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Impact of E-Print Archives: A Case Study Analysis

Explore the quality and impact of e-print archives on research publications, citing measures, and the significance of arXiv.org in academic circles. Discover year-wise trends and comparison with traditional journals.

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Impact of E-Print Archives: A Case Study Analysis

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  1. Impact of e-print archives: A case study of physics archives uploaded in arXiv.org by E.R. Prakasan Anil Sagar Anil Kumar V.L. Kalyane and Vijai Kumar Scientific Information Resource Division Knowledge Management Group Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Trombay, Mumbai – 400 085

  2. Open E-Print Archives Anybodycan upload Any documents/articles to the web server and is accessible to Any one in the world What about the quality of the uploaded e-print archives ? Impact of e-print archives

  3. One of the prevalent measures to assess the quality: Number of citations Impact of e-print archives

  4. Two measures based on citations to assess the quality of journals as per Thomson Scientific (Formerly Institute for Scientific Information, Philadelphia) Impact Factor = Number of citations received in the calculating year to the previous two years articles ________________________________________________________ Number of articles published in the previous two years Immediacy Index = Number of citations received in the calculating year to the articles published in the calculating year ________________________________________________________ Number of articles published in the calculating year - Eugine Garfield Impact of e-print archives

  5. Started in 1991 The first of its kind in the world. Brainchild of Paul Ginsparg, a physicist. Covered fields Physics, mathematics, non-linear science, computer science, quantitative biology and statistics Operated and funded by Cornell University, a private not-for-profit educational institution and is also partially funded by the National Science Foundation, USA Reason for taking for the present study It is one of the highly using e-print archive service for current research, breaking scientific discoveries, and keeping up with colleagues by researchers around the world. Facts about arXiv.org (http://arxiv.org)

  6. The physics category of arXiv.org is again categorised in to 12 sub-classes as follows: Astrophysics (astro-ph) Condensed Matter (cond-mat) General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc) High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex) High Energy Physics - Lattice (hep-lat) High Energy Phyics - Phenomenology (hep-ph) High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th) Mathematical Physics (math-ph) Nuclear Experiment (nucl-ex) Nuclear Theory (nucl-th) General Physics (physics) Quantum Physics (quant-ph)

  7. Number of submissions to the physics sub-categories of Arxiv.org from 2003-2007 Impact of e-print archives

  8. Year-wise percentage growth of total number of submissions to arXiv.org during 2002-2006 and citations as per Science Citation Index Impact of e-print archives

  9. Impact Factors of the Physics Classes of arXiv.org calculated for the year 2007 Current Science, high-impact factor journal of India has only an Impact Factor 0.8 as per Journal Citation Reports-2007 Impact of e-print archives

  10. Immediacy Indices of the Physics Classes of arXiv.org calculated for the year 2007 Impact of e-print archives

  11. CONCLUDING REMARKS The study reveal that e-print archives have become the first choice of many researchers like journal articles for their R&D activities. E-Print archives certainly compete with journals articles in terms of usage. The impact may go up if the study could have used other citation trackers like ‘Google Scholar’, ‘Citebase’, ‘Citeseer’, and the databases like ‘Scopus’ etc. . Impact of e-print archives

  12. CONCLUDING REMARKS (continued….) As a library professional we can certainly rely on e-print archives for the requirements of our clients. The present trend of using open institutional repositories is very appreciable. Ultimately both researchers and library professionals enjoy the free access of information and knowledge. . Impact of e-print archives

  13. Thanks one and all

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