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First Day of Class Anatomy Bio 11. DR. MAGRANN. Featured on Dr. Phil Brainpower Game Plan: Sharpen Your Memory, Improve Your Concentration, and Age-Proof Your Mind in Just 4 Weeks $12. Time saving tricks
First Day of ClassAnatomy Bio 11 DR. MAGRANN Featured on Dr. Phil Brainpower Game Plan: Sharpen Your Memory, Improve Your Concentration, and Age-Proof Your Mind in Just 4 Weeks $12
Time saving tricks http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/16/10-time-tricks-that-saved-my-butt-and-made-me-bundle/
Petitioners • Due to State Budget cutbacks, I can take only 36 students (4 petitioners). • Those who get an add code need to enroll online no later than next Saturday at 11pm, AND PAY THE FEE or the add code will expire. • If you have trouble registering with your add code, it may be that the system does not recognize that you took High School biology, so you need to fill out a form and submit it to the SM Department.
My National University Schedule • Aug-Sept = A&P part 1 • Oct-Nov = A&P part 2 • Dec-Jan = Micro (2 weeks off for X-Mas and New Year’s) • Feb-Mar = A&P part 1 • Apr-May = A&P part 2 • Jun-July = Micro is offered there, but I don’t teach in the summer • Hours = Tues + Thurs 5:30-10pm, dinner break from 7-7:30, plus every other Sat for 4 hours, usually 8am-noon • Location = 3390 Harbor Boulevard, Costa Mesa, CA 92626-1502 • Phone = (714) 429-5100 • You cannot register online, you must call and ask for me to be your instructor. There are always openings with other instructors, but my classes fill up fast, so apply a few months in advance.
Notes about National University • Cost = $1000 a month; financial aid is available, where you don’t start paying until 6 months after you have finished all the classes, and the payback rate is $30 a month (8.25% interest). • The courses are accelerated (4 months of work in 2 months), so don’t take any other classes at the same time. • It is a University, so the grading system includes plusses and minuses. • Also because it is a University, you have to write a 3-5 page report for lecture, and Micro lab requires a lab project and report as well. • The lectures and labs are separate classes, so your grades are separate. • You are not allowed to miss more than 3 lectures and 3 labs per class or you flunk, since each class is only 8 weeks (school rules).
Anatomy: Coastline Community, Westminster • Mon + Wed 12:15 - 4:30pm • I can only take 4 petitioners, and only according to the school’s wait list. It is easy to get an early registration date if you apply at least one month in advance.
Free Amazon Prime for Students • You can get free shipping for 6 months on most Amazon products (including books, school supplies) • http://www.amazon.com/gp/student/signup/info • Flashcard Website: http://quizlet.com/12344020/renal-physiology-overview-flash-cards/ • Some students want more time with the bones and muscles (for lab), and the library is not open for the weekend students. If you want to buy your own bones and muscles to take home, the following slide has the best websites I have found:
Budget Life Size Skull • $21, free shipping http://www.protherapysupplies.com/Shop-By-Category/Anatomical-Models/Budget-Life-Size-Skull-4th-Quality?gclid=CJDU1tTGk7UCFWlxQgodTU0Amg&source=googleps Skull and mandible had a few holes not drilled out, but otherwise great for the money. Note: you get a similar skull if you order the Bag of Bones.
My First Skeleton (Tiny Tim): 17” tall • $24 http://www.protherapysupplies.com/Shop-By-Category/Anatomical-Models/My-First-Skeleton-Tiny-Tim?gclid=COiSteDEk7UCFUfhQgodPGAAEw&source=googleps Skull cap comes off so you can look inside.
Big Tim Skeleton (26” tall) • $40 http://www.protherapysupplies.com/Shop-By-Category/Anatomical-Models/Painted-Numbered-Big-Tim-Skeleton?gclid=CMLA_ePFk7UCFSmCQgod1zEAMA&source=googleps Skull cap comes off so you can look inside. Has muscle origins and insertions painted on to help for the second lab exam too.
Bucky’s Boneyard Bag of Bones (make sure it says it weighs ~12 pounds) • $48 with shipping http://www.pricefalls.com/products/Buckys-Boneyard-The-12-Pound-Bag-Of-Bones/id/59990136?utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=PLA&utm_content=40032956551&utm_campaign=pla-listings Mine was missing an ulna and cervical vertebrae, but had all the other bones. Skull and mandible had a few holes not drilled out.
Muscle man (8” tall) • $20 http://www.brilliantpuzzles.com/4d_human_anatomy_muscle_skeleton_model.html?gdftrk=gdfV23721_a_7c2245_a_7c9614_a_7c26058&gclid=CP-H_rbIk7UCFUfhQgodPGAAEw http://store.123greetings.com/tedco-26058-4d-human-anatomy-muscle-and-skeleton-model.html?utm_source=gmc&utm_medium=google&utm_campaign=september12&gclid=CN7HgoHJk7UCFct7Qgod1S0A9g
Model Anatomy Professional Medical Acupuncture Muscle Male 24" • $40 plus $13 shipping • Several places on Ebay http://www.ebay.com/itm/Male-Acupuncture-and-Muscle-Model-Anatomical-Model-24-Tall-NEW-/200718023095?_trksid=p3284.m263&_trkparms=algo%3DSIC%26its%3DI%26itu%3DUCI%252BIA%252BUA%252BFICS%252BUFI%26otn%3D21%26pmod%3D260881754015%26ps%3D54
Model Anatomy Professional Medical Acupuncture Muscle Male 24" • $70 plus $25 shipping • Several places on Ebay http://www.ebay.com/itm/Model-Anatomy-Professional-Medical-Acupuncture-Muscle-Male-55cm-22-ANGELUS-/250919799937?_trksid=p3284.m263&_trkparms=algo%3DSIC%26its%3DI%26itu%3DUCI%252BIA%252BUA%252BFICS%252BUFI%26otn%3D21%26pmod%3D260881754015%26ps%3D54
Make your own muscle man model Made from an inexpensive 3D muscle poster
The Muscular System 3d Raised Relief Chart • $12 with shipping http://www.textbookx.com/detail.php?utm_source=Froogle&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=price_comp&affiliate=froogle&action=buy&upc=9781587790386&cond=new&price=8.94&kw={keyword}&gclid=CJehucnLk7UCFQ_hQgodgFIAqQ
The Muscular System 3d Raised Relief Chart • $20 with shipping 18" x 25" http://www.textbookx.com/detail.php?utm_source=Froogle&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=price_comp&affiliate=froogle&action=buy&upc=9781587790386&cond=new&price=8.94&kw={keyword}&gclid=CJehucnLk7UCFQ_hQgodgFIAqQ
BIO 11 HUMAN ANATOMY • BIO 110 ANATOMY DISCUSSIONS • Instructor: Dr. Tracey Magrann • Lecture: Fri, 5-6-pm (room SM204)plus Sat, 9AM -11:00AM(Room SM 204) (attend both lectures) • Lab: Fri, 6-9pm, Room SM 245 plus Sat, 11:30-2:30pm Room SM 245 (attend both labs) • E-mail: tmagrann@Saddleback.edu • Website: drmagrann.com Download and print all course materials from this website!
Course Description and student learning objectives • This course is designed to introduce you to the anatomy of the human body as well as to prepare you for the course in human physiology. This course will include discussion of organization at the level of cell, tissue, organ and system, developmental biology and function. The laboratory will include histology at the light microscopic level, use of models, dissection of the cat and study of the human cadaver. Please see the college website schedule of classes to see the entire listing of student learning objectives at: http://www1.socccd.cc.ca.us/eservices/ClassCurricText.asp?termID=20101&siteID=A&courseID=144090&header=BIO++11+++++%2D+HUMAN+ANATOMY&textID=L • Student learning objectives: Students completing BIO 11 will be able to comprehend and evaluate content relating to human body structure, function and disease. 70% of the students in all sections of BIO 11 (Human Anatomy) will correctly respond to an identical question set of 15 - 25 questions that assess the SLO embedded in the final exams.
Textbooks and Other Supplies (Recommended; other books or older versions okay) • Human Anatomy, by Marieb, Mallatt, Wilhelm, 6th edition (other editions or other texts are okay). • Human Anatomy Laboratory Manual with Cat Dissections by E. Marieb. ISBN 080533856X • A box of thin rubber gloves for your own use during dissections. (Available at local drug stores.) • Eight Scantrons #882E for lecture and lab • MAKE SURE YOU DON’T FOLD OR WRINKLE THEM PUT YOUR NAME IN THE BOOK
You might want to keep your Anatomy TextYou will probably use it in the future!
Grading Policy • Grade in Bio 110 is based on attendance and participation only. • Grades in Bio 11 are based on lecture exams and quizzes and lab exams. • A = 90-100% • B = 80-89% • C = 70-79% • D = 60-69% • F<60%. • NOTE: IF YOU GET AN F IN LAB, YOU WILL FAIL THE ENTIRE COURSE
Lecture Exams and Quizzes • There are a total of 6 quizzes during the semester. These will be given during lab time. The material on the quizzes is on the lecture material from the previous week (all quizzes are multiple choice except the first one is short answer). Each quiz is 10 questions, worth 1 point each. • You do NOT need a scantron for any quiz. • There are 4 lecture exams worth 140 points each; the 2nd exam will have 5 questions from the Unit 1 material, the 3rd exam will have 5 questions from the Unit 1 material and 5 questions from the unit 2 material. The 4th exam is a comprehensive final exam. • All four lecture exams are 70 questions worth 2 points each. There are 10 questions per test which are fill-in-the-blank, and the rest are multiple choice (use a scantron). • The points in lecture total 620. There is no extra credit in lecture. Total points for the course are 1040.
Lecture Make-up Exams • It is essential that you be present for scheduled exams. Makeup exams will be administered for severe and compelling reasons only, and only when notice is given directly to the Instructor well in advance of the exam or when accompanied by a physician’s note.
Lab Practical Exams • The total possible points in lab are 400, plus 5 extra credit points per lab exam. The final is not cumulative EXCEPT for all the histology (microscope slides). If you miss a lab practical exam for a severe and compelling reason, the following options are available. Otherwise, a missed practical will count as a zero. • a) Arrange to take the test with another class. If you decide to take the practical with the other instructor’s class, you alone are responsible for notifying me in advance, making all arrangements and for seeing that the test is forwarded to me. You may get a slightly lower score as each instructor personalizes the test for their class. • b) If a test is missed altogether, there must be a legitimate and clearexplanation (doctor’s note. etc.). If such an explanation is provided and accepted, you will NOT be allowed to take a make-up but will be given a score equal to the lowest score you receive on any practical. Also, I must be satisfied thatyou were making good progress before the exam by having been in attendance regularly and having participated in all of the labs for the specific practical. If you subsequently miss a second exam for anyreason, that exam will be scored a zero, and since it will be your lowest score, the previously missed exam will also become a zero. Everystudent musttake the last practical, as scheduled.
TECHNOLOGY • Students are expected to be competent in using current technology appropriate for this discipline. • Such technology may include word processing, spreadsheet and presentation software. • Use of the internet and e-mail is also be required. • You might want to bring your laptop to class. • There are many electrical outlets in lab but few in lecture but you can bring a long extension cord and a multi-plug outlet if needed.
Cell Phones • Please turn your cell phone to vibrate during class time. • Please turn your cell phone OFF during exams. • You are NOT ALLOWED TO ANSWER A CELL PHONE DURING AN EXAM OR QUIZ. • Please arrange in advance for another person to be an emergency contact for your children during your exam times. • You also must have all cell phones put away (out of your sight and out of reach) during all quizzes and exams.
Attendance • Attendance in lecture and laboratory is not mandatory except in lab during the first month when I need to see if there are any openings for petitioners. However, attending class is an important part of your being able to learn the vast body of information we cover this semester. If you miss a class it is your responsibility to obtain the information from a fellow classmate. Keep in mind though, that missing lectures or lab in excess of 6 hours (total during the course) may result in your being dropped from the course, in accordance with College policy. I will probably not enforce this unless you are flunking the class. Refer to Add/Drop section below. You are still responsible for any announcements made in class.
Disabilities • If you have specific disabilities and require accommodations, please let me know in the first week of the semester so that your learning needs may be appropriately met. You will need to provide documentation of your disability to the Special Services Office in the Student Services Center, Room 113. All discussions will remain confidential.
Add / Drops • Students given an APC must process it with Admissions and Records before the expiration date printed on it. Enrolled students who do not attend two of the first four class meetings (lecture and lab) will be dropped from the roster as NO SHOW. Students missing a total of 6 hours of class during the semester may be dropped. If you need to drop the class, make sure you officially withdraw through Admissions and Records, or you will get an “F” on your permanent record. • If you drop the class, you cannot continue to attend lecture or lab.
Getting a W or an F? • If a student gets a D or F in a class, you can retake the class, but the bad grade will always remain on your transcript along with and “R”, indicating you re-took the class, and the new grade will also appear. • Only the new grade is used for your GPA (but you have to fill out a form at Admissions and Records, it is not automatic). However, since the bad grade also appears on your record, you may want to consider dropping the class instead of getting the bad grade that nursing schools can still see.
Getting a W or an F? • Getting a W is also not viewed favorably by nursing schools. The last day to drop a class without a W is on the Friday of the first lecture exam. You have until 11pm to drop. I will let you use my computer if you decide to drop after you see your grade for the lecture exam.
Getting a B or a C? • If you get a B or C in a class, you cannot take it again at the same school DISTRICT. You can take it again elsewhere, but both of your grades will be seen by the nursing school if you submit both transcripts. • The nursing schools look at a C the first time you take a class and an A the second time you take a class, and they will give you credit for your average of both grades, so they will assign you a B for the overall grade in that class.
Tip • If you plan on withdrawing with a W and retaking the class, it is better to stay here until the last day to drop with a W (about 6 weeks before the end of the semester). • Once you drop, you cannot come back in to the classroom to audit…problems with liability.
How do nursing schools feel about W’s and F’s? • Cypress –One W in the prerequisites is OK. • Cerritos –Only allows 1 W, D, or F for prerequisites. Can repeat 1 prerequisite to improve the grade. • Golden West –They have a formula for the number of W, D, or Fs on the transcripts. • Long Beach City –Only allows 1 W, D, or F for prerequisites. Can repeat 1 prerequisite to improve the grade. • Santa Ana – Student can petition to have the W, D, or F removed. GPA will calculate both grades until substandard grade removed. The number of W, D, or Fs does not affect entry. The first passing grade is the grade used to calculate points for entry into the program.
New Rule! • All Community Colleges must abide by a new State rule: • No one can take the same class more that three times in one school District (our District is Saddleback and IVC). • If you have taken this class twice in either of those two schools, this is the last semester you can take it again. • If you drop or flunk again, you would need to go to another school district.
New Rule: Three Strikes • A withdrawal is now counted the same as a D or F. • If you get an F, that is one strike. • If you get a W, that is one strike • If a person gets a D, that is one strike. • If you get three strikes in the same course (even with different instructors), you cannot take the class again in the same school district. • If you had extenuating circumstances, you may petition to have a strike removed.
Make sure you write your answers on the correct line of your Scranton…the right answer on the wrong line is still wrong! That’s like writing the morning dose of a patient’s medicine on the line for the evening dose!
Math, Science, and Engineering Division Policy on Academic Integrity • Academic integrity is not just a matter of “following the rules.” It is a matter of participating in an intellectual community in a way that fosters the values of that community. These values include the promotion of learning, the sharing of knowledge, and the honest acknowledgment of the various sources of information. This document is designed with the purpose of clarifying some specific student actions that promote or violate these values. It should be read as a reinforcement, clarification, and extension of the "Academic Honor Code" as stated in the Saddleback College Catalog (under the section of "Student Rights and Responsibilities") and in the Student Handbook as the "Code of Conduct".
Math, Science, and Engineering Division Policy on Academic Integrity • This document is not designed to be an exhaustive list of academic “dos and don’ts.” Rather, students are expected to understand that all participants in an academic environment have an active and on-going responsibility to be self-critical and to assess whether their actions are in compliance with a true spirit of learning. Students are accountable for academic dishonesty in any form, whether their actions are explicitly listed below or not. Further, ignorance or confusion about this policy or its interpretation is not a valid excuse for violating it. It is each student’s responsibility to recognize when an action is questionable and to question it. When in doubt, a student should always ask his or her instructor.
Academic honesty • When you submit work for credit you must do so honestly. At a minimum, this means: • Any and all work you submit must be your own work. For lab work, this includes gathering, analyzing, and presenting data. Group projects, if assigned, should be submitted using only the names of group members who contributed to the completion of the project. • You may use only those resources explicitly allowed by the instructor in completing an assignment. Allowed resources will vary with classes, instructors, and assignments. It is your responsibility to know which resources are allowed on any given assignment. • You must acknowledge use of allowed resources in completing an assignment, unless the instructor does not require such acknowledgment. Many instructors allow, and even encourage, students to receive help from each other, other instructors, tutors, and/or printed or online materials. At the top of any assignment on which you have received outside help, you should list the sources of that help. For example, you might write: “I worked with [names of classmates worked with]” or “I got help in the LAP from [names of tutors].” • Unless given explicit permission, you may not submit work for credit if that work was completed for a different class. This includes work completed for the same course in a different semester. Learning is not just about the final product, but the process, and instructors give assignments with the expectation that completing the assignment will be a learning experience.
Academic dishonesty • The following actions are considered to be cheating. Again, this is not an exhaustive list, and students are expected to take an active role in assessing their own actions to ensure that they are honest. • Submitting a test or any other work (including homework, lab report, research or literature report, etc.) that is copied wholly or in part from another person's test or work, or knowingly allowing another student to copy from your work. • Having another person complete an assignment, take a test, or otherwise meet a requirement for you or you doing so for another student. • Using written or electronically retrievable notes or other unauthorized sources of information during a test. • Receiving specific information about a test from anyone but the instructor during the test, or giving to or allowing another student to get from you such information during the test. • Receiving specific information about the contents of a test before taking it, or providing specific information about a test after taking it in such a way that another student receives the information before s/he takes the same or a similar test. • Plagiarizing assignments from any source including Internet sources. • Falsifying or altering laboratory data, or copying results or answers from another student. Even if you were directed to work in a pair or other grouping, and although you may be allowed to share "primary data", it will be considered as evidence of cheating if you and another student report identical results that should naturally differ from one student to another, or identical wording in conclusions, answers to questions, etc. "Primary data" means numerical values or observations obtained directly by the experimenter or read directly from a measuring instrument.
Academic dishonesty • Submitting a lab report using data you did not help to collect or sharing data with a student who did not help collect it. This does not include data provided by the instructor. While lab work is often done in groups, each group member is expected to participate in performing the experiment and analyzing and presenting the data collected. • Getting allowed help in preparing, writing, reviewing, editing, or proofreading an assignment for submission without acknowledging that help, if required by the instructor. This includes help from any source including other students, teachers, lab technicians, family members, friends, acquaintances, and even from anonymous sources (especially Internet sources). It may not be considered cheating to get the help, but it is definitely considered cheating not to note the source and extent of the help in a prominent way in the submitted work, if required by the instructor. • Using the whole of or substantial part(s) of any written assignment submitted for credit in another (concurrent or previously taken) course, without the explicit permission of the current instructor. • The penalties for any act of academic dishonesty are left to the discretion of the instructor. Possible penalties are listed in College Catalog and the Student Handbook. • It is the policy of this division that all acts of dishonesty are reported to the Division Dean and the Vice President for Student Services. The Vice President keeps records of all reported incidents, and repeated offenses are handled with increasing severity.
Miscellaneous Information and Tips • Cell Phones: Electronic devices ringing during class can be very annoying to your fellow students. They must be turned off or be converted to the vibrate mode once in the classroom. • Please do not bring guests or children to class. We must ask this for college liability reasons. • You are welcome to use a tape recorder in class and you may use a digital camera for studying lab work. When the human cadavers are in the classroom- NO PICTURES ARE ALLOWED! • Make use of free tutoring at the Learning Assistance Program (LAP) on the lower level of the library. • If you have a lap top computer you like to use, bring it and type your notes while I lecture. You should also try to make some of your flashcards during the lecture— it saves time! • Be courteous to the instructor and your classmates at all times! Arrive to class on time. • When you e-mail me, write intelligently. Use complete sentences with correct spelling. Also, identify yourself in the e-mail and the subject line should identify the class. Remember, you will be asking me for a letter of recommendation someday wherein I have to judge your written communication skills. • NOTE: Email this week with your name and the email address you want me to use for announcements. • NOTE: The first month of lab is studying bones. There are bone boxes available in the library at the AV desk for students to use outside of class time.
Miscellaneous Information and Tips • You are encouraged to form study groups outside of class. It is common to see a remarkable improvement in students’ performance when they review and study as a group. Before you leave today make 3 friends in class/ or study groups you can contact for information due to missed class time or studying times. Get their email addresses and cell phone numbers if possible.
Grades Posted by Random ID Number • It is against campus policy to post grades by student names or ID number. • Therefore, you will be assigned a random number to use this semester so you can see your grades each month.
Lab Safety • Do not eat, drink, smoke or store food in the laboratory. Avoid all finger to mouth contact. • Report ALL accidents immediately! • Wipe down the lab bench surface with disinfectant before each lab period. • Keep the lab bench clear of any unnecessary books or other items. • Know the locations of fire extinguishers, the fire blanket, the eyewash apparatus, emergency flashlights and the first aid kit. • Know emergency procedures, phone numbers (x4444) and evacuation routes (see information on the bulletin board in the front of the classroom.) • Use caution when handling sharp instruments. • Wear gloves in the lab if your hands have cuts or suffer broken skin. • Inform your instructor of any allergies or medical conditions you may have that could directly affect your work in the lab. (including pregnancy.) • Under no circumstances are visitors or children allowed in the lab. • If you drop the class, you cannot continue to attend lecture or lab.