middle Difficult
Employ a class wide motivation system • What is my goal for this system? • Is it appropriate for my classroom? • How will I maintain, modify, and fade this system?
Ideas for Motivation Systems • Table teams • Classroom money/tickets • Mystery Behavior • Spell a word to earn reward
Something to think about… If your classroom is so rigid and strict, your students will be more focused on not getting into trouble instead of the learning.
Pre-plan how to correct misbehavior so your responses are fluent, brief, calm, and immediate Correct fluently